Varsa Organization in Arcane Realm | World Anvil


Varsa is the largest nation of the Dvipa region.


Varsa has a history going back thousands of years and a prehistory going back hundreds of thousands of years. The area would be met by the arrival of the Devas, deities that would become revered for eight thousand to ten thousand years ago, by the development of settled agricultural communities in some areas. Their influence and influx of followers from their realm led to a bewildering variety of princely states and kingdoms, small and large, throughout the subcontinent, creating a long history of war and conquest that was punctuated by foreign invasions and the birth of It wasn't until the reign of the Vati Empire, that most land became unified as Sarasvati.   Sarasvati became the birthplace of some of the world's largest religions: Vedism, Sramana. The next empire became the , who were strongly influenced by the growing power of Jinnistan though their reign was ended after the connection to Sarvaga was severed by the Ghulat Wars.   After the global wilderness era, in the area known as the Deshi region, the next genuinely urban civilization arose as the neighboring jinn colonized the area as the Majin Empire for some centuries which while maintained by military rule, also fostered more diverse knowledge and expanded the nation's borders.   Once the leaders of that empire waned, Varsa had met its last foreign invaders, the Avalish, who establish a unified empire that covered most of the region during its final century. The Avalish ruled Varsa through a viceroy and a council, although several hundred "princely states" continued to maintain a measure of independence. The Varsan National Congress, founded in , slowly moved from a position of advisor and critic for the Avalon administration toward demanding the transference of power to native politicians. With the various oil crises leading to a global recession, uprisings form the populous became commonplace and after the global war, Varsa was finally able to win independence.

Demography and Population

Ethnic Makeup   Indigenous   Vanara Homins  Mansa, Nagi, Mahoraga Lamiae Garuda Harpies   Diaspora   Devas Yakshiki Silat Jinn   Minorities     Merfolk   Religious Makeup



Agriculture & Industry

Basic Economy   With a large proportion of the population being located in rural areas (73%), farming is the largest source of employment; for hundreds of millions of people, this means subsistence farming on tiny plots of land, whether owned or rented. In most parts of the country, some farmers produce cash crops for sale in urban markets, and in some areas, plantation crops such as tea, coffee, cardamom, and rubber are of great economic importance because they bring in foreign money.   Land Tenure and Property   In an economy based on agriculture, the ownership of land is the key to survival and power. In most parts of the country, the majority of the acreage is owned by a politically dominant caste that is likely to be a middle-ranking one, not a high caste one. However, the various regions still have different traditions of land tenure and associated systems of land taxation.   Varsa has only recently seen the last of the rural serfs who for centuries supplied much of the basic farm labor in some parts of the country. There are still numberless landless wage laborers, tenant farmers, and landlords who rent out their extensive lands, and rich peasants who work their own holdings.     Industries   In modern times, an expanding investment scene, combined with continuing inflation, has formed the background to an extensive import and export trade. The major industries of Varsa continue to be tourism, clothing, tea, coffee, cotton, and the production of raw materials; in the last few years, there has been a surge in the importance of the computer software industry. Varsa's telecommunication industry is the world's fastest-growing and second biggest supplier of mobile phones after Jianghu. The pharmaceutical industry in Varsa is among the significant emerging markets for the global pharmaceutical industry.   Division of Labor   The division of work is based on gender. Age also separates out the very old and the very young as people unable to perform the heaviest tasks. Those jobs are done by millions of adult men and women who have nothing to offer but their muscles. Beyond these fundamental divisions, Varsa is unique in having the caste system as the ancient and most basic principle of organization of the society. Each of many hundreds of castes traditionally had one occupation that was its specialty and usually its local monopoly. Only farming and the renouncer's life were open to all.

Trade & Transport

Trade   The major trading partners are Caspiane, Thule, Zipacna, Avalon, and Arcadia with an increasing importance to the Zomian nations of Ayuthaya and Nusantara. Political animosities have long ensured that trade with neighboring Deshi countries remained minimal in the past, but recent cultural and shifts have slowly started to reverse this and invest in the region.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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