Oum Character in Argent | World Anvil
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God of Creation

Pronunciation - /OOM/   Oum, otherwise known as the Creator, is the Prime God of creation. Most of the information of Oum is unknown, presumably discoverable if not within The Oracle's Archive, then amongst the eldest servants of Goldenlight. However, legends from the era of first dragons have withstood the test of time. These tales portray the Creator as a being without any particular gender, face, or structure. Their expression of form always takes on the smallest mass of the three Prime Gods but is the most malleable, diverse, and neutral. However, in many myths, such as the Beginnings, they are presumed to be male, as Liphan is said to be the being closest in their image out of the Greater Gods.
  Oum creates, as is the nature of creation. With every movement of their limbs, every glance of their vision, and even mere existence itself, new matter springs into existence. Even whilst bound by the constraints of Tiao'oum, the raw sound of what Oum speaks naturally creates concepts and ideas, always something new with each syllable. It is told that the reasons as to why mortals, aspects, and even the other Gods such as Liphan create do not begin to dent into the understanding of the nature of the Creator. Rather, their existence is the manifestation of the principle itself.
  The only semblance of a mortal conscience of the Creator can be found with their recorded interactions with Nae and Vaz. They have been said to act similar to an elder sibling, expecting the two to interact with their work. Tales and tablets of old could recall the Creator manifesting the first of the realities as gifts to the other Prime Gods to reside within them. Scholars have interpreted these actions as benevolent and nurturing while others believed it to be self-entitled and narcissistic. Some have gone even further to believe the Creator creates to balance the forces of preservation and destruction of the other two. Regardless of these speculations, without Oum, there would be nothing created to destroy or protect. In fact, it is widely believed existence would not have been possible without their manifestation in Argent.
  It is said the Creator used their own reality that manifested in their visage, the Surreal, as a playtesting ground for their creations. The insights into the seeming arbitrary laws of the Surreal are supposedly a window into the nature of the Prime God. However, they have not been any known sightings of the Creator within the Surreal itself. Oum is deduced to otherwise continually be expanding the explorable reality. Leading to many scholars and theorists to speculate the very aspect of realities and continuity of the laws of the universe, let alone magic.  
"Do not be jealous. Know that there is art in what you do. Where Oum simply makes, because it must be done, you carefully craft every soul and every creature you touch. Oum makes without that same love and without that same attention. As with every one of or father's motions, thought, or action, new concepts, ideas, and rules remain. We are all the aftermath of Oum's long and endless path. It is what we, and most importantly, you, make of these concepts, ideas, and rules, that matters. You need not compare yourself to him. Without the life you bring, creation has no purpose."
- Shiwa 
Divine Classification
Prime God
Circumstances of Birth
The one true god Oumnaevaz, split themselves into three core beings and respectively principles for existence. Oum is one of these beings.
Related Myths

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