Hodint Settlement in Arregeas | World Anvil
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Hodint (hɑˈdint)


Approximately 480, all meadow elves, most of them are working with reindeer.


There is a mayor who administrates the village and gets elected every couple of years.


The village has a wooden wall around it, but it's not much.

Industry & Trade

Most of the villagers are involved in breeding reindeer or producing goods related to reindeer. They make reindeer sausage, leather items, fabric from the fur and jewellery from the bones, which is then sold at the market in Liinan.


There are two roads leading to and from Hodint, one leads to the city of Liinan if followed long enough, the other deeper into the woods.


Nahuun's Carvings: The workshop of a woodcarver named Nahuun, known for her intricate puzzle boxes.
Bagaal's Bonework: The workshop of a bonecarver named Bagaal, who is rumoured to have stolen a powerful tool from a magic user that he now uses to create his beautiful bone figurines, talismans and jewelery.
Ieluu's Pottery: The workshop of a potter named Ieluu, known for his living earthenware figurines.
The Opposite Hand: A modest tavern, known for its epic trivia and arcana contests.
The Shrine of Rimhe: A Tree decorated with feathers, furs and beautifully carved reindeer bones, dedicated to Rimhe, a local spirit of the woods.


There isn't really any tourism, but every once in a while some travellers come to rest and eat in the tavern.


The hoouses of Hodint are built in a simple, durable style, using mainly wood from the forest but also rocks as foundations.


Hodint is located at the outskirts of a forest between two hills. The ground is uneven and the village is surrounded by trees, although more to the west than to the east. The hills are north and south from the village.

Natural Resources

Wood from the forest, reindeer and all their byproducts, in summer hay and grass from the hills.


  • Hodint
    A rough map of Auun's hometown
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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