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The Fall of Shards

When Liliose Goddess of Death grew tired of playing second fiddle to her sister Eidolon Goddess of Life she sought her sons Tymerous God of Chaos and Asphodel God of Deception.  In secret they concocted a plan to murder Eidolon. Unbeknownst to them cloaked in her veil of shadows, Noctua Goddess of Darkness & Shadow (sister to Eidolon and Liliose ) was present and heard the entire plan. Seizing her opportunity Noctua  though intrigued by her sister's boldness, stealthily stole away to warn her sister Eidolon and her love Lorthion God of Storms of the treachery.   With the information Eidolon and Lorthion formulated their own plan to thwart her sister's plans. A great battle waged on for days felling thousands on both sides. In the final battle Eidolon's Staff clashed with Liliose's Corrupted Blade. Blows reigning fierce from both, with an earth-shattering crash, the weapons exploded, raining shards of each to Aurelimoore below. Life and Death falling from the heavens above inflicting untold devastation throughout the realm. Several shards fused together during the fall, combining into one shard of Life and Death. Overtime Murasion Goddess of Nature utilized her magics to spread growth over those shards. Their power ever present in the realm plunging us into the Age of Undying.

The Conflict


The destruction of the Elven Kingdom of Yaenivell was a major result of the Fall of Shards. The lingering magics of the shards combining together ultimately created The Shard Blight and resulted in the "birth" of The Matron. Before the Fall of Shards undead existed across Aurelimoore, but not anywhere near the extent they did after.
Conflict Result
The Age of Undying


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