Vaz Character in Argent | World Anvil
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God of Destruction

Pronunciation - /VAHZ/   Vaz, the Destroyer, is the third of the Prime Gods and considered the most dangerous conceptually to study. Where Oum is the beginning and Nae is the existence, Vaz is the end of all objects, creatures, and ideas. As the embodiment of destruction, he is said to take on the appearance of an irregular shape, muddled with void black spirals that consume those too weak who witness him. Thus, he has not been seen by any known aspect or mortal at all. However, it is presumed due to Nae taking on a more feminine form, Vaz has taken on a masculine one. This is further supported by the fact that Facit is the closest of the Greater Gods to manifest his volatile nature. Thus, he is often drawn with the upper body of a male and referred to as such.   In theory, Vaz would have already brought the end of all things had it not been for the forces of the other two Prime Gods to keep him in check. Oum continuously creates matter to fill what Vaz destroys, and while nothing can stop him, Nae slows down and delays the end. While it might seem like Vaz is a force of malice, it is often cited in the earliest origin texts that the absence of Vaz could equally cause disorder in the cosmic balance. The end, while inevitable, is necessary for existence, and a fundamental law of the universe; a concept more easily understood by those who have studied Deshai.
  Despite embodying such a macabre idea, many tales from the Beginnings depict Vaz as an impulsive, hyper-focused child. Immediately seeking to break anything laid in front of him, Vaz despised Nae stopping his very existence which was to end what Oum created. Various interpretations portray Vaz as an angry, violent individual while others more energetic and curious. All depictions revolving around his view of Nae have always been one of spite however as the lingering tension from their fight, the fight that caused Facit to push the two away for an unknown period of time, is possibly still alive. However, it is clear should the two meet, the other divine would have to intervene or risk reality splitting apart.
  It is speculated the reasons why the Gods abandoned the Wretched were due to the sheer influence of Vaz's power over the land. Despite being gifted the reality of The Wretched by Oum, Vaz has not been confirmed to reside there. It is more likely than not Vaz is active and roaming around the outer expanses of the universe and realities. For it is often interpreted that Vaz cannot comprehend the value in seeing something stagnate, continuously seeking more things to end outside of Nae's grasp.  
"You are nothing like him. You are escapable, as death is not the end. Where every soul, even those at the bottom of the lake, can be molded by your brother, there is nothing after a true end in which to mold. Vaz is not just a god, as we are. He is a sentiment, a concept, and a law. He marks the end of all there is and will be, as there is nothing behind him. Vaz is not the end of any life, object, or idea, but is the sacred void which is endlessness. While many try to escape it as they do you, it is the inevitable truth that everything that is or will be, will find solace in the nothing of his wake."
- Shiwa, to Deshai
Divine Classification
Prime God
Circumstances of Birth
The one true god Oumnaevaz, split themselves into three core beings and respectively principles for existence. Vaz is one of these beings.
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