Black Powder Guild Organization in Aroa | World Anvil
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Black Powder Guild


This guild is a collection of producers across the Calderian Empire, primarily located around Duskview, which have been entrusted to manufacture the black powder needed for firearms to work. Every producer answers to the main office located in Duskview.


Very secretive. Producers keep their production records hidden and well guarded. Even the total volume of black powder manufactured is kept secret. Due to the highly valuable nature of their product they are constantly under threat by both brigands and the government.   Including the well known fact that the producers themselves don't know all the ingredients to their product. A government official comes in for every production run to complete the recipe.


Shortly before the War of Calderian Expansion began, the secrets to black powder were discovered. Very quickly it was kept under wraps by the Calderian government. Shortly there after a guild was formed in which local producers could be vetted to manufacture the "black gold". The guild, and all its members are subject to every bureaucratic nightmare possible. But the members entrusted with its production are very very well paid.
Currently consists of 107 manufacturing sites with 678 individual members
Guild, Craftsmen
Major Exports
The government is the only entity allowed to purchase from the Black Powder Guild. (There exists a clause in the contract that if any product is found to be sold, given away, donated, distributed, etc to any entity that is not the Calderian Empire or a representative thereof, then the member of the guild is forfeit of all its property including labor force, money, equipment, land, buildings, etc to be given to the possession of the government. Also, said member is to be tried for high treason.)
Parent Organization


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