Twigs Settlement in Arbor | World Anvil
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TThe twigs, if you live here you are lowest of the low. the dregs at the bottom of society, the poor, the downtrodden and the desperate. Those that make their homes here see no way to advance their lot in life, they toil in factories taking smog ridden trains into the Third Ring or beyond and if the poor air quality doesn't send them to an early grave the poor working conditions and callous Factory Bosses are sure to finish the job. It's not all doom and gloom though, even in the darkest of places you can find light and levity. People in these conditions often have found strength known only to those in places such as these. The Twigs is also a place for those who do not wish to be found or to be hassled by Green Cloak so much illicit activities find their place here. In some ways then the Twigs in all of Arbor is the freest part of the city.  
"Life in the Twigs ain't easy, that's for sure. We're the ones who get forgotten about, the ones who get left behind. But we don't let that get us down. We look out for each other, and we make the best of what we've got. It ain't much, but it's home." -Random Twigs Resident


In a word the poor, those who live in the twigs are those at the lowest rungs of society where merely trying to survive is difficult to near impossible. Aside from the general throng of people within the Twigs there are two groups that have eked out some enclaves for their people these are the Avians and the Yuan-Ti . However aside from those two sections of the Twigs the demographic split is fairly mixed and because of their proliferation and initial settlement humans still make up about 60% of the total population of the Twigs with the rest of the species making up the the rest. The next largest group are the Small Folk at 10% everything after them is a bit more difficult to pin a precise number on and largely depends on immigration and time of year. Though no single group makes up more than a single percent the exception being the Kenku and the Yuan-Ti who each are at about 2%.  

Kenku Enclave

The Avians have carved out a small section for themselves within the Twigs, which they call the The Nest. The Nest is a place where the Avian can come together and feel safe. It is a place where these bird like species can feel among their own kind and embrace their shared connection to the skies above.   The Nest is located against the cliff wall, and it provides living accommodations for those who prefer to roost rather than have homes like other species within Arbor. The location of the Nest is strategic, as it provides some protection from the outside world and allows the Avian and their allies to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. The Nest is a place of community and belonging, where the Avian and their allies can come together and share their experiences and knowledge.   Overall, the Nest is an important and integral part of the Kenku's community in the Twigs. It is a place where they can embrace their avian nature and find a sense of belonging and connection to the natural world.  

Yuan-Ti Enclave

The Yuan-Ti are one of the few cold-blooded members of Arbor, and as such they have a greater need for heat in order to maintain homeostasis. In order to meet this need, they have established an underground area in the Twigs called The Green which is a reference to their connection to nature and the lush, green environment that can be found within the underground tunnels and caves. The Green is located in a series of underground tunnels and natural-forming caves, some of which cross the root structures of The Great Tree. In these areas, life springs abundant, with soft mosses and mushrooms growing in the warm and humid environment. If one were not sure they were underground, they might think themselves in a jungle.   The location of The Green is a closely-guarded secret among the Yuan-Ti, and it is not known to many people outside of their community. It is a place of sanctuary and comfort for the Yuan-Ti, offering them a respite from the colder temperatures and harsher conditions of the surface. Despite its underground location, The Green is filled with light and life, offering a contrast to the dim and gloomy Twigs above. Overall, it is a unique and intriguing place that is deeply connected to the natural world and the Yuan-Ti's spiritual beliefs.

Demographic Split by numbers

Any numbers not represented here are so small and inaccurate that they cannot be shown here with any reliability so have been omitted.
  • Humans: 60%
  • Dwarves: 10%
  • Fae Touched: 5%
  • Halflings: 3%
  • Dragonborn: 2%
  • Kenku: 2%
  • Yuan-Ti: 2%
  • Elemental Touched: 2%
  • Gnomes: 1%
  • Half-Elves: 1%
  • Half-Orcs: 1%
  • Infernal Touched: 1%
  • Celestial Touched: 1%
  • Aarakocra: 1%


The Twigs in Arbor is a product of the ever-marching beast that is progress. In the beginning, the Silver Council attempted to create a small amount of city planning for the Twigs, setting up new roads, schools, and other public facilities to help it get off the ground running. This effort was intended to improve the living conditions and quality of life for the residents of the Twigs, and the Silver Council sought to establish a more organized and orderly city. However, this plan only lasted for a year at best, as Factory Bosses decided to take over the loan process and construction directly. The Factory Bosses saw an opportunity to make profits by building row houses for the growing population of workers in the city, and they began constructing these cheap homes one after the other.   As the city needed to expand to accommodate more people and more workers for the factories, the Twigs continued to grow and expand. However, nothing in Arbor is free, and a home in the Twigs is no exception. Many Factory Bosses are eager to attract more workers and extend predatory loans to incoming migrants, trapping them in long mortgages that they could not hope to pay off for accommodations that were barely liveable. As a result, many residents of the Twigs are trapped in debt and are unable to improve their living conditions. Despite this, the Twigs continues to grow and expand, with more and more people flocking to Arbor in search of work and a better life. It is possible that at some point a wall will need to be added to the Twigs, and it is also possible that the name of this area will change as it continues to evolve and develop.  

Points of Interest

  • The Bird's Nest
  • The Green
  The Factory Branch: Much of the Twigs is home to factories and industrial works, which provide employment for many of its residents. These factories might be a point of interest for those who want to learn more about the industrial history of Arbor or for those who want to see the inner workings of the city's factories. Of course this isn't every factory in Arbor and some that are not so dirty are found in the Third Ring but the majority of the loud, dirty or toxic factory work is done in the Twigs.  

Companies Present

  Factory Bosses - As several factories are located in the Twigs the Bosses have a vested interest in the area they also "provide" much of the housing for the residents here so are dipping their fingers in as many pies as they can.    


The Twigs in Arbor is a testament to the utilitarian nature of progress. Much of the Twigs is constructed using brick and mortar, which is a cheaper and more modern building technique than using wood harvested from the Great Tree. However, brick is not as effective at retaining heat, and as a result, the buildings in the Twigs are cold and uncomfortable to live in. The row houses are constructed in long, straight rows, which gives the Twigs a labyrinthine quality and can make it difficult to navigate. The wind is also funneled down these long corridors, making the walks to work bitterly cold. The one saving grace against the cold is the piped-in steam system, which provides ample heating for the row houses, as long as everything is working correctly and there are no issues. However, the steel pipes that pump hot steam into the tops of the buildings are not well-maintained and are prone to leaking, which can result in residents being hit by superheated water and developing small blisters.   The buildings themselves have simple, utilitarian designs, with square entranceways and square windows, which contribute to the feeling of becoming lost in the long rows of houses. There is little in the way of decorative elements or architectural flourishes, as the focus is purely on functionality. Some residents try to brighten up their living spaces by adding window boxes with flowers, but it can be a challenge to keep the flowers alive in the poor air quality and with the constant threat of boiling water leaks. Overall, the Twigs is a dystopian place to live, with challenging conditions and a focus on efficiency and utility rather than comfort or aesthetics. It is a place where residents must struggle to survive and eke out a living in the face of constant challenges.
Alternative Name(s)
The Fourth Ring
Location under
Included Locations


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