Dragonmountains Geographic Location in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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The Dragonmountains is acctualy not one mountainrange, as the name may suggest, It acctualy consist of three smaller mountain ranges, that go like a snake from the north, reaching out to three talons down south. The three parts of it, north, middle and south have been named the following: The Crow's mountains, King's landing and the Drakkar-Matari. The zones are often fought over by several factions, in aim to control the vast amount of resources and potential the mountains and their many secrets carry.
The Bloodgrove

This peculiar spot in the very middle of the mountains beat almost like a living heart. It's a highly religious spot for Hornbearers that state the leaves of the many red dragon maples whisper to them. In the middle of a pond with red water, likely coloured by the clay bottom, a large rock stands. It's said the Crimsonblooded one can be summoned there through the powers of love. Personaly I'd wager someone is trying to play on the foolishness of young couples, probably for gifts and money, but I've been wrong before. -Dragan

Kch'zhatan's depths
Right, were do I start... Stay -away- from that place. Not many understand how complex this world really is, the fact the gods are far from the most powerfull or elderest beings in this world. But, if you are prepared for the darkness origins, you have a hint of what I'm speaking of, well, I'll let you in on this secret.
  In the corner of the deepest mines, a human servant of my grandfather cracked up an entrance to a new world. Massive fungi grew like farm fields and creatures never seen before roamed wild around the ancient buildings. For this unique finding, the servant was gifted with the entire mine and village, on the deal any find would go directly to our scholars, and he did honor his deal, for a long time. Ancient technology, idols and scrips were found, we even learned the ancient name of the place.
  Then, in the ancient temple of Kch'zatan, something else was found. Something that caused the Charpacans to warn me. It can be used for good or evil, and I be praised the heart of the one who took it was made out of pure gold, else, even we Pure Elves may have bended our knees.
  -Anton Brighthope

Drak-yze-Machraki's peak

Fear not the hallowed ground you walk friend, as this peak is a spot of peace for everyone. Around you is a hatching ground for my children, and a meeting place for place for all kinds of people, were deals can be struck without fear of combat. It's also a perfect spot to see the world, as the heigh of the peak leaves everything from Xi'Quarrn to the golden Empire visible.
  Normaly on such a high altitude, one would freeze to death or fail to breath the air, but I have made sure the climate here is rather hospitable.


The Dragonmountains are surrounded by one could say three layers of heigh. The pleasant hills, filled from the bottom with forests and plain fields the further one comes, untill they meet the very mountains themselves.   The walls stand high, but carry several hidden valleys, watersprings, lakes and flat ground on top of them. Some, which never even been explored and others that have been settled by various intelligent creatures. The many caves and underground still remain a festering pit for everything from Orochen tribes to various weird creatures that roam the darker places of Arcathia.   On the snowy peaks, you can see the beauty of the range. It's serpent-like shape and lands bordering, all from the sea, to deep ancient forests, to the Dark Elven Empire. If you're lucky, or unlucky, depends on circumstances really, you might just run into a dragonmound and make a good friend for life, or a satisfying meal. Personally I'd say it's worth the risk, but hey?

Fauna & Flora

Within the mountains, one can find a large amount of rare flowers that grow better on a higher altutide, some being Dragonsblood, Rocklily and redclover, all which carry significant properties within first aid.   The trees and bushes that can be found, especially on the lower altitudes but also scarecly on the higher, are normal blueberry and raspberry bushes, along beech and oak trees, to only include the most common.   Goats and sheep, along with dozens of different birds and smaller critters, all from rabbits, to snakes, to crows, leaving it a rather easy territory to live on, if you don't count some of the more vile dragons, and dozens of mystified beasts like the Spearslug or pests like Gozobog

Natural Resources

While woodworking is a scarce, but possible trade in the mountains, most civilizations and communities that own a piece of it delve in mining, sheepfarming, foraging of herbs and berries and even hunting of rare animals and creatures, even the dragons, but mainly the dangerous ones, atleast legally only the dangerous ones.
King's landing   The most northern part of the Dragonmountains and reaching into the water with deadly cliffs and reefs, the King's landing still stands strong. harbouring an effective port and old mining town within the C shaped valley. The many exotic buildings remain in good quality and care, even in it's current hands of bandits, pirates and other low-life that dare enter the ancient crypts of whatever caused the first warrior-king's expedition to leave their most efficent source of rare ores.   It is also known that the current Warrior-King, Anton Brighthope seeks to re-conquer the town again, as a means to set up trade and negotiations with the friendly outcast tribes and elven factions, that currently dominate the mountain range. Secret sources point out that some of the local succubi even work for the Pure Elves and their efforts to reclaim the mines.   Crow's Mountains   Spanning one third of the mountainrange, the Crow's mountains is the home of the House of Crows and the heroine Ophelia Duskblade They live in peace on their dark valleys and stand for the largest raven breeding grounds in all of the Common Lands, much because the rich amount of rowan trees and berry bushes in the area can feed tens of thousand birds.   The Crow's mountains also offer some of the best spy training facilities and mining operations within the Dark Elven Empire   Drakkar-Matari   Drakkar-Matari or Dragonmounds, translated from dragon-tongue, stands the largest part of the range. Here, small communities of the worlds outcasts reside, in the form of Hornbearers, Drakkarum, enlightned Orochen, Taurus and other creatures seen as monsters or miscreants around the world. They have found themselves accepted as long they stay within their given territory, through a deal with the Wood-Elves and Barrkad.   They dominate the southern part and a lot of the highest reaches of the mountains, along with claimed cave systems that have been used as both mines and farms for underground greens, like shrooms and mosses.
Alternative Name(s)
Eastern Mountains
Mountain Range
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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