This New Year... in Argentii | World Anvil

This New Year...

...I'm focusing on my SHINE!

I've been taking a close look at what worked and didn't work for me in the past. For instance, I know that committing to doing anything, every day, all year long, is going to fail. There will come a point when I have a bad day, a day when I have to let something go. Knowing this and not accounting for it at the beginning is setting myself up for failure.

One thing I know about myself is little mnemonic devices help me remember things. Therefore, I've constructed a handy-dandy acronym for my neurodivergent brain to latch onto: SHINE. It is a simple, five-point list that maps out the areas of my life I want to continue improving. As long as I have taken care of just one of these things, every day, then I'm making progress. Bonus if I do more than one thing!


The key to growing any artistic skill is to do the thing, be gloriously bad at it, and then to slowly not be so bad at it except for when you are. And then, one day, you're pretty great at it without quite realizing it. Anyone who makes art knows exactly what I mean. The journey is painfully unique, and staggeringly the same for every one of us. Practice makes perfect.

Last year, I put this to the test, by taking part in a lot of what World Anvil offered. I operated under the assumption that increased involvement in community events and challenges would enhance my writing skills and overall experience. So far, my observations are proving my case. I've made friends. My writing is improving. I'm working out the gaping plot holes in my novel. In truth, I'm getting out of it way more than I'm putting in.

This year I'm going to continue this experiment by participating in as much as I can. Even if I only accomplish the bare minimum in each event and challenge. (Though, of course, I will always strive to do the most and then shed aspirations later if I need to change course.)


The fall and early winter of '23 was about self-care and learning from the trees. They shed their leaves in the fall to conserve energy through the cold, dark winter. I took it upon myself to shed the small things to conserve energy for the lean times.

Not being overburdened by my expectations has been a wonderful lift to my happiness during the dark winter months. And so I'm going to continue this trend through the remaining weeks of the cold and dark. Even if I fail to tick off all of the other boxes, even on my most difficult day, I can check off this box: I let go of something small to make room for my happiness.


Last year's participation in so many writing events drew the attention and, more importantly, the support of my family. This was reflected not only in their viewership of my Twitch streams, but also in their presents to me throughout the year. Among my new favorite things are writing-themed mugs, new pens, and inspiration decks like The Ultimate RPG Campfire Card Deck and the Creative Block cards. I also treated myself to the Dungeons & Dragons and Steampunk Art Nouveau tarot decks. All of these are designed to be storytelling and creative brainstorming aids, and I've made good use of them in just the few short months that they've been available to me.

This year, to build on this trend, I've established an 'Inspiration Station' next to my desk. Besides the tools I've mentioned, there are pretty crystals, a small Squishmallow, a Squishmallow stress squish (like a traditional stress ball), and my little 'talking' robot toy, BW-4H, who gives nonsense answers to anything I say. It also holds the cup with my PaperMate Flair pens, and a couple grid notebooks for me to doodle or take notes or do whatever I need to do.


Alright, not going to lie...this is where I'm expecting to get on the struggle bus. You see, in this handy-dandy acronym, 'networking' is meant to remind me to advertise my Patreon benefits, and to stick to the promises I'm making to my patrons, even while I don't have any patrons. Showing up becomes challenging when you already anticipate an empty room.

Still, I've run a successful Kickstarter campaign. How did I do that? By putting it in everyone's face, all the time. And so to advance this goal in 2024, I'm going to be looking for creative ways to do the same thing with my Patreon. Because it is not wrong for me to want my writing to pay the bills. And the way to make that happen is to let people know how they can support my art.


In my drive to grow my audience and build a dedicated Argentii fan community, it's critical that I not lose touch with those who are already supporting me: my family, my friends, and my fans are all an important part of my life. It's incredibly special when someone shows up again and again, whether it's to watch my streams or attend my convention events.

I want to be more engaged with appreciating the people, ideas, and opportunities that I already have, as well as engaging with those people, ideas, and opportunities themselves. As humans, we tend to lose ourselves in the future, neglecting the present. We assume that what we have, we will always have.

We won't. And I need to remember that more often than I do. Otherwise, it'll bite me in the hand.

WorldEmber Reading Challenge: My Friend Mochi

I've said before, and I'll continue to say, that the World Anvil community is responsible for most of my writing motivation in 2023. I've made friends, and earned fans. I've been mentioned in the World Anvil blog, and my article on Satyan Windblown placed in its category during Summer Camp. This, in turn, inspired some of my writing for WorldEmber including Collected Letters of Satyan Windblown, Guardian; Vol. 1 and Winter Solstice, Year 5: Satyan Plans for the Future.

So for this WE Reading Challenge, I wanted to focus on articles by one particular person; my biggest fan, my bean-est friend, and a writer whose work I deeply admire...

Councilor of the Inner Sanctum Mochimanoban

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.


Anyone who hangs around the #challenge-discussion channel in the WA Discord server or frequently attends WA's Twitch livestreams will probaby know that Mochi loves creating species. In this new year, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens in the Yonderverse!


A bright and bustling universe, made with love

Explore the endless planets brimming with life in the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.

Planet | Mar 18, 2024

A planet painted all shades of red. Rubrinea is home to unusual people and peculiar places.

Planet | Dec 24, 2023

Billions call Maresa home, a refuge, a sanctuary. Abandoned planets and decimated civilisations all seek new homes on Maresa, the backbone of life in the Milky Way.

Bean Baking
Tradition / Ritual | Dec 25, 2023

A Capepan tradition that occurs on the winter solstice each year. Baking beans apparently brings good fortune in the upcoming year.

Starting Strong

As I wrap up this WorldEmber and this New Year's Resolution challenge, I have just accepted delivery of 25 copies of the tarot deck that will accompany my Worldbuilding Through the Tarot class at GenCon this year. Yesterday, I got confirmation of my registration for my first writing/publishing workshop as well as two agent pitch meetings at which I am committed to failing (because they are my very first ever, and I just want to learn).

I am committed to making 2024 my year to SHINE by creating opportunities to shine!


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Jan 27, 2024 17:01 by Mochi

I am actually SOBBING I am so so honoured to be featured this much :,) I am so happy we've become friends and I am so excited for you to absolutely KILL IT this year <33

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.
Jan 27, 2024 17:12 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

TFW....a writer you admire feels the same way about you that you feel about them. LOL! Helps me remember that I'm a much better writer than I sometimes think I am.

Jan 27, 2024 17:36 by E. Christopher Clark

Woo! What a great idea for a response to the Reading Challenge. Here's to a fantastic 2024!

Now it's time for the awkward wave.