introduction to Arbor in Arbor | World Anvil
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introduction to Arbor

Arbor is a place where magic, science, and class politics mix in equal measure. A city of perpetual twilight under the shade of an enormous magical tree. The world of Arbor is broken, with the rich and powerful exploiting those who have little and doing everything in their power to ensure it remains that way. The downtrodden and poor must do whatever they need to survive, even if it means stepping on each other in the hopes of rising from the bottom of society.  

What should I know about Arbor


Steampunk Fantasy

Arbor is a world where fantasy and steampunk collide. Its themes and settings are drawn equally from both genres. It is a world where magic and technology coexist, and where class and wealth divide the populace, similar to our own reality. Arbor follows a set of rigid rules, familiar to fans of regency dramas, which must be adhered to in order to avoid exposing oneself to attack and potential destruction.

The Great Tree

The Great Tree is the source of all wonders and technological advancements within Arbor. Its fruit sustains the population, its leaves provide clothing, and its sap powers the great steam engines that heat homes and propel trains. Arbor owes its existence as a city solely to the tree, which is one of the largest in the world and the primary source of magical item creation. Its influence permeates every aspect of the city and should not be underestimated or overlooked.


Within Arbor, there are items that hold the memories of their owners—snippets of a lover's first kiss or the last breath of the damned. When holding such an item, the memory is brought to the forefront and plays out in aetheric mist. These memories are usually harmless, but a particularly powerful and horrific memory acquired by an item could pose great danger. While rare, it's important to be cautious, as objects with strong memories might develop a will of their own. For more information, refer to Memoria intra objectum


Every aspect of life in the city is controlled by one or more companies. They dictate who you work for and who provides your shelter. Each company controls a specific territory, its power and influence determining the extent of its control. It's crucial to remember that every company is solely concerned with its own interests. While some may allow you to roam freely, others will exact a heavy toll for violating their territory. Beware.      


Arbor's map is divided into Rings and Branches. The number of the ring indicates its proximity to the tree and the wealth of the area, with lower numbers being more favorable in both aspects. The land near the tree is exclusively occupied by the wealthy and well-connected. Additionally, there are two vertical locations to consider. The first is the tree itself, with its branches known as The Great Sky Highway. Largely unexplored and unknown to most, it remains unmapped. The other location is The Canopy , situated at the top of the cliffs that traverse parts of Arbor. This elevated area is where the tree takes root and where the wealthiest individuals reside.

Sword, Sorcery and Science


Arcane spellcasters in Arbor, and the world at large, draw their magic from the ether that permeates the world. However, in Arbor, the ether is unusually dense, making magic much easier to cast and perform. Magic is commonplace within Arbor, though those outside the city walls may not have witnessed it in such abundance. Arbor is like an oasis in the middle of a desert, where miracles are a daily reality. Growing up beneath the canopy of The Great Tree , witnessing a man fly to work is as likely as boarding a train. However, it's important to note that the Collegiate Arcanum, the governing body, controls most of the naturally born spellcasters. Sorcerers, wizards, druids, and clerics need to be aware of this and understand their place within the system, or fight outside of it like the The Unseen do.  


In Arbor, alchemy is a respected and highly sought-after profession, with many alchemists working for the various companies that govern the city. There are several different schools of alchemy, each with its own techniques and practices. Some alchemists specialize in creating potions and remedies, while others focus on transmutation or crafting magical items. The use of alchemy is strictly regulated in Arbor, requiring alchemists to register with the city and obtain a license to practice. Despite these regulations, a thriving black market for illegal alchemical goods exists, with many individuals willing to pay a premium for such items.


Steam power is an integral part of life in Arbor, driving trains, heaters, and factories. It is generated by harnessing the energy of the Great Tree's sap, which is carefully collected and processed by skilled alchemists. Steam power is highly coveted and closely guarded by the various companies that control it. The city is in a constant race to develop new and more efficient uses for steam power. However, the reliance on steam power has resulted in a significant divide between the privileged and the impoverished. Those without access to steam power struggle to keep up with the rapidly advancing technology.

Technology and Inventions

Arbor boasts a range of remarkable technological advancements that may be of particular relevance to characters in the world. These innovations include creations like the Artifex, Levin Stones, and Clockwork Heart, each of which has pushed the boundaries of technology and, in some cases, blurred the line between man and machine.   Artifex: These constructs possess a semblance of sentience, challenging conventional notions of what it means to be human. However, the Iron Hands, a prominent organization, staunchly maintain that this sentience is nothing more than an elaborate deception.   Levin Stones: Serving as a vital source of electricity, Levin Stones provide power to certain inhabitants of Arbor. The discovery of these stones has led to the development of numerous electrified devices, driving further technological progress.   Clockwork Heart: The invention of the Clockwork Heart has revolutionized the field of medical augmentation. This remarkable device offers a gateway to a wide array of prosthetic limbs and enhancements. It enables amputees to regain lost functionality, while also enticing those who seek to push the limits of human capability.   These technological marvels not only shape the fabric of Arbor but also introduce intriguing possibilities for characters seeking to explore the intersections of humanity, machinery, and progress.

Social Aspects

Social Hierarchy

Arbor operates under a hierarchical class-based system, where one's position is determined by a combination of power, influence, and wealth. There are distinct social strata, some of which can be ascended through acquiring enough power, influence, and money, while others are solely based on birthright.   Lower Class: The lower class comprises individuals who perform menial jobs and work in factories throughout the city. They are always connected to some kind of company, selling their labor for meager wages necessary for survival.   Middle Class: Above the lower class, the emerging middle class consists of individuals occupying positions such as factory managers, office workers, news agents, and tailors. They enjoy relatively better accommodations, with some even residing in the Second Ring, where they lead comfortable lives.   Upper Class: The upper class is divided into two distinct groups. First, there are the Old Families, representing the long-established moneyed elite of Arbor. These families have exerted control over significant portions of Arbor for generations, with historical ties to influential companies like the Tree-Wrights and the Hand Weavers and Spinners Guild. Second, there is the new money, primarily represented by groups such as the Factory Bosses and the The Pipemen. These nouveau riche individuals have amassed substantial wealth, often through their involvement in powerful companies. Tensions run high between the old and new money factions.   This social hierarchy dictates not only the opportunities available to individuals but also the conflicts and power struggles that define Arbor's landscape. As characters navigate this complex societal structure, they must contend with rivalries, class tensions, and the constant pursuit of power and influence.  

Cultural and Artistic Aspects

Arbor's culture is intricately intertwined with the worship of the Great Tree. As the sole provider of sustenance for a significant portion of the population, it comes as no surprise that the tree has been deified since the early days of Arbor's history. Virtually every resident of Arbor pays some form of respect to the tree, although the nature and extent of this reverence may vary. The Great Tree's influence is pervasive and shapes the cultural fabric of the city.   However, Arbor is also a melting pot, attracting people from all corners of the world in search of wealth and opportunity. As the wealthiest city-state anywhere, it serves as a magnet for individuals seeking to make their fortunes within its walls. Even the original peoples who arrived in Arbor bring with them distinct cultures and traditions. For instance, the Beastkin in, with their two distinct enclaves— The Nest for Avians and The Green for Yuan-Ti—preserve their own customs and ways of life.   Amidst this cultural tapestry, the Church of the Order of the Fallen Leaves wields considerable influence, particularly among the lower classes. Underestimating their power would be unwise. Their presence and authority shape the daily lives and beliefs of many residents in Arbor.   Arbor's culture is a vibrant mosaic, with the Great Tree at its center, drawing diverse individuals, customs, and traditions together within its shadowed embrace. Art, music, and expressions of faith intertwine to create a cityscape where the rich tapestry of cultures thrives and leaves an indelible mark on the inhabitants' lives.

Local Customs and Traditions

Within Arbor's walls, several holidays hold significant importance and deserve mention here. Among them is Founding Day, commemorating Arbor's inception and the conclusion of the Great Exodus. The city bursts into a week-long celebration, with street parties and various festivities. However, for more religious individuals, the week leading up to Founding Day is observed with fasting.   Additionally, due to the city's unique location beneath the Great Tree's canopy, impromptu celebrations known as @lux momentum occur when rays of unobstructed sunlight break through the foliage. These sporadic and unpredictable events are cause for jubilation and rejoicing. The The Seekers attempt to provide some indication of when these moments might occur, distributing the information through newspapers.   Other holidays in the city are minor, consisting of birthdays and smaller events. However, a person's assessment by the Collegiate Arcanum is considered so significant that it may warrant a holiday, but this privilege is typically reserved for the wealthy.   In Arbor, death is marked by a ritual known as Sylvalay. During this solemn rite, the deceased's body is placed atop one of the Great Tree's roots. Over the course of a few hours, the body is absorbed into the tree itself as the root gently closes around it. Not every death follows this custom, but those who are laid to rest in the @Inner Ring, near the Great Tree, are considered to be greatly honored in their passing. These customs and traditions form an essential part of Arbor's cultural tapestry, shaping the way its residents celebrate, mourn, and find significance in life's milestones. As characters immerse themselves in the city's customs, they become part of a living history, bound to its rich legacy and meaningful rituals.

Mysteries and Secrets

Arbor, an ancient city steeped in history, holds a plethora of enigmas, hidden lore, and perilous secrets. Among its many mysteries, two stand out, shrouded in obscurity and awaiting intrepid explorers:   The Enigma of Magic: One perplexing puzzle that continues to baffle scholars is the extraordinary concentration of magic within Arbor and its surrounding lands. Beyond the city's borders, even the most modest magical feats, like producing a gentle gust of wind or reading a stray thought, were considered miraculous and required weeks of rigorous study. In stark contrast, within Arbor, the wellspring of magic appears boundless, rendering even the most extraordinary magical feats well within reach. Yet, the reason behind this exceptional magical abundance remains elusive. Many theories speculate that the Great Tree itself, in its unfathomable will, grants this bountiful magic, just as it provides all other things. However, no concrete evidence supports this hypothesis, and magical scholars have found no proof of the tree's direct involvement, leaving the mystery unsolved.   The Enigma of Memoria: Another baffling phenomenon in Arbor is the Memoria, an intricate mechanism that preserves memories within objects. Countless seekers have endeavored to fathom its inner workings, even attempting to engineer new versions, but their efforts have yielded meager results at best. The Memoria seems to possess a distinct will, deciding what to preserve and what to leave forgotten. Yet, the origin and purpose of this enigmatic will remain shrouded in uncertainty, leaving scholars puzzled and curious minds intrigued. Beyond these prominent enigmas, Arbor conceals a wealth of secrets and intrigues. From Factory Bosses with dubious ascents to power, to shadowy companies whose performances may involve sinister dealings, a tapestry of mysteries awaits those who dare to delve into the depths of Arbor's walls. In this city of shadows and secrets, every individual harbors their own clandestine affairs, waiting to be unearthed by those willing to seek the truth. Venturing into Arbor's mysteries offers great rewards and dire risks. Those who dare to unravel its secrets may discover hidden truths that could reshape the city's fate or plunge them into perilous situations where trust and treachery intertwine. In this world of darkness and intrigue, uncovering the truth can be as dangerous as any other pursuit.

My Character in Arbor

How do I fit in?

You have two options for your character in Arbor. They can either be a native of the city, born and raised here, familiar with its cobbled streets, gangs, and the harsh realities of surviving childhood amidst the greenies and grueling working conditions. Alternatively, your character could have traveled from outside of Arbor, arriving by train or boat to seek their fortune in the wealthiest city in the world.

Where did I come from

An excellent question. If your character is from Arbor, consider their socioeconomic class. Are they poor, barely scraping by? If so, they likely grew up in the Third Ring, or if their circumstances were particularly dire, in the Twigs. They would have spent their days toiling in factories or as part of a Company. On the other hand, if they are well-off, they may have grown up privileged in the First Ring, living a life of luxury but constantly wary of the dangers inherent to noble life, always looking over their shoulder for rivals seeking to seize their family's wealth. Alternatively, your character may hail from outside the city, having embarked on a long and arduous journey to find fortune or pursue another objective.

What can I do?

Consider your character's profession or vocation. Have they worked for someone else or operated independently? There are numerous vocations in Arbor, not all of them above board. Not everyone starts out mugging people for coin. Many have found an honest, albeit meager, living within Arbor.

What Races can I play?

For guidance on how most 5e races relate to the world of Arbor, refer to this document: Relating 5e Races to Arbor Races


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Feb 20, 2023 22:28

Branchs -> Branches in Locations