Venàbà Character in Arregeas | World Anvil
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Venàbà (βen'ɐbɐ)


Name Meaning:

Venàbà is a contraction of the words vobùda and àzenàbà and means "Sharp Intellect". Her patron spirit is Dahebanuu.

Physical Description

Body Features

Venàbà is slim like virtually all elves, but her shapes are more rounded and soft than is usually the case.

Facial Features

Venàbà has a soft face with prominent eyebrows, big foxy eyes and bow shaped lips.

Identifying Characteristics

Generally round, soft features.

Special abilities

Venàbà is very good at sewing and designing clothes and she can use magic to help her with it. Her magic may not be too powerful, but she has a sharp eye for colours, shapes and the right measurments.
She can use enchantment magic to make her tools do her bidding, but she also likes to work by hand. Sometimes she also uses enchantment to embow her gowns with certain emotions.

Apparel & Accessories

She is always dressed in extravagant clothing that she made herself and that often features bold, uncommon and expensive fabrics and colours. She does wear the layered looks with elbow-length capelets that are common for Kaat but she usually manages to put a twist to it. Her favourite colour to wear is purple, because it turns many heads. She usually keeps accessories rather simple and besides a few beads in her hair and the occasional brooch on her clothing doesn't wear any accessories.

Specialized Equipment

She always carries a sewing kit with her, needle, thread and scissors are a must, as well as a notebook for drafting garments.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Demisexual panromantic.


After completing her basic education, she attended Diwuun for two years, but dropped out to start an apprenticeship as a seamstress under a highly accomplished designer who had recognized her talent and wanted her to work for them to gain experience. In her 25 year long apprenticeship she learnt pretty much anything there is to know about fabric and she even learnt how to make all types of fabric.


Venàbà is a highly esteemed seamstress with her own little shop in the capital of Kaat.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She won 3 designing competitions.

Morality & Philosophy

Personality Type: ENFP-A
66% Extroverted, 55% Intuitive, 66% Feeling, 53% Prospecting, 85% Assertive

Personality Characteristics


Venàbà's biggest dream is to invent a new fabric that is light and breathable but warm enough that one simple layer would be enough to keep you warm in the Kaatin winter. She would love to design gowns with it that are more similar to Drifeyan or southern fashion and to move away from heavy, chunky fabrics that are hard to work into refined, elegant gowns.

Likes & Dislikes


Different fabrics
People getting along and having exciting conversations
New challenging projects


People arguing
Having nothing to do

Virtues & Personality perks

Venàbà is very original and doesn't care much for tradition, which in Kaat isn't always an advantage but makes her better at her job. She likes to stand out from the crowd and is very observant and perceptive. She is imaginative and open-minded and is often curious about the smallest things. She encounters the world with enthusiasm and loves discussing different ideas. She's geneerally a good-natured person.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can be unfocused when she's overwhelmed by all the different possibilities, which can cause her to stop working alltogether and even though she has a busy schedule and mostly sticks to a to-do list, she can get very unorganised if she is stressing about finishing a project. She often feels like she has to keep up the mood and lead a conversation, even if it's uncomfortable for her to do so. She's often restless, brooding over projects and possibilities and how to optimise them.


Venàbà is very meticulous when it comes to hygiene because she wants to avoid stains or nasty smells on her clothes as much as possible.


Family Ties

She gets on well with her parents, but only sees them a few times per year because she is quite busy and has to work a lot. She's also not too fond of family gatherings, because she knows that her parents aren't as happy with her career choices as they pretend to be, even though that has gotten better ever since she won her first award.
She does get along with her older sister, even though they have their differences and she's very fond of Auun and often defends him from the other family members.

Religious Views

She is a spirit worshipper, but a rather casual one. Her job doesn't leave her with much time to devote to religion.

Social Aptitude

Venàbà is quite an open person who likes to talk to people. She is usually calm and collected but ratiates a certain warmth that makes people trust her. When she gets excited about something, the calm demeanour will dissipate and she won't stop talking about her most recent fascination.


She often starts whistling to herself when she thinks she is alone and no one can hear her.

Hobbies & Pets

In the little free time she has, Venànbà likes practicing calligraphy. Ever since she was a child she loved maps and drawing her own maps of her favourite places. In university she even took a course on it, but nowadays she barely has time for cartography.Her greatest achievement is a map of Western Arregeas she drew and gifted to Auun.
Before opening her own business, she had been geting into beekeeping, but she had to give up on that because she didn't have time for it anymore. She hopes to start beekeeping again someday to sell honey in her store as well.


She has a warm tone of voice and her speech sounds melodious.



Sister (Important)

Towards Auun




Sibling (Vital)

Towards Venàbà



Shared Acquaintances

The rest of their family, so Mother, Father and another sister, as well as extended family and the people they grew up with in the village.


Sister (Important)

Towards Venàbà




Sister (Important)

Towards Ziànna



Shared Secrets

The rest of their family, so, Mother, Father and Auun, as well as their extended family and the people they grew up with in the village.

Current Location
Date of Birth
9th of Lifespring 7279 AR
Year of Birth
7286572 224 Years old
Auun (Sibling)
Ziànna (Sister)
Current Residence
Light pale blue
Long, wavy, warm silver grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light with a cold undertone
189 cm
70 kg
Known Languages
Kaatim and Common Arregean.


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