Human Species in Aonaran | World Anvil
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Human (HYOO-muhn)

The First Humanoid Species of Aonaran

The first humanoid species to exist on Aonaran. Humans evolved from apes around 1.4 million years ago. They are classified as mammals and carry a child to term between 8 to 9 months. They mature between the ages of 16 and 22 and live to be around 75. Just like most other humanoid species, they possess the ability to use magic, however, it is limited. Humans are also the only species to have brought forth empaths, a subclass of humans that can see the past of someone through that person's magic.

Basic Information


Humans have one head with two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth and different-coloured hair. Their neck is their hand width long and goes into the shoulders. From each shoulder grows one arm for a total of two arms. The arms end in hands that each have five fingers for a total of ten fingers. The usual length for the arms is with the hand resting comfortably next to the thigh while standing. They have a torso that connects to their shoulders, and below the torso, they have two legs for a total of two lower limbs. Each leg has one knee, followed by a lower leg, and finally, they have feet. The feet possess five toes each, providing stability and balance. The length of their legs is typically in proportion to their upper body, allowing them to walk upright efficiently. Humans have a complex network of muscles and bones throughout their body, enabling them to perform a wide range of movements and activities. Their skin varies in colouration, influenced by regional differences, and they are covered in a layer of hair, with hair colour ranging from various shades, including brown, black, blonde, and red. This variation in hair and skin colouration is a result of their geographical diversity.
Organs collectively ensure the proper functioning and survival of Aonaran's humanoid species. These include one brain, the control centre of the body, responsible for cognition, thought processes, and sensory perception; one heart, the muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body, providing oxygen and nutrients to cells; two lungs, a pair of organs responsible for oxygenating the blood and removing carbon dioxide through respiration; one liver, a vital organ that performs various functions, including detoxification, metabolism, and the production of digestive enzymes; two kidneys, bean-shaped organs responsible for filtering blood, removing waste products, and regulating fluid balance; one stomach, the organ that aids in digestion by breaking down food with digestive acids and enzymes; one intestinal tract, small and large intestines play a crucial role in absorbing nutrients and water from digested food; one pancreas, an organ that produces digestive enzymes and regulates blood sugar levels by releasing specific hormones; one spleen, involved in filtering blood and supporting the immune system by producing white blood cells; one bladder, a storage organ for urine, which is produced by the kidneys and eventually excreted; one gallbladder, stores and releases bile produced by the liver to aid in digestion; one thyroid gland, that regulates metabolism and energy production by releasing hormones; multiple adrenal glands, that produce hormones that help the body respond to stress and regulate various functions; reproductive organs, in males, two testes produce sperm, while in females, two ovaries produce eggs, both cells vital for reproduction; the skin, serving as a protective barrier and regulating temperature; multiple muscles, responsible for movement and support; multiple bones with the skeletal system that provides structure, protection, and assists in movement; and the blood vessels, a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries that transport blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body.
In addition to the familiar organs found in the humanoid species, Aonaran's humans possess a unique organ known as the "Arcane Reservoir." This specialised organ is designed to store and regulate magical energy. Connected to the Arcane Reservoir is a network of "Magical Veins" that extend throughout the body, branching out to the limbs and head. These Magical Veins serve as conduits for transporting magical energy, allowing humans to harness and channel it for a variety of spells and magical abilities. The Arcane Reservoir and Magical Veins are distinctive to the creatures of Aonaran and play a crucial role in their use of magic, enabling them to tap into the planet's mystical energies for various purposes.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproductive and genetic characteristics of Aonaran's humans are fundamental to their species, allowing for the continuation of their population and the passing down of traits and abilities through generations.

Reproduction Method:
Humans reproduce sexually, with the union of sperm and egg resulting in offspring. This method involves two biological parents contributing genetic material to create a new individual.

Reproduction Frequency:
Humans have a relatively short reproductive cycle, occurring approximately once every 3 to 5 years. This cycle is primarily synchronized with the transition from the end of the Leaf Season to the Beginning of the Frost Season, strategically timed to ensure their offspring are born during the food-abundant Sun Season months. This frequency aligns with their gestation period of 8 to 9 months and is influenced by their cultural practice of monogamous mating, resulting in the birth of one offspring per reproductive event.

Gestation Method:
Humans are viviparous, meaning they give birth to live offspring. The gestation period for humans lasts approximately 8 to 9 months, during which the developing embryo receives nourishment and protection within the mother's womb.

Humans inherit genetic traits from both of their biological parents. These traits include physical characteristics like eye colour, hair colour, and height, as well as the potential for magical sensitivity and other hereditary features. Genetic diversity among humans is influenced by regional variations and environmental factors.

Parental Care:
After birth, humans typically provide extensive parental care and nurturing for their offspring, including feeding, protection, and education.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate and stages of a developing human on Aonaran follow a specific pattern:

The initial stage begins at conception when a sperm cell fertilises an egg cell, forming a zygote. This marks the beginning of an individual's genetic makeup.

Embryonic Stage:
During the first trimester of gestation (approximately the first three months), the developing human is referred to as an embryo. During this stage, the basic body structures and organ systems begin to form.

Fetal Stage:
The second trimester (months 4 to 6) is known as the fetal stage. The embryo becomes a fetus, and its features become more defined. Organs continue to develop, and the fetus starts to exhibit movements.

Late Fetal Stage:
The third trimester (months 7 to 9) is characterized by rapid growth and development. The fetus gains weight, its organs mature, and it prepares for birth.

Humans are viviparous, and birth occurs after approximately 8 to 9 months of gestation. The newborn enters the world and begins adapting to its environment.

The early years of life involve infancy, where the individual relies on caregivers for nourishment, protection, and care. Physical and cognitive development progresses rapidly during this stage.

Childhood extends from infancy to adolescence, encompassing several years of growth and development. Children learn to walk, talk, and interact with their environment. Education and socialisation become prominent aspects of this stage.

Adolescence is a transitional stage marked by the onset of puberty and the development of sexual maturity. Individuals experience physical changes and seek independence and identity formation.

Adulthood is divided into several phases, including early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. It is characterized by increased independence, career development, family formation, and ageing.

Old Age:
In old age, individuals experience physical and cognitive changes associated with ageing. The pace of these changes can vary, but they are a natural part of the life cycle.

End of Life:
Ultimately, humans have an average lifespan of around 75 years. The end of life is a stage marked by a decline in physical and mental faculties, leading to death.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans have adapted to a variety of environments, with their optimal habitat being fertile grasslands and plains. In regions less suitable for human habitation, they may have developed specific skills, knowledge, or technologies to survive or avoid these areas altogether.
The optimal environment for humans is temperate grasslands, fertile plains, and regions with access to water sources. Countries like Kalon, Declan, Soren, Cerridwen, Atreus, Andraste, Piroska, and Miliani offer these conditions. These areas typically have favourable climates, fertile soil for agriculture, and access to freshwater rivers or lakes. Humans in these regions have adapted to a relatively stable and resource-rich environment, which supports their agricultural, social, and cultural activities.
The reasons why humans are not found in the Sorin Desert, Keitha, the Plains of Rohesia and Lilura is simply due to the dominant species in these regions. After their creation, the orcs sealed off the Sorin Desert to avoid other humanoids coming into the desert. Keitha is ruled by the Ylvan and Arañan Shifters, who are in constant conflict with each other, which deterred most other humanoid species from living near them. The Plains of Rohesia are protected by the centaurs, who fiercely protect their valley and will not let any other humanoid species settle in it. Finally, Lilura is a maze of a magical forest that only elves know how to traverse.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans exhibit a flexible dietary pattern that adapts to the seasonal availability of food. They are skilled at farming, hunting, and food preservation, ensuring they have sustenance throughout the year.

Rain Season
Diet: During the Rain Season, humans have access to fresh water sources and lush vegetation. They primarily consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, and crops that thrive in wet conditions. Fish and aquatic creatures from rivers and lakes also contribute to their diet.
Hunting/Foraging: Fishing is a common activity during this season, as water bodies are filled with life. Humans also forage for edible plants and berries in the abundant forests.
Storage: Some excess crops and fish are preserved through drying or smoking to ensure a food supply during drier seasons.

Leaf Season
Diet: As the weather cools down and plant life starts to wither, humans rely more on stored foods from the previous season. They consume grains, dried fruits, and preserved vegetables. Meat from animals hunted during the Rain Season, or stored, is also part of their diet.
Hunting/Foraging: Hunting for game animals becomes more common as some species prepare for hibernation. Humans may also gather nuts and mushrooms from the forests.
Storage: Food storage becomes crucial during this season, and humans use techniques like drying, smoking, and curing to keep food supplies intact.

Frost Season
Diet: Frost Season is a challenging time for finding fresh food. Humans mainly rely on preserved foods, grains, and dried meats. Dairy products may also be part of their diet.
Hunting/Foraging: Hunting becomes less frequent, but humans may still venture out to trap or hunt animals that remain active during winter. Foraging for edible plants is limited.
Storage: Most of the food during this season comes from storage, as fresh produce is scarce.

Bloom Season
Diet: With the arrival of warmer weather and blooming plants, humans enjoy a more diverse diet. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs become staples, and they may also consume newly born animals like spring lambs.
Hunting/Foraging: Hunting is less necessary, as fresh plant foods become abundant. Humans focus on gathering wild fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Storage: Food storage is still utilized, but less intensively, as fresh food is readily available.

Sun Season
Diet: Sun Season is the most abundant time for food. Humans feast on ripe fruits, vegetables, grains, and a variety of meats from animals raised or hunted during the previous seasons. Dairy products and honey are also common.
Hunting/Foraging: Hunting may become more recreational, and humans focus on breeding and raising livestock for meat. Foraging for delicacies like truffles or rare herbs might be a pastime.
Storage: While less storage is required during the Sun Season, humans still preserve some of the harvest for the upcoming Leaf and Frost Seasons.

Biological Cycle

Humans, like many mammals, experience biological changes in response to the passing of time and seasonal variations. While humans do not go into hibernation or shed like some animals, their lifestyles and activities adapt to the changing seasons. They harness the resources available during each season to ensure their survival and well-being, making the most of the unique characteristics of each time of year on Elentiya.

Rain Season:
During this season, humans may become more active and engage in activities like farming, as the increased rainfall provides ample moisture for crops. Their behaviour and daily routines may revolve around making the most of this period of abundant water.

Leaf Season:
As the temperature begins to drop and plants lose their leaves, humans may start preparing for colder weather. They might gather and store food, prepare warm clothing, and focus on indoor activities. While they don't hibernate like some animals, they adjust their lifestyles to cope with the changing climate.

Frost Season:
This is a time when humans are likely to rely on their prepared resources to survive the cold. They may spend more time indoors, use fire for warmth, and conserve energy. It's a season of reduced outdoor activity. In order for their children to be born during the Sun Season, the end of the Leaf Season and the beginning of the Frost Season is when most mating happens.

Bloom Season:
As temperatures rise, plants begin to sprout and bloom, and animals awaken from hibernation or return from migration. Humans would also become more active during this season. They might engage in agricultural activities and other outdoor endeavours as the environment becomes more favourable.

Sun Season:
This season is a time of abundance. Humans would be busy with various activities like harvesting crops, caring for livestock, and raising their children. They take advantage of the warm weather to ensure the well-being of their communities.


The behaviour and psychology of humans are influenced by their social nature, interactions with other species, and the changing seasons. Humans exhibit a blend of social cohesion, adaptability, and resourcefulness in their behaviour. They adapt their actions and priorities to the changing seasons, emphasizing cooperation during challenging times and celebration during bountiful periods. Their interactions with other species are marked by both predation and a degree of harmonious coexistence, shaped by the dynamics of their shared ecosystem.

General Behaviour
Intraspecies Interaction: Humans are inherently social beings. They form tight-knit communities and families, relying on cooperation and mutual support. Social bonds are essential for their survival and emotional well-being.
Predator and Prey Relationships: Humans have evolved to be both predators and prey. While they have the capacity to hunt animals for food, they are also preyed upon by some of Aonaran's larger carnivorous species, which has led to their development of protective strategies and defensive abilities.
Cultural Diversity: Humans on Aonaran exhibit diverse cultures, languages, and belief systems. These differences are often influenced by their geographic locations and interactions with other humanoid and non-humanoid species on the planet.

Seasonal Behavioural Pattern
Rain Season: During the Rain Season, humans are busy with agricultural activities and resource gathering. Communities work together to plant and tend to crops. Social gatherings and celebrations are common, fostering a sense of unity and togetherness.
Leaf Season: As temperatures drop, humans become more focused on indoor activities. Family and community bonds strengthen as they gather around fires for warmth and storytelling. Conservation of resources is a priority, and humans often share food and supplies to ensure everyone's well-being.
Frost Season: The Frost Season is a time of reduced activity, with humans staying close to their homes and relying on stored provisions. Storytelling, mating and traditional rituals are significant during this season to pass the time and maintain a sense of community.
Bloom Season: With the arrival of warmer weather, humans become more active outdoors. Communities may hold festivals, feasts, and rituals. Cooperation in agricultural work and caring for livestock is essential for a successful harvest.
Sun Season: Sun Season is a time of abundance and plenty. Humans celebrate by organising large feasts, communal events, and gatherings. Trade and commerce flourish as surplus goods are exchanged with neighbouring communities.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans possess a wide range of capabilities that let them receive information about their environment.
Sight: Humans possess a range of visible light perceptions, enabling them to see their surroundings and distinguish colours. Humans use their pair of eyes to perceive visual information.
Hearing: Humans have the ability to detect and interpret sound waves within the audible range, facilitating communication and awareness of their environment. Humans use their pair of ears to detect auditory stimuli.
Touch: Through their skin and nerve endings, humans can feel pressure, temperature, and texture, aiding in physical interaction and tactile perception. Humans use their skin and the nerve endings in it to sense tactile information.
Taste: Humans have taste buds on their tongues, allowing them to detect various flavours in food and beverages. The taste buds on the tongue detect flavours.
Smell: Humans can discern scents, helping them identify objects, foods, and potential dangers. They do this with the olfactory system in their noses.
Magic Sensitivity: Aonaran's humans possess an innate sensitivity to magic energy, allowing them to detect magical auras, spells, and the presence of magical beings. The magical veins act as the sensory organ for detecting magical energy.
Empathy: Empathetic humans can sense and understand the emotions and feelings of others, fostering social connections and emotional awareness.
Intuition: Humans often rely on intuition, a subconscious perception of their environment, to make decisions or sense potential dangers.
Sense of Balance: Humans have an innate sense of balance, which helps them maintain stability and orientation in their environment, especially during movement and spatial awareness. Their inner ear maintains equilibrium.
Proprioception: This internal sense allows humans to perceive the position and movement of their own body parts without relying on external stimuli, aiding in coordination and body control. Muscles and joints sense body position.
Time Perception: Humans have a mental awareness of time, allowing them to gauge the passage of hours, days, and seasons, helping with daily activities and long-term planning.
Pain Sensation: Humans can feel physical pain, serving as a crucial warning system to prevent injury and promote self-preservation. Their nervous system signals discomfort.
Pressure Sensitivity: Humans can detect variations in pressure, which is useful for tasks like gripping objects with the right amount of force. The skin and nerve endings detect pressure.
Temperature Sensation: Humans can perceive changes in temperature, helping them adapt to different climates and environments. The skin registers temperature changes.
Thermal Regulation: Humans have the ability to regulate their body temperature within a narrow range to maintain optimal functioning in various conditions. The brain and the nervous system regulate the body temperature.
Hunger and Thirst Awareness: Humans can sense hunger and thirst with signals from the digestive system, prompting them to seek nourishment and hydration.
Itch and Tickle Sensation: Humans can feel itching and tickling sensations, serving as protective mechanisms to remove irritants from the skin. Nerve endings in the skin transmit these sensations.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Humanum primum
Atreian, Dilaran, Declanian, Kalonian, Cerridian, Piroskan, Milian, Sarnian, Liluran, Keithan, Andrastan
Geographic Distribution


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