sXV: The Black Spike p2 Report in Asyur | World Anvil

sXV: The Black Spike p2

General Summary

Upon returning to the moathouse courtyard, Spugnoir found the Mercenaries of the Wheel hard at work making slabs of ankheg meat into rations. Having been sucessful in harvesting the creature, they had acquired upwards of 115 lbs of insect meat that was in the process of being jellied and potted for future use. Disgusted by the tasteless meat with the worst smell, Spugnoir descended the stairs of the moathouse to the dungeon below, and began setting up ladders and rope for the rest of the day.   The next morning the mercenaries would decide to find a way to stabilize the platform with their current group of six, ending on the plan of having 4 people stand on the corners of the circular platform, while the others stood in the center and worked the pulley system. This would work well, and the group would descend, equipped with cold weather clothing acquired while Spugnoir was in Hommlet. The air was still bitter cold, and quickly causing signs of frostbite as the mercenaries descended. Eventually after minutes of descending next to a cold waterfall that coated the wooden platform with icy water - the rope went slack and loud slam was heard as the platform hit the top of the Black Nail spotted by Dughall during the last expedition.   It was at this point that most everyone noticed the 30 feet of icy water and slippery black surface that plummeted into the darkness below, was the only way forward, as another platform sat at the far edge, adjacent to the nails top, and opposite the waterfall that had been causing problems on the way down.   Deciding to step of first, Dr. Ceaser instantly felt his strength leave his body, and unable to return back to the platform, slumped his other foot off and onto the surface of the Black Nail. In a second he would crumble to the ground, cracking his doctors mask, and revealing his face for the first and only time to the mercenaries, who upon seeing it - where so horrified that they instantly began pulling the platform back to the surface of the cavern and to the ladders put up by Spugnoir.

Operation: Lightless Echos

Dr. Ceaser's entire cardio-vascular system had been pulled towards the surface of the nail, and was pulling itself out of his skin as the mercenaries ascended the first 10-feet back towards the ceiling. This would not be done silently however, and would cause a giant beast to emerge from the mist of the lower part of the cavern. A creature 30-feet tall, with 50-foot long tentacles pursued them up!   Attempting to fight back, Verena tipped the platform, resulting in him and Spugnoir falling towards the caverns surface and the Black Nail. The others were caught by the paralyzing tentacles of the giant Grell. Verena would die hitting the Black Nail, while Spugnoir was able to drink a potion of flight and only touched it for a brief second, nearly resulting in his death as well. As the battle above raged on, Legba 'lls was consumed by the Grell, and Xaod was left paralyzed and hanging onto the rope for dear life, while Dughall attempted to slay the beast in one-on-one combat. Successful, the beast plummeted to the surface of the Nail, instantly becoming drained of color and blood. If Legba 'lls had lived, he was most certainly dead now thought Dughall, who catching Xaod at the end of his paralyzation flew to the ceiling of the cavern, only to be surprised by that Spugnoir had gone invisible, and not slipped of the head of the nail to his death. The 3 survivors, tail between their legs, closed the plug and sealed the pit and the Black Nail once more, but not before hearing maniacal laughing from the cavern - someone was alive down there.   Scared for their lives, and needing reinforcements, the 3 returned to Hommlet. As they arrived, they did so just minutes before Rufus and a battalion of 87 knights on loan from Verbobonc and the Viscounty. Witnessing their reinforcements the 3's spirits where lifted. As the knights approached the keep, Spugnoir went inside to speak to Burne.   Waiting outside, Dùghall and Xaod noticed three strange beings walking in front of the army with Rufus. Dùghall, always thinking he was strange, found himself in the shoes of every other race who saw him, confused by what stood before him. A strange creature of metal, an amorphous mound of worms, and an amphibious creature with many surgical implants and scars. "And I thought I was strange looking!"
As the strange creatures, and Rufus approached Dùghall and Xaod, Dughall would turn to Xaod, and opening his mouth would say "What in Pelor's's name are they in front!? Have you ever seen anything like that before Xaod?"
"Nope." replied Xaod sharply, and swiftly.
"And I thought I was strange looking!" laughed Dùghall,
"Don't worry." replied Xaod, in an instant, and turning to look at Dùghall "You still are!" he laughed out as a look of defeat took Dùghall's's face.


Leading Xaod and Dughall into the keep, along with the 3 strange creatures, Dughall couldn't hold it in any longer and asked who they where. Rufus explained that the Viscounty of Verbobonc had lended them to Rufus, stating that they where more than capable fighters and warriors who had been sent to them by the Lords of Tarrin, with orders to "help them if they should help you".   The strange metal creature introduced himself with a beep, which was translated by the frog creature. This frog creature called himself Firebrand, and said that the 'coffee machines' designation was Cure-rig/Cofveve//C2, or just C2 for short. Never hearing the world machine before, questions were raised that lead to Firebrand, C2, and Legion (the mound of sentient worms) to explain that they where from another planet, and had crashed on this world and have been attempting to curry favors to help them find someone who could get them back on their mission in the cosmos, which would lead to Dùghall leaving to ponder if Pelor was in every star, or just Solis. This would also lead to questions about magic, to which the spacemen replied "What in the Galactic Citizens Alliance is Magik?"   Upon attempting to conjure harmless affects, Firebrand pulled a laser pistol on Burne and fired at the harmless sensory affects, only to immediately cause a standoff between the Lords of Hommlet and the group of spacemen. The tension would be broken by Spugnoir, who recognizing advanced technology, began a scientific dialogue with their visitors from afar. After confirming that they where from outer space, Burne and Rufus agreed to help the spacemen if they could help them put down the cult threatening to enslave the entire planet.   At this point, Dùghall returned, with the belief that Pelor was in every star. It was now that Dùghall was able to cleary take in the metal creature, who he wondered if was constructed by gnomes. Upon questioning this, the machine responded with a beep, and Firebrand said no, but it was already too late. Xaod, with a resounding "I know a gnome!" picked up the coffee machine and walked out the front door with him over his shoulder, heading to Terrigan's and Nierethi Poscurian. As Xaod stroad through town, he was chased by the spacemen and Dùghall, with Firebrand shouting "That is my Coffee maker! Put him down! That is my property!"   Arriving at Nierethi's table, Xaod slammed the coffee machine next to the table, spilling Nierethi's wine.
"That is my property!" shouted Firebrand as he entered Terrigan's. C2 shook the taproom as Xaod placed him at Nierethi's table.
"What do you know about this thing?" asked Xaod.
"MY PROPERTY!" shouted Firebrand.
"I know that it is probably his," Nierethi extened a finger towards the panting Firebrand as he aproached.
"Mine. That is -"
"Yours, yes I gathered. Why did you bring it to me Xaod?"
"Do you want it?" asked Dughall.
"WHAT!?" screamed Firebrand.
"BEEP" said C2.
"No, I don't buy stolen goods, bad for buisness." repleid Neirethi, "But it is interesting. Say where did you get it? I know most items, but haven't ever seen anything like this."
"Beep" "Bzzzzzt" "Shhhing" came from C2 as the door on his chest opened and a cup of hot coffee was presented to Nierethi.
"Ah, why thank you! A coffee maker it looks like. But no - this is too advanced for a coffee maker."
"Oh right," Neirethi sipped his coffee and a smile took his face, "Wow! Now THAT is good coffee!"
"I thought I was strange around here." Said Dughall under his breath.
"Oh, don't worry Dughall, you still are." Replied Nierethi as he happily sipped his coffee.
— Conversation between Spacemen, Dughall, Xaod, and Nierethi about C2

Rewards Granted

108 EXP
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Report Date
25 Jan 2022
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