The Gray Pipe Building / Landmark in Arethar | World Anvil

The Gray Pipe

Purpose / Function

This a middle of the road inn for the common man to enjoy who isn't afraid to spend a little bit of time and a little extra coin.


Boiled Partridge and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Ale (1 gp) Boiled Eggs and Dried Cabbage, Tankard of Beer (2 gp) Dried Boar and Rye Bread, Tankard of Perry (3 gp) Smoked Mutton and Lentils, Tankard of Perry (4 gp)
Patrons: Alfar Vardrison: Male Dwarf Entertainer, Good. Alfar has a square face, with brown hair and narrow brown eyes. He wears modest garments and numerous rings. Alfar speaks with a shrill voice. Nerde: Female Elf Peasant, Neutral. Nerde has messy golden hair and soft amber eyes, and numerous distinctive tattoos. She wears plain clothing and a blue cloak. Nerde refers to herself in the third person. Modwenn: Female Elf Mercenary, Good. Modwenn has a long face, with silver hair and brown eyes. She wears studded leather and wields a bastard sword. Modwenn seeks opponents for a drinking contest. Elrorn: Male Elf Scholar, Evil. Elrorn is fair in appearance, with black hair and bright gray eyes. He wears expensive clothing and a dragonscale cloak. Elrorn is mourning his daughter, who has been abducted by a vampire. Evel: Female Human Priest, Good. Evel is exceptionally beautiful, with copper hair and gray eyes. She wears modest garments and a sling of vials and potions. Evel suffers a traumatic fear of fire.


Rumors:   Something has been delving a network of burrows beneath the town. The sausages at the Shepherd's Cup are made with troll blood. A fell necromancer is releasing swarms of undead rats.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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