Divinitas Concordia Organization in Atraeleon | World Anvil
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Divinitas Concordia

The national religion of the Atraelian Empire, this polytheistic dogma reigns supreme in Atraeleon.   Divinitas Concordia is a polytheistic religion with a pantheon of deities. It is widely practiced throughout the Atraeleon Empire and is deeply integrated into the culture and daily life of its citizens.   The religion teaches that the deities, collectively known as the Divinitas, are responsible for creating and maintaining the world. Each deity has a specific domain or aspect of life that they preside over, and they are often worshipped and prayed to for guidance, protection, and blessings in their respective areas.   The religion has a structured hierarchy of priests and priestesses, who serve as intermediaries between the common people and the deities. They perform various religious ceremonies, including offerings and sacrifices, and provide guidance and counsel to their followers.   One of the core beliefs of the religion is the idea of balance and harmony in all things. It is believed that the deities work together to maintain this balance and that humans must also strive for balance in their own lives and in their relationships with others and with nature.   Overall, the religion emphasizes the importance of living a virtuous life and honoring the deities through prayer, offerings, and good deeds. It has a strong moral code and encourages its followers to live in harmony with each other and with the world around them.

Mythology & Lore

According to Atraelian mythology, Atraea created the world and all its creatures by singing a powerful song that brought everything into being. She is said to have imbued the world with her own essence, infusing it with the light and warmth of the sun. Atraea is also credited with creating the first intelligent beings, whom she taught to hunt and build, and whom she watches over to this day.   Pharasma was one of the first beings to join Atraea in the creation of the world. She is said to be responsible for guiding the souls of the dead to their final resting place, and for overseeing the cycle of birth, life, and death. Pharasma is also credited with the ability to see into the future, and her priests and followers are often sought out for their divinatory powers.   Desna was one of the first beings to join Atraea in the creation of the world. She is said to have created the stars and the constellations, and to be responsible for guiding travelers and adventurers on their journeys. Desna is also credited with the ability to enter people's dreams, and her priests and followers are often sought out for their divinatory powers.   Eira was one of the first beings to join Atraea in the creation of the world. She is said to have been responsible for bringing magic into the world and teaching humans and other creatures how to use it. Eira is also credited with creating the first forests and teaching humans the ways of the natural world, including how to forage and farm.   Kael was one of the first beings to join Atraea in the creation of the world. He is said to have been responsible for shaping the land and creating the mountains, rivers, and canyons that make up the world. Kael is also credited with teaching humans the art of war and strategy, and is said to have fought alongside them in many great battles against dark forces and monstrous creatures.   Moradin is believed to have crafted the first dwarves from the raw materials of the earth, imbuing them with his own strength and resilience. He is also credited with creating many of the wonders of the dwarven world, including great works of engineering and architecture, and his followers believe that he watches over and protects his people to this day.
Religious, Organised Religion


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