Beginnings Myth in Argent | World Anvil
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by Desmon Arnold

In a flash, the three existed for the first time. In a vast world of empty space, three figures hover in the nothingness. Oum created a large quantity of space in which the three could exist in. Intelligible roars immediately filled the emptiness as Vaz began to writhe, his constantly shifting and changing new physical form pulsing with his primal and wild power. Nae was quick to use power in the form of a soft pulse, nullifying Vaz’s destruction for the time being, and looking to Oum for guidance.   Unsure of what to create, what to do next, and in dire need of guidance, one of Oum’s first creations was another being. Like them, but weaker in scale. The concept they were given domain over were simple. Oum birthed Shiwa. Shiwa immediately knew what they were, their purpose, and what to do next. Shiwa knew everything. Shiwa’s first act was to allow communication. They created the first language to exist in the multiverse. Celestial. A simple tongue that tied everything together. Shiwa spoke, slow and methodical, and after a short exchange, Oum with a pulse of his power created an orb of pure silver. A metallic reflection showing nothing but the gods themselves on the black empty scape.   Without hesitation, Vaz lept forth, bringing with him a force Nae was unprepared for. “TOY!” They screamed in the new language they had never spoken, launching a force of destructive energy unmatched and undescribable. It turned the newly created plane to less than dust in mere moments. Nae reacted as fast as she could, as the pieces began to repair. Vaz and Nae would continue this conflict, back and forth for what felt like forever. Time didn’t exist yet, so. Shiwa turned to Oum, and they spoke once again. Within moments, Facit was born. Facit, a near mirror of Shiwa. Pale skin, dark hair, colorful energy radiating from their being. He looked to Shiwa, before he began to shake. He would bounce and zoom around the existent space before sliding to a stop between Vaz and Nae. “No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO!” He called, speaking much faster than he could reasonably think, before he opened his arms and the two were launched away from one another. “Stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay STAY!” Facit screamed, his vibration-like movements making his form none but a blur. Shiwa smiles, pleased by this, and looked to Oum, who nodded. “Two more.” Oum said, voice booming and neutral.  
  • NOTE: Vaz and Nae were launched so far from each other, and from what would be Argent, that they did not manage to return back for literal years, and won’t appear again for the rest of this story.
  In this time, Oum created both Liphan, and Deshai, aspects of Death and Life respectively. He told them to populate this new world, and to discuss with Shiwa what would be needed to do that. Liphan, almost like a child of Oum, nodded, happily obliging. And even though Deshai’s model was long gone, Deshai looked to Liphan with admiration. The two worked in tandem, creating some of the first examples of life on Argent. Though, without guidance, life had no form. It was then what Kikakoonukas formed. The being had four identities. One for each of the four aspects of creation which he would use to mold the forms and lives of the creatures given breath by Liphan. Kik, Ako, Onu, and Kas for Fire, Earth, Water, and Air respectively. As the life formed needs, Onu would create rivers and rain, Kik warmth and light, Ako would solidify and stabilize the ground beneath them and Kas gifted them the air to breath. Though, one thing was missing. Nothing besides the shell kept them in place. Luckily, Shiwa expected this. “Facit. I require you.” She said, beckoning her sibling to her side. Facit was asked to sit between the cracked halves of the shell, and emit his power outward. Let it out, and become a force that would keep the life created by both Liphan and Kikakoonukas. He, though hesitantly, obliged. He moved, vibrations growing faster and patience growing ever thin. He stretched his arms outward, and began to pulse a force unlike any other before it. A force that would keep the world pinned to it’s shell, safe from the emptiness outside. This force would hold steady, for now.   In this time, the power being exerted by the gods was at this time, unregulated. Without consulting Shiwa, Oum created Icae. A being in which would be entrusted with the oversight of the powers, raw from their divine source, and the excess that would build up in the world and the beings that dwelled within overtime. These forces would be called divine and arcane magic respectively.   Liphan and Deshai needed places in which they could stand, because as had been warned by Shiwa, the pure radiant divine energy of the gods caused mortals brains to falter and organs to fail. So, they took perches, on opposite sides. Kik would create two gifts, orbs of light and flame which would illuminate Argent’s interior, and allow for a perfect illuminated viewing point to watch the beings of the world live, age, and die. They happily accepted, and made the two places hollow, using the aid of Oum to create homes to their liking, radiating with magic of their domains. Though, Deshai and Liphan were incredibly close. Despite their distance, they visit and spend time together often. Taking humanoid forms on the mortal plane and admiring their work, good and bad.   And with this, time went on, and the world slowly began to take shape. Other gods would come into existence in various ways, but the world would continue on like this. When Vaz and Nae eventually returned, they and Oum took residence in a plane of Oum’s design, so that Vaz and Nae’s confrontations did not conflict with the development of mortality, leaving the other gods to handle his wishes.

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