The Ethiean War Military Conflict in Ancient Chronicles | World Anvil

The Ethiean War

The Beginning

A massacre that started on the eastern coast of the Fangor Mountains when Erebos created a rift into a sub-dimension and summoned forth a hord of demons. He laid waste to the surrounding villages and burned down huge swaths of forests, his brother Karenwatti hashing together a ragtag group of willing fighters to try and stop him.   It began as a small and confined struggle between the two sides, Karenwatti refusing to kill his brother as he attempted to break the corruption that had tainted his mind and save any sanity left in him. However after a year of fighting (11e1.121) something in Erebos shifted, his focus being pulled away from his adversaries as he suddenly plunged his forces to the north. Demons spilling from the rift in astronomically high numbers, and before Karenwatti knew what was happening north Fangor was all but gone and the Redlands was quickly disappearing beneath the wrath of Erebos. Karenwatti officially formed the Resistance, heading after Erebos who had already claimed over half of the savanna including the Grotto.  

The Fall of the Spaceports

With Karenwatti heading north as well, a smaller force of demons looped back around to the south and cut across the mouth of the gulf and into Glas-ri, overrunning Taymanous and the Southern Spaceport (11e10.19). Cutting off all trade and blocking any help from entering Ethiea in the southern hemisphere in one fell swoop, before heading north to Huyania in Toki'Kaam. Forced to split his relatively small group in two, Karenwatti sent a third of his military along with two of his generals to the west in an attempt to halt the march of the demons through Glas-ri.   Now at an even larger disadvantage, Karenwatti found himself desperately fighting against his brother and attempting to stall the demons long enough for the Intergalactic Convoy to get reinforcements and supplies through the planet barrier. But just when a ship was making its way through the opening above the Northern Spaceport, the gate closed rending the ship in two and sending it crashing to the ground. Scaith, a quilan who joined Erebos, had infiltrated the city and taken the Spaceport (11e12.324) shutting it down.  

Allies in the North

After the fall of the Southern Spaceport, Valdious opened communications between him and Karenwatti, offering monetary support and a rotating contingent of Veilan soldiers. The fresh fighters helped even the odds for the next couple of years, but even with their help they weren't able to prevent the loss of the second Spaceport. With the opening of Veila's boarders and the consent of the Cyht though, the Resistance was able to begin moving refugees and the wounded deep into the Forest.   During this time Shadowslayer and Windtalon, two of the generals, returned to their homelands in Dark Water Grove and Kinsee in an attempt to persuade their people into abandoning their fight with each other and joining the Resistance. After many heated arguments and near violent meetings, they eventually managed to convince them of the necessity of joining the Resistance as the demons were swiftly bearing down on them (11e16.56).   It wasn't until twenty-two years after the war began that Valdious led the bulk of his forces down into the fray (11e22.42). The might of Veila washing over Erebos and his demons in a staggering surge that pushed back the front line just enough to give them some breathing room, but the victory was cut short as they entered a stalemate that lasted for five years.  


It isn't until Vic appeared on the battlefield that any real progress was made in the fight. At first he traveled through the Frontier on his own, helping any he came across and slaying any demons that crossed his path. Eventually he would join a band of self proclaimed Resistance soldiers, journeying with them across the front line and even down through parts of the Redlands for the next couple of years.   Eventually crossing paths with one of Karenwatti's generals in the Redlands, Vic and his band officially joined the Resistance (11e28.987). It was here that he was reunited with his childhood friend Theosin, and later Shadow and Saraph, gathering more of their old companions and some new ones as they fought battle after battle. It wasn't long before Vic found himself raising through the ranks, and at the head of progressively larger groups as he tore through the ranks of his enemies.  

Death of the Generals

With every day the demons continued to rage across the lands with endless numbers the moral of the Resistance faded that much more. The fight seeming that much more hopeless,and with the end of the war fast approaching Karenwatti would go on to suffer the worst casualties so far.   The demons numbers suddenly exploded, carving through the ranks of the Resistance like they were nothing and completely wiping out the forces in the west. When word reached Karenwatti of the death of two of his generals he was devastated, and lead a faction of his and Valdious' warriors, including Vic, Caethieany, and Shadowslayer and Windtalon, to take up the position (11e31.21).   The two generals left fighting against the demons along the border of the Frontier and the Barrans died in the bloodiest battle of the war, lieutenant at the time, Dhaam took the reins and snatched a victory out of the jaws of defeat (11e32.102). It was only a year later that word came of another general's fall in Ananlath, having sacrificed her life in order to save a group of refugees who had been barricaded deep in the city(11e33.892).  

The Final Battle

Another year and a half of scarce victories and loosing battles would be fought, their swiftly declining numbers making the possibility of defeat entirely too real.   Then in Toki'Kaam in the midst of one of the bloodiest massacres, Erebos crashed into battle after being absent from the war for the last five years. The scales on his long serpentine body were sloughing off in patches, a mixture of blood and saliva poured from his hanging maw, and his eyes were blood shot and wild. Any visage of his once noble self was completely gone, lost to the madness and corruption.   Faced with the reality of his brothers situation, Karenwatti finally let go of the last bit of hope he had been clinging to and met him in battle for the last time. Without care for his own underlings Erebos tore through any that got in his way, baring down on his kin with only one thing in mind. Death.   The fight was brutal the two colossal serpents rending the flesh from each others bones, and it was only the intervention of Vic and Caethieany that saved Karenwatti's life. The two managing to finally take down Erebos, Vic delivering the fatal blow in a moment allowed only by the sacrifice of his beloved mentor (11e34.542).   With the death Erebos the rift snapped shut, sealing the vast horde of demons away once again and those under his command on Ethiea left to scatter across the land no longer held together by his will.

The Conflict


With the defeat of Erebos the rift into the sub-dimension collapsed cutting off any more demons from entering, the ones trapped on Ethiea scattering across the planet.   Extensive damage throughout the southern and central regions of Ethiea, as well as the Frontier and the eastern continent.   Food shortage, and lack of jobs and homes caused by the destruction led to a major depression, leaving many starving and without shelter.   Unprecedented rise in orphans and homeless children


Major increase in military presence on Ethiea, the younger generations leaving behind the 'open, all inclusive, peace' oriented ways of the older ones for more militaristic ones.   Significant lack of education among those born and raised during and after the war.   Tighter security around the edges of cities, and increased patrols through the streets.   Hostile and divisive views towards species resembling the demons in Erebos' army, leading to discrimination and violence against them. Many veterans facing poverty and abuse at the hands of those they fought to protect, and unable to find work.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Karenwatti and his Resistence claimed victory


  • Ethiea


The Resistence

Led by


Karenwatti and his eight generals
Elite Aerial Guard
Special Corp
Main force comprised of civilian survivors and the IGC soldiers on Ethiea


Six out of eight generals
Two thirds of the general forces
Massive civilian casualties


Stop Erebos and his crusade to destroy Ethiea
Find and relocate any survivors

Led by


Unending forces that can be summoned through a portal
Individuals have low strength and intelligence overall, but attack in overwhelming numbers
The higher forces are incomparable, until they reach seemingly unkillable levels
Scaith, along with a handful of others, pledged themselves to Erebos in order to join in the bloodshed


Majority of the demons


Defeat Karenwatti
Utter destruction of Ethiea
Create despair that will be ingrained into the population for generations

Led by


The largest and most powerful standing military on Ethiea


2.5 % of soldiers were killed


Defense of Veila and the Forest of Miltiades
Provide aid to Karenwatti and his forces

  • 11e1.121 - 11e34.542
    Karenwatti Forms the Resistance
    Military action

    The war brakes out in earnest as Karenwatti raises his military, confronting Erebos. Hoping to cull the tide of destruction.

    More reading
    The Ethiean War
    Additional timelines
  • 11e10.142
    Valdious Becomes Cyht
    Political event

    Valdious' father passes away after battling a sickness for years. Having confirmed his first born as heir on his death bed the title of Cyht passes on to Valdious and he takes over as ruler of Veila.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 11e12.649
    Vic is Born
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 11e34.542
    The War Ends
    Military action

    Vic cuts down Erebos, killing him, ending the war as Erebos' army is fractured into pieces.

    More reading
    The Ethiean War
    Additional timelines


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