Elentiya Geographic Location in Aonaran | World Anvil
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Elentiya (e-LEN-tee-yuh)

The Human Continent

Elentiya is the continent of Aonaran on which the humanoid species live.


Elentiya's geography is marked by its diversity. From the Sorin Desert in the north to the lush magical forest of Lilura in the south, and from the expansive plains of Atreus to the mountainous terrain of Andraste, the continent showcases a wide range of landscapes.


The diverse ecosystems across Elentiya interact with each other, influencing population dynamics, resource availability, and ecological relationships. The geographical features and climate patterns of the continent play a significant role in shaping these ecosystems, resulting in a rich tapestry of life and interactions across the continent.

Ecosystem Cycles

Organisms inhabiting Elentiya's ecosystems have evolved various strategies to adapt to these seasonal changes, including migration, hibernation, and timing their reproductive cycles to align with the availability of resources. The cyclical nature of the seasons has led to complex interactions among species and has shaped the behaviours, survival tactics, and life cycles of the continent's flora and fauna.

Rain Season:
During the Rain Season, the grasslands and woodlands of Kalon, Declan, and Keitha experience rejuvenation as rainfall brings life to the plants. Herbivores take advantage of the abundance of fresh vegetation, feeding and building up their energy reserves for the coming Leaf and Frost Seasons. Predators are also active, capitalizing on the increased availability of prey. Aquatic life in rivers and streams receives a boost from the rains, contributing to the food chain.

Leaf Season:
As the Leaf Season arrives, the trees in Keitha's Ylvan Forest and other wooded areas shed their leaves. Herbivores begin to prepare for the scarcity of food during the upcoming Frost Season by feeding more heavily and storing fat reserves. Some bird species migrate to warmer regions to find food, while others might stay and adapt to the changing availability of resources. Predators may increase their hunting efforts to catch weakened herbivores.

Frost Season:
During the Frost Season, animals in colder regions, like Soren and the Dilara Mountains, hibernate to conserve energy and survive the harsh conditions. Predators that do not hibernate may rely on cached food or focus on scavenging. The Arañan Forest's reptile and insect populations might experience decreased activity due to cooler temperatures.

Bloom Season:
With the arrival of the Bloom Season, the grasslands and woodlands burst into colour as plants bloom and reproduce. Herbivores enter their mating seasons, and territorial behaviours become more prominent as animals compete for mates. Insect populations, essential for pollination, thrive during this time, affecting the health of plant species. Predators benefit from the abundance of prey and increased activity in the ecosystem.

Sun Season:
During the Sun Season, the grasslands of Atreus thrive, offering abundant grazing for herbivores. Equine creatures in the Plains of Rohesia mate and raise their young in the safety of the fertile valley. Birds in various ecosystems lay eggs and raise their chicks, taking advantage of the prolonged daylight. Predators may focus on hunting smaller prey to provide for their own growing families.

Localized Phenomena

Localized phenomena contribute to the uniqueness and diversity of Elentiya's regions, shaping the behaviours of its inhabitants and influencing the cultures and traditions of its humanoid and animal populations.
The pillar-like mountains of Soren have a unique meteorological effect. They capture storm clouds, leading to intense rainfall in the region. This phenomenon results in Soren's distinct climate, with heavy rainfall and lush vegetation.
The iron-rich black mountains of Andraste contribute to the dark colouration of the soil in the region. This phenomenon influences the growth of unique flora adapted to the iron-rich environment and can impact the nutrient composition of water bodies downstream.
Lilura's magical forest peninsula experiences phenomena related to the concentration of magic in the environment. This can lead to the growth of enchanted flora with vibrant colours, bioluminescence, and unique magical properties that attract magical creatures.
The desert-like peninsula of Sarnai has unique salt flats that form due to the high levels of evaporation. These salt flats give rise to specialized salt-tolerant plants and create a distinctive landscape.
The glaciers of the Dilara Mountains give rise to glacial rivers that flow down the mountains. These rivers carry minerals and sediments, contributing to the fertile valleys downstream. Glacial meltwater also feeds into local aquifers, affecting the water availability of nearby regions.


The diverse climates across Elentiya's regions contribute to the varied landscapes, ecosystems, and cultural adaptations that exist on the continent. The distinct climate characteristics influence everything from the types of flora and fauna that can thrive to the way civilisations have developed and adapted over time.

Sorin Desert
Arid Desert
The Sorin Desert experiences arid conditions during the Rain Season, with occasional monsoons providing some moisture. The Leaf Season brings cooler temperatures and further dryness. The Frost Season is marked by cold temperatures, and the Bloom Season sees slightly warmer weather. During the Sun Season, temperatures are extremely high with dry conditions.

Kalon and Declan
Temperate Grasslands
Kalon and Declan have temperate climates with distinct seasons. The Rain Season brings moderate rainfall, supporting lush grasslands. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures as leaves are shed. The Frost Season is characterized by cold weather, and the Bloom Season experiences warmer temperatures and an abundance of plant life. The Sun Season is marked by high temperatures, supporting the growth of plants and the reproduction of animals.

Temperate Forest
Keitha's Ylvan and Arañan Forest experience temperate climates. The Rain Season brings rainfall that supports lush vegetation. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures and the shedding of leaves. The Frost Season experiences colder temperatures, and snowfall may occur. The Bloom Season features warmer temperatures and an abundance of blooming plants. The Sun Season is marked by high temperatures, supporting plant growth and animal mating.

Cool Mountainous
Soren's elevation results in cooler temperatures. The Rain Season brings rainfall due to the captured storm clouds. The Leaf Season is cooler, and the Frost Season is marked by cold temperatures and snowfall. The Bloom Season sees the emergence of plants, and the Sun Season is characterized by milder temperatures and clearer skies.

Temperate Forest
CCerridwen experiences temperate weather. The Rain Season brings rainfall that supports the growth of its willow forests. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures and leaf shedding. The Frost Season is marked by cold temperatures, and the Bloom Season sees warmer temperatures and the blooming of flora. The Sun Season is characterized by high temperatures and active plant growth.

Temperate Grasslands
Atreus' vast grasslands experience temperate conditions. The Rain Season brings moderate rainfall, supporting the growth of grasses. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures, and the Frost Season is marked by cold weather. The Bloom Season experiences warmer temperatures and the blooming of plants. The Sun Season is marked by high temperatures, supporting plant growth and animal activity.

Highland Mountains
The highland mountains of Andraste experience cooler temperatures due to elevation. The Rain Season brings rainfall, supporting the growth of vegetation. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures and leaf shedding. The Frost Season is marked by cold temperatures and snowfall. The Bloom Season sees the emergence of plants, and the Sun Season is characterized by milder temperatures and clearer skies.

Piroska's basin location leads to a unique microclimate. The Rain Season brings occasional rainfall. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures, and the Frost Season experiences cold temperatures. The Bloom Season features warmer temperatures and the growth of various plants. The Sun Season is characterized by high temperatures and the active growth of plants.

Plains of Rohesia
Fertile Valley
The Plains of Rohesia experience temperate conditions. The Rain Season brings moderate rainfall, supporting abundant grass growth. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures, and the Frost Season is marked by cold weather. The Bloom Season experiences warmer temperatures and the blooming of plants. The Sun Season is characterized by high temperatures and the active growth of plants.

Temperate Grasslands
Miliani's temperate climate is influenced by its location. The Rain Season brings rainfall that supports vegetation growth. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures, and the Frost Season is characterized by cold weather. The Bloom Season features warmer temperatures and the blooming of flora. The Sun Season is marked by high temperatures, supporting plant growth and animal activity.

Arid Peninsula
Sarnai's climate is arid, with high temperatures and scarce rainfall during the Sun Season. The Rain Season sees occasional rainfall. The Leaf Season brings cooler temperatures, and the Frost Season is characterized by cold weather. The Bloom Season experiences warmer temperatures, and the Sun Season is marked by extremely high temperatures and dry conditions.

Forest Peninsula
Lilura's magical forest experiences temperate conditions. The Rain Season brings occasional rainfall. The Leaf Season sees cooler temperatures, and the Frost Season experiences cold temperatures. The Bloom Season features warmer temperatures and the growth of enchanted flora. The Sun Season is marked by high temperatures and the active growth of magical plants and creatures.

Fauna & Flora

Elentiya's flora and fauna showcase a diverse range of species adapted to the continent's varied landscapes and the unique magic-infused environment of Aonaran.

Grasslands: The grasslands of Kalon, Declan, and Atreus are dominated by various species of grasses, supporting grazing animals and agriculture.
Forests: Keitha's Ylvan Forest and Arañan Forest are home to a diverse range of deciduous and evergreen trees. Cerridwen's willow forests are a unique feature, providing valuable timber.
Mountainous Flora: The highlands of Andraste and Soren support hardy plants adapted to the colder climate, including alpine flowers and shrubs.
Desert Flora: The Sorin Desert is home to resilient desert plants like cacti and succulents that have adapted to arid conditions.
Magical Flora: Lilura's enchanted peninsula hosts unique magical plants with various properties, used in potions, rituals, and spells.

Wildlife: Various animals inhabit Elentiya, including deer, rabbits, foxes, and wolves in the grasslands and forests. The Plains of Rohesia are known for their equine creatures like horses, unicorns, and pegasi.
Avian Diversity: Birds are prevalent across the continent, with different species adapted to various environments, from raptors in the mountains to songbirds in the forests.
Aquatic Life: Freshwater rivers and lakes, along with ocean borders, sustain aquatic life, including fish, crustaceans, and marine mammals.
Mountain Fauna: The mountainous regions of Soren and Andraste host unique fauna such as mountain goats, snow leopards, and large birds of prey.
Desert Fauna: Despite the harsh conditions, the Sorin Desert is home to creatures like desert rodents, reptiles, and arachnids that have adapted to survive in arid environments.

Magical Creatures: The presence of magic on Aonaran also leads to the existence of magical creatures, such as mythical beasts, enchanted animals, and creatures with extraordinary abilities. Dragons, known to inhabit Aeron, might influence the magical creatures found in Elentiya.

Natural Resources

Many potential resources clutter in abundance on Elentiya. The natural resources contribute to the economies, cultures, and livelihoods of the different regions within Elentiya. They also provide opportunities for trade, craftsmanship, and the development of unique traditions and practices.


  • Elentiya's Continent Map
    This map shows the continent of Elentiya with its specific regions, landmarks and towns.
Alternative Name(s)
The Human Continent
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)


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