High elf Ethnicity in Aurasong | World Anvil
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High elf

The high elves are people that are drawn more to magic than to nature and are building their towns similar to the way humans do.   They are highly disciplined and are careful to enjoy things like alcohol, sugar or games in small amounts.
Secretly they believe themselves to be "better" in some ways than their wood elf cousins.     One of the if not the only intelligent race where almost every member of their race can perform some kind of magic. Magic is rare in the world so these people are very special in their own right.     These people generally make music with gentle singing and using the harp, as well as a few other similar string instruments.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alandra, Briette, Baudhel, Elaine, Falina, Felathel, Faeneth, Faraiell, Faradis, Galadriel, Gabriela, Ladia, Lastaiell, Limien, Maethriel, Taliah, Tolthriel, Ningannelbes, Rostriel, Aderthril, Hûrel, Îrien, Talaganeth, Nedirien, Tolthadis, Tathariel, Umiel, Gwainel

Masculine names

Azilizat, Beolas, Ravandil, Inolas, Margovil, Delver, Gabhranadd, Melleid, Albertatt, Alecart, Guinglainid, Glain, Ioldir, Adelgron, Aderthion, Faurdir, Lemben, Nauthon, Tinuon, Alachanar, Naegrion, Annor, Teithion, Tangadon, Gaerdor

Family names

Gwencalon, Meallan, Catrin, Sceanbh, Gwevyl, Morfess, Gaeth, Luchtain, Anwell


Major language groups and dialects

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