Halfling Species in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Written by Pookas Kreations

Halflings are one of the first small races, no one is sure which came first halflings or gnome or if they are a branch of the same family. You can find halflings on almost every continent as they love to travel, they have many branches of their family. Although, the ones that consider themselves the original halflings usually stay at home to farm the land and live in homes under the hills.   They are optimistic and cheerful by nature, are very lucky and are friendly, homebodies, and self-sufficient people. They love to keep their hands busy at various hobbies like calligraphy, breeding animals, farming, writing, carving, etc. Often excitable and easy-going, they usually have an even temper with an eye out for opportunities, but not prone to violent outbursts. It is hard to ruin their sense of humor, even when tribulations and troubles visit them. They have an odd sense of humor (to others at least), finding humor in the absurd, no matter how dire the situation. This sense of detachment can also help shield them from fear that can often leave others paralyzed with fear.   Halflings are incorrigible opportunists, always looking for a deal. They believe that they can turn any situation to their advantage, and at times joyfully jump into trouble without a plan to extract themselves from the situation. Often unable to physically defend themselves from those larger than themselves, they know when to cut and run and when to hide. Their curiosity often gets them into trouble overwhelming their good sense, leading to poor decisions and narrow escapes.   They have a strong sense of hearth and home, often spending more than they earn to enhance the comforts of their home. Halflings believe that the urge to devote time and money into improving their homes is a sign of respect for strangers and affection to their loved ones. This is a way to express their feelings toward those that they welcome inside.

Basic Information


Even though they are smaller than most races, their bodies are equally proportionate, unlike dwarves.

Biological Traits

Halflings are a short race, rarely rising to more than 3 feet. They prefer to walk barefoot, to bring them closer to the earth, because of this their feet are extremely sturdy and calloused. Unless they are in deep snow or extremely hot ground, they are fine. They sport short curly hair on the tops of their feet.   Halflings wear simple, modest clothing. It is well-made, but not pretentious in any way. They do like to dress up if the occasion warrants it. Entertainers, on the other hand, make their living by drawing attention and often go overboard with extravagant and flashy costumes.

Ecology and Habitats

Any land, preferring to have homes built underground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Halflings are omnivores and celebrate the preparation and enjoying of all kinds of food. Not unlike the followers of Baccus enjoying wine.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Since the Atlanteans came, halflings have no homeland. The Atlanteans considered them of no consequence and so drove them out. The places they now inhabit are usually where no one else wants to live or land that was gifted to them. Many halflings prefer to focus on the simpler and humbler virtues of their families and local communities. Since they have no large territory, they tend to just live in small pockets widely scattered or in cities of varied races. This is why the Travelers, have started their journey.   They rely on customs and traditions to maintain their own culture. They have an extensive oral history, with many ballads about heroes that teach lessons in parables, that exemplify halfling virtues. They love to tell tall tales, as long as they're enjoyable and have a lesson involved. They care more for the future than in the past.

Facial characteristics

Halflings usually have young, childlike faces with chubby cheeks, often with large eyes, pointed ears and chin. Their hair is usually short and curly, but the women often wear theirs long. Men can rarely grow long beards, but often have mutton chops, bushy mustaches, and a goatee.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Halflings can be found almost anywhere on Aquatica.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lowlight vision.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo floresiensis sapiens
200+ years
Average Height
3 ft
Average Weight
34 lbs
Average Physique
Depending on the branch of Halfling. Homebodies tend to be either muscular or chubby, while travelers are usually thin and lithe.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They spend much of their time in the fields, so their skin tends toward a rich cinnamon color and their hair can be any shade of brown. Their eyes are usually brown, but hazel or grey is not uncommon. Green and blue are rare if a child is born with violet eyes, they are usually slated for the priesthood.
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