Ellis Ainros Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Ellis Ainros

Prince Ellis Ainros

Second son and fourth child to Garland the Conqueror and Queen Hwel'Ynwel.   Ellis was born two years after Princess Eggan, and was named for her twin brother, who died on the birthing bed.   Ellis was called "the little terror" from a young age. Loud, obnoxious, and utterly insensate to the feelings of others, the Prince was known to stomp on cat tails, trip servants, and demand sweets from the kitchens at all hours. He loathed his Hostess and her teachings, yet from an early age he displayed a violent hatred for Deinain worshippers, as well as Westerners as a whole. Twice he snuck out of the castle and got into fights with common children, and both times demanded harsh discipline for those that defended themselves. The second time this happened, his father sent the common children home with a gold coin each and spoke sternly to Prince Ellis. The first time, however, King Garland was away on campaign. The children were beaten for raising their hands to a Prince, and their parents each had an ear removed for allowing it.   Matters only worsened as Ellis began to near manhood. His attention toward girls ranged from the obnoxiously childish, such as hair-pulling and name-calling, to insidious commands to have certain girls brought to his bedchamber. Four Mox Men were assigned to watch over him from the age of twelve, yet still he managed to elude them on many occasions. It is said Prince Ellis deflowered anywhere from three to ten maidens, one of them a girl of noble birth whose name has been stricken from all history. Official records say each of these girls came willingly to the Prince's bed, yet given Ellis' power and his renowned dislike for being told no, we must question how sincere this girls' enthusiasm might have been.   Prince Ellis died in a tavern brawl at seven-and-ten, when his brother Garland the Glorious sat the throne. It was an entirely expected end for the Prince, yet this did not stop many from wondering if the brawl and the death had been prearranged. Garland the Glorious had recently born two sons from two wives, and the matter of succession was becoming unstable. Perhaps some might have feared what should happen if Prince Ellis tried to seize power for himself. The King's Wizard, Helena to Hand, writes in her records "Gratefully, young Prince Ellis left us yesterday evening after running afoul of some peasants in a tavern." This does not necessarily implicate her, though Helena would famously plot to place Garland the Grim on the throne years later, but it is a bold sentiment to set down.   It has often been said that Ellis was such a terror that the King and Queen never had another child. This is a somewhat heartless thing to say. In truth, Queen Hwel'Ynwel suffered several miscarriages both before and after "the little terror" was born.   Despite what Helena to Hand spelt, she investigated the brawl and found seven men responsible. The Prince had been killed by a knife through the eye, so only one could truly be said to have killed the Prince. Nevertheless, they were all held responsible and hanged in the city square. Sivan Strider spells: "It was a small price to be rid of him."


Family Ties

4791 4808 17 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in a tavern brawl.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by JD Medaeris
Character Portrait image: Prince Ellis Ainros by DALL-E