The Mighty Organization in Arvor | World Anvil

The Mighty

The Mighty is the caucus of Ellora's military guilds: soldiers, strategists, and war magi. The Mighty’s guilds act as security forces for most of the nation. Other Caucuses can occasionally sway fighting guilds to join their ranks, but most often they align with The Mighty. The Mighty is the second largest in number of member guilds, but by total individual members they are far and away the largest.   The Mighty’s whip is Lady Skullcrusher, the matriarch of the hobgoblin House Skullcrusher and high commander of Arvor’s largest mercenary force, The Strategist’s Army. They say the Lady Skullcrusher always has a thousand swords within earshot and a thousand arrows within range.

Only strength can make peace

Political, Faction / Party