Session 13: Tabaxi Bandits and the Lost One Report in Arabeth | World Anvil

Session 13: Tabaxi Bandits and the Lost One

General Summary

Blue Hill Gang - After Leaving Cragma Castle

Reidoth went home now that we have a guide. Stormy made him an Arabeth medalion from the coral globe we had. He offers an always available place to stay at Thunder Tree and stew.   The dwarf, Gundrun Rockseeker, will lead us to Wave Echo Cave and pay us to clean out the cave. Stormy is carrying the map and making a copy of it.   Stormy and Thoradin lead the way through the soaking misty weather into the valley.   In the distance we make out something in the road and let the others. Cernan rides ahead to see if he can sense anything. That formless thing and shape changes, and out of it steps the mean looking Tabaxi.   Bixlatter, leader of the Blue Hill Gang, said we "walked into his trap". Stormy loses it over the fact that he's not a noble Tabaxi and that he says he has a ransom for Cernan's head. She just shoots him, no questiones asked.

Stormy does know about the Blue Hill Gang, a self important group of Tabaxi theives. Some romanticize them.
  Cita heard the word trap and went steath. Bixlatter chants. Then there's a poof of smoke and there are 4 of him - all identical with arrows sticking out of them.   The fog disappears suddenly. We are surrounded by Tabaxi. Rashid casts Magic Mucilage on the new bulky guy that appears, but he can resist it.   Bixlatter fights 2 handed like Cernan, but can't hit the broad side of a barn. (Niether can we at this point.)   Shimmer takes out one of the "Mirror Images". There's one left.   Cita intimidates one of the Tabaxi into dropping their bow and ties him/her up. Then Cernan uses holy smite on Bix with Shimmer's lightning.   Stormy takes Bixlatter out, with the intention of taking his head to the authorities as an example to her people. Shimmer took the scroll.   Cita does a super gymnast cartwheel over a rock and goes behind another archer - to intimidate him into dropping weapon too.   Stormy demands their surrender, saying how disappointed she is in them as Tabaxi--but they can turn their lives around. Everyone but the big guy, Pix, stands down. Stormy talks to him - telling him to turn and follow a better path. Cernan prays and Arabeth raises Bixlatter from the dead. They don't promise they'll go straight, but they are humbled. We send them off with a symbol of Arabeth.   The letter was from a gentleman of Alador - Kingdom issuing the decrees. The Blue Hill Gang thought it would be easy money. Authority of Seran.   Magic was a bard spell. Cita takes their net.   We heal up and rest and give the dwarf armor - he takes the chainmail and morning star and a shield. He's even more convinced we are the people to help him.


The Lost One

Next day - we hear a birdsong. Golden Bird on a branch - chriping with us with intent. Stormy speaks with him. He drops a piece of vine. "She can't know I'm here yet. But you must find the lost one. I'll lead you to him."  
This vine is part of a gourd plant. Thoradin and Stormy see a clockwork bird. And we turn form going south, to follow him deeper into the forest, east.  
We come to a pumpkin patch - not spores. There's a shack by the stream - with a ton of jugs. We see a dragon-ish guy drinking something on the porch. He hollers in draconic, "Go away!" The gold bird is gone. The dragonborn hurls something into a pumpkin. He's schnakered.   What color is this dragon guy? Copper dragon - tarnished.   Stormy offers, in draconic, to drink with him and offers ice cream. He's not interested in ice cream, but shares his "good grog" that he calls "hooch". Thoradin drinks some, his eyes go blank for a minute. Everything goes fuzzy and does not care about much. He probably has a name?   Cernan drinks some too. It takes a strong constitution to not pass out.   Pumpkins are ready to harvest. The rest of us who drink are out for many minutes. The "hooch" is the guy's secret recipe, Start with pumpkins add magic in a magic still.   Shimmer asks Stormy why he's not shiny. Stormy doesn't know. It bothers shimmer. He SHOULD be shiny.   "I wasn't there!!!!" he says repeatedly.   His dad took him to the Great Tree, Yilusandra. He put his hand on her bark and became a defender of Yilusandra. We ask, "Does she still exist?" No.   His dad was a priest. Heard the voice, Yilusandra's voice. People came from all over the world. They warned of evil coming. Must protect Yilusandra. I wasn't even there. Should have been there. She gone! He and his mother tried to regrow her.   What happened to his father? The ones that warned of evil said there was a way to save her. Be "renewed". His father did it. The ones who warned of the evil were dead.   Should have been there. Mom took them away to the mountains. Bad things were happening. He was thirteen. Mom gone. Doesn't know anyone else. Might be the last dragonborn? (His people are rare!!!) Some people hate and hunt them others think they never existed.   Built a big pyre. Smoke. Dead bodies anywhere. His mom had seeds. None were Yilusandra. All the little trees, they're all dead.   Yellow bird got in the way of him killing a troll. He's lost his path. We tell him about Arabeth and that she's helping us to fight Amanita.   The drink's purpose is to forget. He left too young, so he took no oath. He loathes Amanita, they were the ones to kill the Great Tree.   Stormy points out "If you keep forgetting, you can't fight Amanita." This gets the dragonborn's attention.   Cernan finds the dragonborn's sword. Has leaves on it, kind of Arabeth-ish. Was the dragonborn's grandfather's sword. Cernan carefully places it back where he found it.   The dragonborn's grandfather was a defender of Yilusandra. His name was, Grissik.   The dragonborn is Abathar. His big failure was not being there at the tree. (From what we know, our best guess was 180 years ago.)   Thoradin tells his story about doing something about the death of his friend. He won't drink to forget. Now we have the dragonborn's full attention.   He asks, "Who is this Arabeth?" Cernan tells about her, believes she's trying to restore the world tree. Cernan shares that everyone is worthy. Even if they've failed. Even our enemies.   Abathar takes the jug and pushes it over. "I should remember. Show me." (a sign)   Cernan prays and gets the impression that Abathar was too young to make a difference then. Twice in two days Arabeth acts.   We all see the little girl standing behind Cernan, putting her hand on his back. Stormy kneels. So does Rashid.   Her power goes into Cernan. Can't go into Abathar, too much in the way. But Abathar's crying. We hear Arabeth speak.  
Why do you cry?   It was not your doing. You could not have stopped Amanita.   She fooled me once as well. I saw her destroy my brother - with his own sword.   That is the way of her. We both see her for what she is now. Evil. Greedy. Malicious. Monstrous fungus of death and destruction. Leaving nothing but lifelessness.     My way. It is peace. Growth. And Healing. Will you follow this path?   Will you accept my healing?   Will you accept my love?
— Arabeth
  Abathar accepts.  
Cernan Abithar   Come and join me. Kneel here that I may bless you.
They do so.  
Abathar. You have heard my voice. You are my priest. Lay aside your instruments of war. Go. Tell your people there is a god that loves them. Remind them that they are a noble people.   Cernan You are my paladin. You must continue the struggle against Amanita. I will bless your path and strengthen your arm.   Here. Now. Today. I call you my children. Rise. Brothers.
  Arabeth disappears gone.   (We now understand the Great Tree can't come back. It's dead, gone.)   Shimmer's excited that Abathar is shiny again. He's overwhelmed and wanders off for a while.   Cita takes 6 of the jugs of pumpkin hooch - in the bag of holding.  
In the morning, we share a meal with him. He remembers things he'd forgotten since he was 13 and he hears Arabeth's voice. He has a pumpkin vine staff. "I think she is gaining strenth. I think on this plain is she is not ready to reaveal so much. I heard she had a brother."   (Arabeth is only a child on this plane.)   Abathar has to find his people. Where ever they are--there will be the sign of the dragon. For example a bakery with dragon shaped bread.  
Session 1: Mayor's Murder
Report | Sep 11, 2022
  We remember the dragon head boats in New Haran. Only those of the in the guild are allowed in. Abathar will stop there. We'll send a letter of introduction so he can stay at our keep.   Abathar has Thoradin hit the still in an exact spot with his axe. He asks Cita to hold things. Had intertwined magic items to make the still. Now he's taking them out. He says, "Friends, Brother, I am now a priest. I am to put away my things of war. Be ask you to take them."   To Thoradin - "This is Aegis my shield. Dwarven make. Was in my family for ages."

Aegis +1 Shield of Ally Defense

Adventuring Gear

Varies Requires Attunement

+1 Shield of Ally Defense   Aegis improves your AC by an additional 1 point over a standard shield.   Slide to Allies Defense: If an ally is threatened within 30 feet of the wielder, on the wielders turn they may trigger the shield’s ability to ‘slide’ up to a point 5 feet of the threatening creature (limit 30 feet of movement) – as a bonus action. There must be a clear path with no obstructions between the wielder and the end point of travel. Because the slide happens unexpectedly, it does not provoke an opportunity attack.   This ability may be used once per day, and is regenerated on a short or long rest.

  To Rashid - "It was mostly this way when I found it. But I beleive it to be magic."
  • Bind creature - burned only partially there
  • The runes leap off the page at Rashid. But the bit about conentration is. Rashid can fill in the other runes.
  • the other spells there Rashid can have.
  • Borgus Belbin’s Patchwork Spellbook


    Varies Requires Attunement

    Borgus’s spellbook has definitely seen better days.   The ragged scraps contain spells that are written in a strange script.   0 Mending 1 Detect Magic 1 Feather Fall 1 Shield 2 Spider Climb 2 Rope Trick 2 Bind Creature (Burned beyond use) 3 Haste (Burned beyond use) 3 Leomund’s Tiny Hut 3 Blink 4 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 4 Ice Storm (Blood Stained beyond use)

      To Stormy - "After I defeated the troll, I found a clan of Tabaxi in the valley. They were grateful. They gifted me something. They told me the story." (Not related to the Tabaxi we fought.)   "A great bowmaker was at the end of his age. He wanted to make one last bow. He strode up the mountain with his tools. A storm accosted him. He still ventured on. From a lightning broken tree and carved. The bow was called Kaminari."

    Kaminari +1 Bow of Bolts


    Varies Requires Attunement

    Kaminari is a magic +1 longbow, adding +1 to both attack and damage. On a critical hit, Kaminari strikes out with an additional 2D6 lightning damage.

      Duri Sebat - "Magic whip. Has magic which I have never found."

    Duri Sebat +1 Whip of Entanglement


    Varies Requires Attunement

    Duri Sebat is a +1 whip, adding 1 to both attack and damage.   Finesse: you may use your dexterity modifier for attack and damage Reach: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as determining reach for opportunity attacks   When the command word 'duri' is spoken during anattack - and the attack successfully hits, The target must succeed against a Dexterity DC 16 saving throw or become restrained. You can release the creature using a bonus action - speaking the command word a second time.   Once restrained, the creature may use an action to make a STR save DC 16 to free themselves.

      To Cernan - Abathar asks Cita to get the wrapped cloth from under his bed. He can't touch it. "Levenstak (Life Strike). Forged under the great tree's branches. Grip was from her wood and the fires to smith it were fired with her wood - a gift from her."

    Levenstak +1 Longsword of Life


    Varies Requires Attunement

    Levenstak, or “Life Strike” is a +1 longsword, adding 1 to both attack and damage.   On a critical hit, Levenstak does an additional 1D8 damage, and that life energy is channeled into the wielder, recovering that many HP (up to their maximum HP). If the wielder is at full health nothing happens.

      Where was the tree:? on the coast-ish, SW of Stormy's Tabaxi settlement. Frostgrave had the great colleges of magic. But he doesn't know. Thinks it happened after the Great Tree fell.   In his great grandfather's day, they traded with the dwarves. But stopped trading before he was born.

    Rewards Granted

    The Blue Hill Gang "Treasure"

  • 100gp (20 ea)
  • Cita takes their net


    Magic Items and Weapons from Abathar

    (See statblocks in session notes)  


    750 each


    Notes from Previous Session

  • Ice cream barrel is magical and remains cold
  • Stormy can sense SPORE and Undead


    Treasure Used

  • Coral globe - 100gp


    TODO: Fight Club 5e

  • Add animal companions (Shimmer and horses)


    Given to Gundrun

  • took chainmail and morning star and shield


    Game Group Anniversary!

    Today's session was gift from DM => 1 year of gaming!

    Notes on Stormy

    Amy chatted with our DM on Stormy and her outspokenness about Arabeth.
  • Amy feels Stormy is absolutely devoted to Arabeth. She's seen too much to deny Arabeth's existence and goodness.
  • Stormy may get a level in cleric or druid (as Arabeth is like a druid) to pay homage to Arabeth.
  • Amy's note to Bill/Cernan: Let me know if I play Stormy too loud and in your way. You're the paladin.
  • Contents

    Report Date
    25 Mar 2023


    Session Reports


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