Temple of the Mistress Building / Landmark in Arrhynsia | World Anvil

Temple of the Mistress

The most holy site and center of the worship of the Mistress, located in the heart of Cormaeum the Temple of the Mistress is completely given over to the detestable worship practices of the dark elves including human sacrifice and the favorite pastime of Ligeoa, torture.   It is difficult to acquire information on dark elf culture.  Much of what we understand is gleaned from the very few dwarven women who have managed to escape from their slavery once taken captive.  There is no doubt that their society is monstrous as are their people - brutal in their interactions with each other, and with outsiders, but most, if not all of the blame for this behavior is clearly driven by the destructive bent of their goddess and the fear she inspires in them.  It is difficult to understand those who would worship a goddess as vile as Ligeoa, but such is likely to remain the case for a very long time as there is no meaningful way in which to interact with these people.
Temple / Religious complex

Cover image: Bird's eye view of the wild magic currents hidden beneath the surface of the Ur Hilgarria by Munimara


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