The Passage Tradition / Ritual in Atraeleon | World Anvil
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The Passage

Atraelian Funeral Rites

  In Atraeleon, the funeral ceremony performed by the priests and priestesses of Pharasma is known as "The Passage." It is a solemn and sacred ritual that honors the dead and helps guide their spirits safely to the afterlife. Acolytes of every major religion in Atraeleon also take part in the ceremony, each with their own part to play, just as each god has their own part to play in Atraelian lives.   During The Passage, the body of the deceased is carefully prepared and adorned with personal items and symbols that were important to them in life, including all their Soulkeepers. It is then placed on an ornate altar beside the statue of Pharasma, with a massive pendulum hanging from directly above. Friends and family gather around the body, offering prayers and blessings to help ease the transition to the next world, whilst acolytes of Eira move amongst them, offering condolences and support. After everyone has moved away, acolytes of Moradin bring new Soulkeeper pendants and place them in special recesses all around the altar.   Once the body is ready, twelve acolytes of Kael march into the room wearing a special harness over their ceremonial black clothing. They line up two abreast in front of the alter, and hook themselves together, before connecting the apparatus to a massive silver chain link protruding slightly from the altar. They heave the massive silver chain, pulling it out along the center of the crowd. The chain is quite heavy on its own, but it connects to a system of pullies that move the giant swinging pendulum into position from above the altar to the right side of the chamber, from the crowd's perspective. At the Deathpriest's signal, the acolytes of Kael release the chain, and the pendulum begins swinging. Each time it hits its extremity, a loud click or clack is heard, symbolizing the procession of time. The other priests and priestesses of Pharasma and the acolytes of Desna begin a slow, rhythmic chant with the pendulum that echoes through the sacred chamber where The Passage is held. The chanting grows louder and more intense as the ceremony continues, until the room seems to vibrate with the sound, and the temple itself seems to become an instrument. As it does, acolytes of Feralia dressed in Pharasma's colors enter and dance around the crowd and the altar to the booming rhythm of the living temple.   At the climax of the ceremony, the priests and priestesses raise their arms to the heavens and call out to Pharasma herself, asking her to guide the soul of the departed to the afterlife. As they do so, any flames present in the temple grow twofold and glow a brilliant bright purple, and the body of the deceased also begins to glow with a vibrant, purple light. It then disappears completely as all light sources fade to near nothing for a few brief moments, highlighting the Soulkeeper's new purple glow.   At the end of The Passage, each person whom the deceased considered a true loved one receives one of the small, intricately crafted Soulkeeper pendants. It is made of precious metals and adorned with a small gemstone called Etherealite. The ritual magically engraves each of the pendants with the name of the deceased and the name of the survivor it is intended for. The pendant is said to contain a tiny fragment of the deceased person's soul, and is meant to be worn as a reminder of their loved one's enduring presence in their lives.   In cases of mass death or battle, Deathpriests of Pharasma and Warpriests of Kael together can perform a Mass Passage. The details of this are not well known to the public at large, as this is a rare occurance.   If an Atraelian dies and no suitable temple is present nearby, the family and friends of the deceased will bare the body to the closest one. Some journey for weeks just to give their loved ones the opportunity to pass.This process is called the Final Pilgrimage. It is said that if an Atraelian goes too long beyond death without Passing, their soul may be lost and their body will become a vessel for demons.   In the event that no body can be found, The Passage can still be performed on any Soulkeepers still present from the deceased. In this way, their souls are allowed to pass on.   There are some wild folk and the like who do not know or recognize The Passage. They have their own rituals, usually involving more typical burials or cremation.
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Mar 27, 2023 04:06

This is an amazing concept!