Ranedian Species in Aquila Palaxis | World Anvil


Theropod humanoids native to the planet Ranedus, they live hard lives, keen on helping one another, but distrusting outsiders.
Scientific Name
Vivere paulatim
Geographic Distribution

RPG Information

< Playable race >
Ability Adjustments: +2 to any
Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Ranedians are Medium humanoids with the reptilian subtype.
Desperate Scrounger: Being on a resource-drained world has lent the Ranedians a +2 racial bonus to Survival checks.
Rationer: Ranedians have adapted to their poor resources, and can go without water for 2 day plus a number of hours equal to his Constitution score. After this time, the character must succeed at a Constitution check each hour (DC = 10 + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 nonlethal damage. They can also go without eating food for 5 days. After this time, the character must succeed at a Constitution check (DC = 10 + 1 per previous check) each day or take 1d6 nonlethal damage. In addition, they can make field rations last twice as long, and can go without water for 2 days plus
Low-Light Vision: Ranedians can see in dim light as if it were normal light. For more details, see page 264 in the Core Rulebook.

Vital Stats

Average Height: 5 ft 7 in
Average Weight: 107 lbs
Age of Maturity: 15
Maximum Age: 100 + 2d20 years

Random Starting Ages

Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
15 years +1d4 years
+2d4 years
+7d8 years

Random Height and Weight

Sex Base Height Modifiers Base Weight Modifiers
Both 5' 2" +2d4 in
(5' 4" - 5' 10")
90 lbs x(1d4) lb
(93 - 122)
Height = base height + height modifier
Weight = base weight + (height modifier x weight modifier