The Half-Flagon Inn Building / Landmark in Arethar | World Anvil

The Half-Flagon Inn

A small Inn located a little further in the city. Its small but cheap.

Purpose / Function

This a cheap alternative to living arrangements in the city.


The Inn is one large rectangular room that can be filled with in order to give patrons a place to sleep.


You enter through one large doorway, there is one staircase leading to a basement

Sensory & Appearance

The smell of Alcohol hits your senses as soon as you enter the room.


Finni: Male Dwarf Thief, Good. Finni is short, with blonde hair and light gray eyes. He wears leather armor and wields a short sword. Finni is painfully tone-deaf. Fratelch: Female Dwarf Cleric, Good. Fratelch has a square face, with silver hair and large blue eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a flail. Fratelch seems to be seeking omens in a deck of cards. Isert: Male Halfling Fighter, Evil. Isert has a narrow face, with cropped white hair and sharp gray eyes. He wears banded mail and wields a spear. Isert seeks to free himself from an ancient curse. Riffolk: Male Human Fighter, Neutral. Riffolk is rough in appearance, with golden hair and hazel eyes. He wears splint mail and wields a military fork. Riffolk is a practiced gambler.

Contents & Furnishings

Small uncomfortable wooden chairs and cots to sleep on.


The inn is a small wooden building, with a poorly-thatched roof. A motley of luck charms and talismans hangs from the ceiling. Accomodations consist of a single large room with wooden cots.


This inn was founded by a family of Dwarves attempting to make a way for themselves.
Alternative Names
The Flagon
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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