Consortium of Guilds Organization in Arvor | World Anvil

Consortium of Guilds

The Consortium is the Elloran Guild of Guilds: all recognized guilds designate a representative to The Consortium to speak for their interests. Having no external administrative apparatus to rely on, The Consortium’s approach to solutions is simple: assign a member guild the responsibility and privilege of taking care of the matter. The Consortium meets in Dunagan's High Guildhall in Merchant's Square. This palatial building is a temple to commerce and craft. Only recognized guilds may send a representative to the Consortium.   The Consortium worked as a pure assembly of independent groups for a long time, but as it grew from dozens to hundreds it became unwieldy. Guild representatives began to form clusters of like-minded guilds to share these burdens. These clusters of guilds are called Caucuses. Caucus membership is less formal than individual guild memberships, with many guilds shifting their allegiances with the four winds.   The Eight Caucuses in Ellora are:
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Consortium of Guilds