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Kitsune are Jiuweihu that originate from the island nation of Wakoku. They have the largest diaspora of jiuweihu outside of their country, in other Yaojing region nations and even in Abya Yala.


Culture and cultural heritage

Social Ranks are highly important for kitsune, or at least for those who are devotees to Inari. They have an organized hierarchy and they also want to be aware of which foxes are not in service to their deity.   There are two major alignments within the hierarchy of kitsune. Zenko foxes are servants of the deity Inari, and Inari’s shrines are decorated with statues and images of these foxes and they provide wisdom or service to good and pious followers. These holy foxes act as messengers of the gods and mediums between the celestial and human worlds and often protect humans or places, provide good luck, and ward evil spirits away. The alternative alignment are the wild foxes, nogitsune or yako which delight in mischief, pranks, or evil, often tricking or even possessing humans, and cause them to behave strangely. Despite this wicked nature, even wild foxes keep their promises, remember friendships, and repay any favors done for them.       Ashireiko: Ashireiko is the lowest social rank of jiuweihu. All kitsune start off as this rank as it is held from infancy until the age of one hundred. The rank of ashireiko includes ordinary, non-magical foxes as well as magical jiuweihu. Because of this, the vast majority belong to this rank. Once a fox reaches the age of 50, they begin their ascetic training to develop their shape shifting abilities. By the time an ashireiko has reached one hundred years old, it has honed its magical skills enough to be promoted to the next rank: chiko.   Chiko: Chiko is the next rank of kitsune society, after ashireiko. Kitsune belonging to this rank no longer look like ordinary foxes as they develop multiple tails based on age. Most chiko are between one hundred and five hundred years of age. For kitsune who wish to continue to advance in society, this is a period of intense ascetic practice. As they grow in age and magical power, chiko also begin to develop additional tails. The oldest and most powerful chiko can have up to nine tails.   At around five hundred years of age, good chiko may advance to the next rank of society and become kiko. They shed their physical bodies and become spiritual entities. As for nogitsune, chiko is the highest rank they can ever achieve as no matter how many years they may live, how many tails they grow, or how powerful they become, they will never advance beyond this rank. Chiko may be wicked, beneficent, or indifferent but all are powerful; how they use this power depends upon whether they are zenko or nogitsune.     Kiko: Zenko that serve Inari from after 500 years to 1000 years of age. Often they have pelts colored white, black or gold. These foxes have shed their physical forms to essentially become spirits but can easily manifest a physical form. Often run errands on behalf of their patron deity or their superiors in rank. They also have friendly relations with follower peoples like hauflins, homins, fairies, etc. even to the point of romance in some cases.   Myobu: Higher ranking and powerful pure white coated zenko that some kiko can advance into from the age of 700 with excellent performance. Statues of them are often made in Inari shrines as signs of good luck. Their main objective is to receive offerings from Inari worshippers and bestow various blessings in return. The also manage the activities of Kiko and have authority to assign the tasks along the hierarchy.   Tenko: Tenko is the highest rank achievable for an ascended Kitsune under Inari. They are basically foxes that have attained minor godhood after a thousand years of life and dwell primarily in the divine realm of Inari's followers. And they can descend into a physical form, typically beautiful humanoid goddesses at will, with a minimum of 4 fox tails that can become 9 as they age.   Tenko are often worshiped as gods by humans, and they are known to grant boons and favors for the people who revere them. They also have a level of clairvoyance to see the future of any one of their followers and watch their subordinates when they are on Kaf.     Kuko: This is the last role taken one overall though once kitsune age past 3000, they retire from direct service from Inari, acting as advisors to active Tenko and Myobu. They are the oldest and most powerful kitsune but due to their advisory role are only the second highest rank as they are more like retired elder council members. When kuko interact with human beings, it is only to do good deeds like increasing the prosperity of a temple or a household. They may also possess foolish people temporarily to put them on the straight and narrow. Kuko will often live out the rest of their extended lives for another 5 centuries and reflect on all they have achieved in their life until its end.

Common Dress code

Kitsune are noted for wearing the traditional dress of Wakoku, the kimono. Males wear the typical dark colored variation while females wear more lighter colors. Interesting is that the kimono worn by kitsune tend to be the more casual cotton ones, similar to yukatas, only being more formal in specific circumstances.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Kitsune have a specific ceremony for wedding that is significant in the region for when they are planned. Known as "Kitsune no yomeiri" these become a grand precession before the actual wedding as the bride travels to her new home among a parade of paper lanterns. Others typically family members will carry long ornate chests and a palanquin for the bride to enter and ride towards her groom's home. The affair often has the kitsune wearing kimono with their family crests embroidered. Once they arrive and their destination, usually they will have a feast prepared by the groom's family. Yomeiri will typically be planned for either the deep quiet of night, where they form a long string of kitsunebi–phantom lights–stretching over the walk way to light area or during sun shower, where it lightly rans with the sun out.
Parent ethnicities
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