Scale Slayers Organization in Astoria | World Anvil
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Scale Slayers

Over 240 years ago, the dreaded Dragon Seer led an army of Tiamat, Goddess of Tyranny cultists and dragons to cause destruction. A group of five heroes stopped the menace and became known as the Scale Slayers. They grouped the innocent survivors of the devastation and formed the city of Libertas.   The Scale Slayers are famous throughout Libertas and revered with awe and love. Only two members, Piper and Erethea, are still alive while the other three are buried in the city's Scaled Mausoleum. The heroes are responsible for much of Libertas's current culture and governance such as making the city democratic and establishing the heroic Protectorate. Piper created the forest now called Piper's Woods in the middle of the city and currently leads the faithful in Nature's Haven, an Azarith temple.  


  • Piper "The Gentle Heart": a kind but powerful Gnome priestess of Azarith. She resides in Piper's Woods and is a very old gnomish lady now.
  • Blackhelm "The Fierce": a might Human warrior that cut down the Dragon Seer's prized dragon, Nightbringer. Blackhelm created the famous inn in Libertas, Blackhelm's Legacy.
  • Lorla Vember "The Wondrous": A mighty Human sorceress who dueled the Dragon Seer. Her descendants, the Vember Family are often Senators.
  • Erethea "The Deadly": An Elven archer famous for shooting down the dragon known as the Sadistic Green. She lives in Valeryos but frequently visits her old friend Piper in Libertas.
  • Quentin Platinumheart "The Righteous": A just half-elf paladin of Bahamut, Quentin rode a platinum wyvern when fighting dragons. When building Libertas, Quentin built the Righteous Keep, a temple to Bahamut that now serves as the base for the Righteous Blades. His descendant is Lady Platinumheart.

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