Atraelian Empire Organization in Atraeleon | World Anvil
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Atraelian Empire

The Atraelian Empire is a vast and powerful nation that has dominated the world of Atraeleon for over a thousand years. Its borders span the entire continent, with the capital city of Atraea's Throne located at the heart of the empire. The Atraelian Empire is renowned for its military might, with a large and well-trained army that is capable of crushing any opposition.   The empire is also a center of learning and culture, with great libraries, universities, and centers of artistic and scientific achievement. The Atraelian people are known for their love of art, music, and literature, and the empire has produced some of the greatest artists and scholars in history.   The Atraelian Empire is a theocracy, with the sun goddess Atraea as the supreme deity. The Emperor of Atraeleon (or Empress) is considered to be the divine representative of Atraea, and is believed to have been chosen by the goddess herself to rule the empire. The priests and priestesses of Atraea are powerful figures in Atraelian society, serving as advisors to the Emperor and playing a vital role in the daily life of the empire.   Despite its many accomplishments, the Atraelian Empire is not without its problems. There are often tensions between the ruling elite and the common people, and corruption and political intrigue are not uncommon. Additionally, the empire's expansionist policies have made it many enemies, and there are numerous former nations and factions that would like nothing more than to see the Atraelian Empire fall. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Atraelian people remain fiercely proud of their nation and their faith, and are willing to fight to defend it from any and all threats.
Founding Date
15 LD
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System


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