Goat Riding Tradition / Ritual in Aurin | World Anvil

Goat Riding


Written by FirethornDragon

In the organization of Oblon, an old tradition involving goat riding exists. This tradition is an integral part of the culture of Oblon and is followed by all dwarfs when they turn 15 years old. The tradition of goat riding is not just a mere activity but involves a deep bond between the goat and its rider. According to the dwarfs of Oblon, the goat chooses its rider and not vice versa.       To complete the bond between the goat and its rider, the dwarf has to be able to stay in the saddle and not fall off. This task is not easy, requiring much practice and skill. The dwarfs of Oblon take this tradition very seriously, and they believe that the bond between the goat and its rider is a sacred one. If the dwarf succeeds in staying in the saddle, the bond is complete, and the goat becomes a loyal companion to its rider for life.       For every young dwarf, a tradition holds a special place in their hearts - the search for their bonded goat. It is a rite of passage that every dwarf eagerly looks forward to. The tradition is so sacred that dwarfs rarely share it with outsiders. However, if they consider you one of their own, they will invite you to participate in this time-honored tradition. They do not allow anyone to participate, so if you are fortunate enough to be included, consider it a great honor.


Goat riding has a rich and intriguing history that dates back to the early days of Oblon before it was a unified country. The clans residing in the mountainous regions needed a mode of transportation that could help them travel quickly along the mountains without relying on tunnels. One day, a few dwarfs observed goats nimbly climbing the mountain cliffs and decided to try riding them.     Initially, the dwarfs faced several challenges and failed to ride the goats. However, they did not give up and continued experimenting with different techniques until they finally succeeded. They formed a strong bond with the goats and began breeding them for transportation and companionship.     Over time, goat riding became a popular mode of transportation among the dwarfs, and they started to breed goats selectively to improve their riding abilities. They also developed specialized saddles and other equipment to make goat riding more comfortable and safe.     Today, goat farms can be found in various cities and towns throughout Oblon, and even some smaller villages have some goat farms.
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Cover image: Oblon by Charlotte.S


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Dec 13, 2023 19:18 by Marc Zipper

Thank you for the image of goats knocking dwarves of them in my head. Great article to read

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Dec 13, 2023 19:32 by Charlotte S

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.