Corvex Species in Arcathia: The new Order | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The corvex sport a combination of humanoid and avian like features to their anatomy. With the hooked leg of a bird, sporting talons and a slim muscularity that stretches up into a humanoid form with manlike arms and hands which instead of nails carry a carpace-like pair of claws. Their necks are longer and protrude from a pair of widespanned shoulders, which features a ravenlike head. Attached to their shoulders they also carry a pair of impressive wings, which can either be raised for flight, or folded around the arms and body like a protective coat.   Furthermore, the bones within the corvex are found to be of avian design. While their bones are thought to be more brittle thanks to being hollow, they are rather made from a much more dense structure of weave than humanoid bone. This makes them lighter, more agile but also highly resistant towards blunt damage. Their tightly woven muscles tend to be softer than those of humanoids though, making them slightly weaker but far faster, nimbler and more agile.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like birds, these creatures reproduce by laying eggs within hatcheries, yet as an intelligent spieces have moved from warming them up themselves to using science and magic to keep the eggs protected and warm without the requirement of constant attendance. Rather having special nurses care for them in order to ensure they are safely watched over and loved.

Ecology and Habitats

Corvex is an omnivore spieces, capable of adapting to mostly any situation they find themselves in. Within colder regions, they are able to grow thicker feathers with a soft layer of fur to protect them against biting cold, while in warmer climates they can shed most feathers to allow them more breathability and cool. Their blood temperature can also be maintained to help them keep their bodies at a mild temperature.


Though corvex are mainly humanoid in their behaviour, as being sentient intelligent creatures, they are quite twitchy. This avian like being tends to make suden and direct movements of their fingers, necks and bodies. An example being turning their heads to look at something happens on instant and creepily so, rather than a smooth movement of the neck. They are also known to sometimes just use their feet talons rather than hands to open things. This behaviour is believed to be linked with stronger muscles and a greater, harder grip though.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The corvex live by a tribal structure where there exist different murders - which is actually just a nest and the families which were born from those peculiar eggs. The entirity of the species is further united underneath the flock, which is a council of each nestmother and nestfather united to make decissions. The term murder is also not to implicate something morbid, but has simply been stolen from the term murder of crow's as an old gag, yet stuck around for long enough to see itself become the proper term.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The corvex sometimes use their own shed feathers for fletching, ritual components or sell them off for mynt. This isn't seen as anything detrimental or weird, as those feathers would do nothing else but rot anyways.

Facial characteristics

The corvex carry on their ravenlike heads feathers, fur and a beak. From individual to individual, these beaks can be taller, more crooked or droopy and sometimes sport larger bones by their nostrils which can give them a frowning look. Instead of eyelids they also carry protuding bones which protect their eyes from water by letting the feathers soak up and redirect dropplets away. Depending on how thick these eyebrow bones are, they corvex can look rather terrifying and cruel.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While the avian eyes of the corvex can see beyond the scope of most other mortal and beastkin, they also have an excelent sense of both hearing and smell which is slightly better than that of most mortal kin. Beyond the ordinary five senses, they also have a sixth known as magnetoreception - a skill which allows them to feel the magnetic fields around them, which gives the corvex both an internalized compass where they'll always know north from south and east from west, though it also grants them an incredible capacity for magic near twice as powerfull as most elves. Combined with the access to a unique type of magic known as Delusiomancy.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most of the corvex tend to be trilingual. Speaking both Common and High Dyskhari as main languages but are born with a competense of Ravenspeech , which they all swiftly master. As a quirk in their mentality for language, their beaks often make an automated rolling r sound which can go on for a whole two seconds when speaking outside of their inborn language. They also tend to stutter a bit and sometimes make croaking sounds when breathing in air, to mimic mortal tongue.


This beastkin remain some of the most curious of their ilk. The rite known as Animo-Ex-Taurus does not seem to have been involved at all within their creation, which has made Biologists and Zoologists question the origin of the rest of beastkin, or if magical engineering was really utilized within the creation of them. In fact, the corvex existance is one of the greatest mysteries among cultural scientists.   Unlike any other speices, they've got no origins or creation myths. Like elves comming from the Faywild or humans being ancient decendants of the gods. Instead, their creation just speaks of the god Ghust and a realm beyond the shadows which is home to all avian like species. This realm known as the Veilweald features several myths of legends, which are all different avian like species such as harpies, creatures suspiciously similar to Velkorian and more. What is never specified is how they found themselves in the world of Equilibrium, answering all questions to their origins with - "We came from beyond the veil, to find a world in chaos and discord."
Scientific Name
Corvidae Sapiensis
80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The feathers often come in shades of black or gray, sometimes even taking a more dark purple hue. All their feathers don't necessarily need to be of the same colour though and it's not rare that corvex can have lighter feathers around their fingertips, chest areas and eyes. Some of them can even have white feathers or spots of mixed coloured feathering.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
The naming traditions of the corvex often seem to make little to no sense among most mortals, yet it's said that within the language of the ravens each and every name has a near divine implication. Their names work not only as a way to be adressed in person, but in dignity and title. A name such as V'rhita Kraxx may sound just like an odd combination of birdlike sounds, but would mean something along the lines of - The virtuous champion. It is believed that names and their meaning also work as a prophecy for the given individual, which gives them spiritual aid in achieving their destiny.  

Male names:

Corvo, Avril, Vidthnir, Hugin, Munnin, V'rhita, Arro, Korax, Chorus, Qweth.  

Female names

Cath, Avina, Vilith, Hurun, Munthva, Phirta, Virro, Klovhe, Charil, Quinn.  

Murder names

Hrithano, Chravox, Chirp'ta, Kwexus, Screek'a, Kraxx, Qwaszt, Pi'pip.


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Dec 17, 2022 19:45

Wow, it´s good.

Dec 17, 2022 19:52

Thank you again!

Feb 21, 2023 15:26

Kelly Pawlik at Kobold Press loved this entry for WorldEmber! <3 She asked me to pass on her feedback to you!   1.I like that this species has no creation myth, just references to their arrival on the world from somewhere else.   2.The idea that each corvex’s name is divine is neat. I like that the names also serve as title.

Feb 21, 2023 15:56

Omg, that is awesome! Thank you so much! :D