Founding Day Tradition / Ritual in Arbor | World Anvil
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Founding Day

Few days in the year are as important to those in Arbor as Founding Day. A true celebration that most if not all the city takes part in those of the faith of the The Great Tree and those who do not worship. It is a day when everyone can, if the boss allows, take a breath and appreciate the wonders of the city and remember the places many of their ancestors came from to find the wonder that is the city many take for granted every other day of the year.  
"For at least a little while on founding day we keep the blood out of the streets... you know for the young'uns" - unkown crime boss


Founding day was created as a holiday sometime after the First Walls were complete. It was decided that there needed to be a celebration to keep the morale of those toiling in either the mines or working with the Great Tree's resources high. Originating from The Order of the Fallen Leaves who also believed that they could use it to bring more of the faithless to heel Founding Day will in all likelyhood surpass and outreach their influence as it has become a universely loved holiday.  


For most founding day is simply an excuse for a party, no special rites or events needed. Simply a day when the boss might let you go home early and everyone is a little nicer. For those of the faith though there is a little more to it. Those who are of the Order play out special plays detailing the Great Exodus and eventually culminating in the founding of Arbor. These plays present a rose tinted view of the world and cast light on many great heroes of the world and of the time. Some of the plays though are quite popular particularly among those of the poor who have little other entertainment. At one point the plays were transformed into puppet shows for children, an effort by the Church to appeal to a younger audience and potentially convert the youth to their cause. The plays and puppet shows both take much of their time attempting to paint the times before the Exodus and the Church as a dark hellish landscape and the moment of enlightment from the Tree as some great epihany only made possible by the Orders efforts and continued vigilance.   For most though these plays and shows are simply a distraction from their otherwise miserable lives and serve only to remind everyone that this is only 1 day out of the year where they aren't getting a boot on their throat.  


Founding day has changed date a few times over the year to make it more palateble to the masses though if you ask any priest they will say it has always been the longest night on December 25th.
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