
Myhn Victor Ross Rainfall (a.k.a. Vic)

The first born son of Valdious, heir apparent of Veila, and war hero, Vic is already a well known figure and name throughout Ethiea at the age of twenty six years Standard.

Physical Description

Body Features

Fur - Medium length, deep reddish orange along his back that fades into a light gold, pale cream underbelly, and dark brown almost black stripes with a faint red glint. The pattern of stripes on his coat are interwoven swooping lines, small spots dotting his thighs and legs.   His tail is nearly one and a half his body length, long solid brown with medium long fur at the base and short fur at the tip.

Facial Features

With the typical tear drop shaped face found among the quilan, Vic has well defined cheek bones and a slightly narrowed muzzle. This combined with his narrowed almond shaped eyes and seamingly permanent blank expression gives him a sever look.   The stripe along his back reaches just above his eyes, the deep reddish orange continuing down his forehead to his nose.   Vic has long brown bifurcated ears, the split reaching almost half way up.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While he was born during the War, Vic was far removed from the chaos, spending his early years being raised along side the other children of Veila. Their home hidden deep inside the vast forests of the north, he knew nothing of the War.
As he grew older he began evesdropping on his father's council, learning all he could about the carnage sweeping through the south. Watching with his friends as their parents left, time and time again to aid the resistence that was being destroyed as fast as it could grow. Comforting them when their parents didn't return, their bodies often burned on the fields were they had fallen.
It wasn't until the Fall of the Spaceports that Vic learned his father planned to lead the full force of Veila's might against Erebos, finally commiting themselves entirely to Karenwatti and his hopeless fight against the corruption. Confronting Valdious he desperately begged him to stay, he knew the chances of him dying were too great, and the thought of his body being lost to some distant land far from home burned him.
Valdious had looked upon his son with a great sadness, he had never intended on telling Vic that he was planning to lead the forces of Veila south. Shocked into silence Vic stared at his father in confusion, how could he not tell him? How had he planned on leaving without him finding out?
With a heavy heart Valdious told his son his plan to send him to Caethieany, an Exziean who lived on the border of Veila and the Barrans. An old friend of the Peacekeeper Vah'Vahnet, and teacher of the Cyths for generations.
And so Vic was sent off by his father with directions to Caethieany's home the morning before he left for the War.
Vic would spend the next few years training under the Exziean, learning everything he needed to about being Cyht, and learning the art of war. He absorbed his lessons with passion, training day after day to become stronger, preparing for the day he would leave and join the war, join his father the Cyht on the frontlines.
Leaving his training early Vic headed south, journeying through the harsh Barrans and into the Frontier. Finally he faced the devastation caused by Erebos, and found himself stopped time and time again as he helped the injured and displaced. Eventually joining with a band of 'warriors', stragglers who had decided to join Karenwatti's Army and fight for their home.
Together they roamed the Frontier and Redlands, helping anyone they came across, killing demons as they looked for supplies and safe places to rest. Coming across one of The Eight Generals camped along a riverside in the Redlands, the group joined them, here Vic was reunited with his childhood friend Theosin.
They fought side by side Shadow, Saraph, and others they grew up with in Veila joining them over time. Their group rising through the ranks as the years passed, the tragedies of war slowly eating them away.
Vic was soon sent to the main camp, his strength and honor causing widespread stories, both exaggerated and not. He was summoned by Karenwatti himself and stood before him and his remaining generals, and to his surprise Caethieany as well. Here he was given the rank of general, and the command of his own forces. Vic would go on to deal great damage to Erebos' forces even as the prospects of them winning the war dwindled along with their own numbers, the possibility of them wiping each other out becoming more realistic.
Then in a twist of fate, Erebos appeared on the field of one of the biggest massacres in the War. Vic rose up to meet him, leading the charge against the giant serpent along side Karenwatti, and finally with one decisive strike Erebos was dead and the war over.
However this victory came with a great sacrifice, on the verge of collapse Vic was unable to avoid an attack by Erebos. His eyes glinting with insanity and he attemped to smash him beneath his claws, when Vic was thrust out of the way by Caethieany. Vic watched as his friend and mentor sacrificed his life to save him, a wild burst of energy that was released as he died threw Erebos off balance.
Blinded by rage and sorrow he rushed at Erebos, his core's energy pumping through his body with extraordinary strength, and he ripped through his body with a bolt of energy so powerful it melted his armour and boiled his skin.
After weeks of celebration now that the War was over, Vic was finally reunited with his family and given the name Niehiron.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In the decisive battle against Erebos Vic delt the blow that killed him, bringing the Ethiean War to a close. This act earned him the title of Niehiron (Ne-hir-on), the word for hero in Veilan.

Failures & Embarrassments

Though the Ethiean War was won, along the way many were lost, including some of Vic's closest friends and allies. Vic holds himself resposible for their deaths despite the fact that there was nothing he could do, many of them sacrificing themselves so that others could live.

Personality Characteristics


With the War behind them, Vic and company wish only to rebuild what was lost and protect those dear to them. The prospect of obtaining a normal life that has so long been denied to him finally in reach, and the possiblity of attending a school of knowledge now avilable.


Family Ties

Valdious - Father
Neiryiates - Mother
Sammy - Brother
Gom - Second brother

Taren - Though not actually related Vic views Taren as a younger brother

Social Aptitude

Prefering to stay in his thoughts Vic is often seen as the strong silent type, he isn't one to butt into conversations or even start one. Often staring blankly at people until they either give up, or he does, humoring them long enough for the conversation to end. However he's more than willing to help those seeking guidence, and is always equiped with a quick response or word of comfort.
Having gained full control over his outward emotions he is often seen as cold and machien-like, able to set aside personal interests for whatever mission is on hand.



Younger Bother (Vital)

Towards Vic




Older Brother (Vital)

Towards Sammy




Younger Brother (Vital)

Towards Vic




Older Brother (Vital)

Towards Gom




Friend (Important)

Towards Vic




Friend (Important)

Towards Tyler



Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Myhn - Child or heir of the Cyht
Niehiron - Veilan for hero
General of Karenwatti
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Valdious, current Cyht of Veila, and Neiryiates a quilan from Serpentis
Current Residence
Icy blue, black sclera, purple ring
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Veilan, Tokish, Ethiean, Common, Berossian Shyrvin


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