The Coronation of Emilia Herschlag Material in Atlantica | World Anvil

The Coronation of Emilia Herschlag

Final draft of the speech Queen Emilia Herschlag gave at her coronation.   My friends.
I dare to call you my friends because we have wept together and bled together to bring forth into this world a new nation, one united by language and culture. Perhaps instead I should call you my fellow parents.
Our new child, our beloved infant nation is born into the world on this day. It is the first day of a long loving journey in which we will each come to love her. We are all her parents and like every new parent we must learn to feed her.
We will feed her wisdom, starting with the wisdom that we are not wise in the self righteousness, but in our ability to hear one another.
We will feed her so that she may grow in power and beauty, not to hold it over another's head but to be the child of beauty we already know she is, strong and independent. She will need strong bones of commerce, and strong teeth of the sword, and strong minds to guide her.
How does an infant nation grow these things? How does she find the nourishment she needs to grow into the powerful good nation we know she will be already. By giving her the milk of self. It will be our resources that grow her and sustain her. We measure these resources in gold and silver coin, but it is true that this is also her milk and lifesblood and source of her power. It is with this milk that she grows the blood vessels of roads and canals.
To feed her we must feed one another, work for her by working for one another.
And to lead, I will lead by example. I will not ask you to do what I will not do myself. I will be the first to feed her as it should be. I have already made arrangements with my accountants to liquefy a significant portion of my holdings, which I will use at low or no interest loans to build her bones. Each of you is being given a papers that not only attest to it, but contain offers for you to match with your own funds, so that OUR child may grow.
I will feed her the milk of nations, my coin, my gold, my silver, my lands. I will feed her my love and what wisdom I have to give.
And I know that you, my nobility and my citizens will do the same.
This is THE original copy Ernst, I swear if you mark it up in any way I will thrash you soundly!


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