T'Shole Species in Atlantica | World Anvil


When the K'Thonim arrived in the dimension of Atlantica thousands of years before the The Great Darkening they discovered that all the sentient peoples of the world shared a peculiar property. They had all been imbued with a self-sustaining metaphysical asset that was both a part of their personalty and would survive indefinitely after the rest of the husk had expired as well. The K'Thonum called this property a T'Shole. As they investigated further they realized that this resource could be extracted and used both as a power source as well as component pieces for their own technological needs.

They set about breeding, controlling and harvesting this resource and sending it back to their own dimension where it was incorporated into their lifestyle and wealth. To the K'Thonum, if the indigenous populations of the world had been fully sentient and more than animals, or simply less ignorant, they would already have achieved parity with the K'Thonum. So to them they had both the right to harvest and the responsibility to be their benefactors as well. So they spread across the world, creating factories in which the T'Shole was harvested. The husks were experimented on, repurposed as shells for the K'Thonum to use in order to ease their stay in this dimension, or simply disposed of by recycling back into the food supply. They set themselves up as Mentors to the natives as well as marking them as property for their own protection. They elevated some of the more forward thinking of the primitives to act as foremen with corresponding rewards as well.

This is how it was for thousands of years around the world, the K'Thonum guiding, ruling and harvesting from the peoples of the world. The K'Thonum considered it a mutually beneficial arrangement. Their way of life required the resource of T'Shole, and in return they showed the natives the wonders of civilized life like occult magic, architecture, reading, writing, and the stabilization of life through organized agriculture just for starters.

It was inevitable that some would, of course, get out of hand, become violent or otherwise act up, they were prone to primitive feelings and impulses. The K'Thonum put an end to that for the good of all whenever the issue became serious, or blocked the much needed flow of T'Shole back to their home.

And thus this benevelent rule continued until the The Great Darkening.
We found the temples deep in the desert, abandoned for almost 2000 years.  They weren't the disturbing part, it was the bodies and the partially ground bone from thousands of people, elves, dwarves, human, and other things we can't identify.  For the love of the gods we stood there and wept at the carnage, and raged at the evil done there.  Then we buried them again, and consecrated the grave
.~Melas Shannon, Chief researcher of K'Thonum studies, Howth University 
Pronunciation: (t SHOL) 


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