Parisco's Provisions & Arcane Supply Building / Landmark in Athesia | World Anvil
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Parisco's Provisions & Arcane Supply

Come one come all to The Garden City's premier arcane supply! Only the finest parchment, ink, and even scribing tools can be found here. But don't be fooled, high-quality book-making supplies aren't the only thing you may spend your hard-earned gold on! Alchemy and enchantment, armor and blade, bow and quiver, and any other tool or component that any aspiring or experienced adventure, bladesinger, or sorcerer could ever possibly need, all in one place! And, for a limited time, at a discounted price!


all items listed at msrp.   These are special, one-of-a-kind items available to purchase and Parisco's Provisions & Arcane Supply.   Magic Mirror, pair. This pair of fine silver mirrors are enchanted with long-range communication abilities. For up to an hour each day, any creature may use the mirror to contact another it has been linked to. They come pre-linked for communication and can be paired with other magic mirrors by an enchanter at any time. The mirror will show what the linked mirror would normally reflect, and produce crystal-clear audio for easy, stress-free communication. The pair is available for 10,000 gp.   Alchemy Jug (Blue) This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Sloshing sounds can be heard from within the jug when it is shaken, even if the jug is empty. You can use an action and name one liquid from the table below to cause the jug to produce the chosen liquid. Afterward, you can uncork the jug as an action and pour that liquid out, up to 2 gallons per minute. The maximum amount of liquid the jug can produce depends on the liquid you named. Once the jug starts producing a liquid, it can't produce a different one or more of one that has reached its maximum, until the next dawn. 2,500 gp.   Earring of Whisper While this simple silver earring might seem like a minor trinket, it rests on the cutting edge of adventuring gear and technology, helping a team coordinate like never before. With a simple touch and a word, an entire group can be synchronized in their actions. Available in a variety of fashions. touching this earring (Object Interaction) allows the user to communicate with all other paired earrings within 500 ft, akin to the Message Spell. Wearers of this earring will passively receive paired communications from the grouping. Earrings out of range of the sender do not receive the message. By commission only. Bulk pricing. Starting at 2,000 gp/earring.   Alchemy Jug (Broken) This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weigh 12 pounds whether full or empty. There seems to be a large chip in the top, and sloshing sounds can be heard from within the jug when it is shaken, even if the jug is empty. You can use an action to summon 2 gallons of mayonnaise. It seems unstable... 700 gp.   Bloodwell Vial. To attune to this vial, you must place a few drops of your blood into it. The vial can’t be opened while your attunement to it lasts. If your attunement to the vial ends, the contained blood turns to ash. You can use the vial as a spellcasting focus for your spells while wearing or holding it, and you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your sorcerer spells. The bonus is determined by the vial’s rarity. In addition, when you roll any Hit Dice to recover hit points while you are carrying the vial, you can regain 5 sorcery points. This property of the vial can’t be used again until the next dawn. 300 gp.   Blood of the Lycanthrope Antidote. This clear potion has dark red flecks within, resembling clotted blood. When you drink this potion, it removes the curse of lycanthropy from you if that curse was imposed by a lycanthrope’s bite or similar effect. 250gp.   Eversmoking Bottle Smoke leaks from the lead-stoppered mouth of this brass bottle, which weighs 1 pound. When you use an action to remove the stopper, a cloud of thick smoke pours out in a 60-foot radius from the bottle. The cloud's area is heavily obscured. Each minute the bottle remains open and within the cloud, the radius increases by 10 feet until it reaches its maximum radius of 120 feet. The cloud persists as long as the bottle is open. Closing the bottle requires you to speak its command word as an action. Once the bottle is closed, the cloud disperses after 10 minutes. A moderate wind (11 to 20 miles per hour) can also disperse the smoke after 1 minute, and a strong wind (21 or more miles per hour) can do so after 1 round. 250 gp.    


  Parisco carries about a dozen different wands at any given point and does customization services. They are all carved of different woods, all grown in Emyran Thalor. Some are twisted and still carry much of their natural branch shape, others are so smooth you can hardly tell they were once wood.   Some are flowery, some barbed, some ornately carved and wrapped in fine metal wire with gemstones electroplated on. Others are simple wood and are rather innocuous. All of these wands are one-of-a-kind, though their abilities can be replicated. Most of the wands share mechanics with the imbued wood focus. These wands are virtually as customizable as one could want, so prices vary on average from about 50-150 gp depending on the design and materials used.    

Arcane Supplies & Accessories

  Parisco carries nearly everything an arcane spellcaster may need to operate.   Fine parchment and spellscrawl ink for transcribing spells into standard spellbooks, even scribing tools such as fine dip pens and fountain pens, charcoal and graphite pencils, oil pastels, paints, and other decoration and writing materials. Parisco also offers book customization services like sprayed and gilded book edges, alternate parchment colors, glow-in-the-dark ink for easy reading in low-light environments, spellbook duplication, transferral, or backup. Among these items and services, special water and fireproof spellscrawl ink and parchment are available in the same customization options in the form of "Enduring Spellbooks" and spellbook components.   Parisco also sells spell stones and gems, functionally the same as spell scrolls, though wizards can't copy the contents into their own spellbook. These are of varying level, rarity, and spell type.   Other items that can be found here are:  
  • Most common and uncommon spell coponents, many rarer spell components, and component pouches of varying styles.
  • Sheathes and holsters for books, wands, scrolls, stones, and other spellcasting foci
  • A small stockpile of pearls of power. (4)
  • A Shadowfell Shard
  • Immovable Rods (4)
  • Handy Haversacks (1 available, also available by commission)
  • Potions of healing, watchful rest, comprehending, tongues, and haste.
  • Beads of nourishment and refreshment sold in bulk by weight.

Arms & Armor

  There are a handful of basic +1 and +2 breastplates, leather armors, and martial weapons for sale here. Parisco doesn't forge or usually carry enchanted arms and armor, but is partnered with local and far-off smithies to enchant small portions of their supply. Parisco also offers enchantment services for individuals and specializes in enchantment repair on historical artifacts.  

Clothing & Fashion

  What is a wizard if not fashionable? Parisco provides cloaks and clothing from local designers who wanted an extra edge of magical flair added to their work. Some mundane items are on display, but non-magical clothing is not available for purchase, and business is directed to boutiques on Aurusel's Ledge and in the Garden's Heart of Emyran Thalor.   Available to purchase:
  • Cloak of Elvenkind
  • Mantle of Spell Resistance
  • Cloak of Billowing
  • Cloak of Many Fashions
  • Boots of the Winterlands
  • Winged Boots

Purpose / Function

Parisco's Provisions and Arcane Supply is The Garden City's premier Arcane Supply! Better than Clolst's other Arcane Supply stores by not just leaps and bounds, but by stories and stories! Parisco's Provisions is the continent's oldest and largest outlet for all things witchcraft and wizardry.   For over a millennium, the legendary Parisco Ralrido himself has provided practitioners of the Arcane and Divine with the finest wands, wares, and spellbook supplies, and has singlehandedly guided the greatest spellslingers of this era to success!


1st floor: bulk/by weight items, potions, featured items, check out   2nd floor: spell components, scribing tools & supplies, spellcasting foci (+ wands)   3rd floor: arms, armor, utility accessories, haversacks, fashion   4th floor: enchantment observatory


At a glance, the exterior of this shop would blend in with any other home or business in the region. Large, old-growth flowering trees of many kinds growing in densities that should be impossible, vines of all sorts of growing over the white stone exteriors of this large, four-story building. Shrubbery is so dense that it's difficult to see a building in the first place. What sets this place apart, what draws your eye, (aside from several large signs reading in your native tongue "PARISCO'S PROVISIONS & ARCANE SUPPLY") are the floating orbs of multicolored lights, glowing crystals, and flowers, all hidden in dimly-lit, vegetation-dense areas that poke through with their unusual blue, orange, pink, and violet glows. Well, and the large, open quadruple-wide doorframes that open up into an even more impressive, unique interior.   It's almost unlike anything you've ever seen. Standing at four stories, you can see all the way up to the ceiling in this unusually open shop The shop's upper levels are made up of platforms and catwalks instead of solid flooring, allowing the wash of golden sunlight to pour in from glassless windows and skylights to touch virtually every nook and cranny of every surface in the room, only catching on the branches and leaves and petals of the trees and vines growing through every opening in the walls and ceiling. Brilliantly colored wisteria, sakura, and blue morning glories are mixed into the rich greens and browns of vines and branches, of willow and maple trees, of ivy growing down the side of the white walls.   The floors are a patchwork of multicolored hardwood. Muted purple and red, yellow and brown, even woods of bluish tint, all of the similar values have been expertly laid out, sanded, and oiled to a soft satin finish that doesn't distract from the grandeur of nature slowly taking back what once belonged to it. The joints and seams where different planks join are so precise, so meticulously sanded down that each and every connecting piece of wood feels like it would have belonged to the same tree.   Garlands of twinkling golden light hang from rafters and support beams in places where sunlight doesn't reach as much, ensuring that all facets of this eclectic shop are lit fairly, so no good or service or example of Mastercraft goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Roomy, but not too large, spiral staircases can be found through this shop. Two of them on each floor, both at opposite ends from one another. But also lifts, it appears. More rudimentary versions of the massive lifts in Iresari, and still built of the same patchwork of wood the floors and supports are.   At night, orbs of golden light illuminate the shop and interior branches, making leaves and petals glow. They remind you of the Tree of Eidlum, both in look and the feeling of wonder they give you.   In the center of the first floor is a circular service desk running around a thick tree trunk that leads all the way to the top of the building, what appears to be a support for the entire building and all the floors. Around this beam is a series of shelves that hold containers for all manner of things. Two massive glass jars filled to the brim each with small beads, each of which is labeled with its apparent contents. A sequence of containers of different sizes filled with bubbling liquids, most of which are varying reddish hues, are each outfitted with spigots that appear to be small enough to fit inside the neck of a potion bottle. The serving counter appears to hold two registers facing the front of the store, and a handful of large tomes labeled "INVENTORY."
Shop, Magic
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