

Ethiea is the first planet created by Miltiades, and also home to him. A mix of both medieval and futuristic technology, it is ruled by kingdoms and fiefdoms of various sizes. The most prominent of which being Veila, a city located in the northern most, and largest, forest and charged with the protection of the 'Father Tree', Miltiades himself. (Though many, on and off-planet, dispute whether or not Miltiades actually resides beyond Veila, or even exists.) Currently lead by Valdious, a strong and wise quilan, it overcame the recent war against Erebos with little to no lasting damage.   Since Ethiea was the first of many creations it's been filled with a variety of both simple and complex creatures over a long period of time. The majority of which being sentient and proactive in developing and maintaining the planet encompassing 'government' comprised of leaders and kings who share information and resources. Since very few species on Ethiea are non-sentient it's led to a widely herbivorous diet, and eating other creatures is seen as taboo. However, there is a small market of imported delicacies, only allowed to operate inside the two spaceports, that focus on meats from other planets/systems. Very few venders sell or consider dabbling in the mostly untapped market however, this is because of the incredibly high taxes and tariffs attached to the business and the small client base. This leads to incredibly high prices and very little product, leaving it to the already rich business men and even richer clients. Considering the widely practiced and accepted rule of vegetarianism it hasn't had much growth and remains a small market despite the rather large number of beings that visit and immigrate to the planet.   Most who move to Ethiea assimilate into the food culture and adhere to the same views. This stems from the idea that sentient beings don't kill other sentient beings, or possess the desire to consume a creature that can hold a conversation with them/think for themselves. The lack of non-sentient creatures leaves very little to hunt thus making it a moot idea. Those who leave the planet mostly stick to the vegetarianism out of habit and culture, however it isn't uncommon for those individuals to widen their diets after having been gone for a long period of time, or simply out of curiosity. Leaving Ethiea opens them up to a wider range of food options as well since they encounter more non-sentient creatures, and subsequently hunter/prey dynamics not seen on their home planet.   Currently Ethiea finds itself in an unstable economical situation, slowly pulling away from almost total collapse during the war with Erebos. The war lasting the better half of a generation and consuming the whole planet has led to fewer children being born during that time and few who remember the time before the war. Erebos in an attempt to dismantle the existing state of peace, laid siege to, and subsequently took control of the spaceports. Cutting off all access to off world communication and resources, and halting any and all trade. This limited income and lack of resources caused serious strain on citizens of Ethiea and led to the closure of shops and business leaving many without jobs. This coupled with the fighting and destruction of farming towns and cities led to the death of thousands via starvation, and displacing many more. Majority of the destruction took place in the southern hemisphere, becoming progressively worse the closer to Erebos's home and origin point of the war.   Now recovering and reclaiming its original position as 'center of the universe', Ethiea is quickly gaining back what it lost. With help being sent from allied planets, and on-world kingdoms least ravaged by the war, most cities have been rebuilt and trade restored. Restoration efforts continue in the southern hemisphere to return the bigger cities to their former glory and move past the war, however there remains a larger military presence throughout Ethiea. Unable to entirely leave the war behind them, the younger generations continue to uphold the militaristic and slightly skewed views they gained growing up in the war. Since Erebos dabbled in forbidden and lost rituals/magic and summoned demon-like creatures from another dimension/parallel world, most have developed intense distrust for any species resembling or sharing characteristics with those of Erebos's minions.

Creation / Era 1

1e1.1 - 1e113,043,538.333

This marks the day Miltiades began the creation of Ethiea, and subsequently started counting time.

Era 3

3e1.1 - 3e81,973.363

This marks Miltiades' shift into stasis, cutting off all contact and going dormant. This also heralds the beginning of the technical renaissance.

  • 3e40532.143
    Veila is Established

    The city of Veila is established after Velanus repels the first invasion of the Old Forest. The aggressors trying to locate Miltiades, prove his existence, and destroy him.

    Forest of Veila
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  • 3e54,649.23
    Veila Enters a Stalemate
    Military action

    Veila faces one of it's biggest clashes against invaders, the military might of the Treuless marching across the Forest. Now under the rule of the 37th Cyht of the third bloodline, they met in a bloody stalemate that lasted for 130ys.

    Forest of Veila

The War / Era 11

11e1.1 - Present

This the day The Ethiean War broke out, throwing Ethiea into a new era.

  • 11e1.121 - 11e34.542
    Karenwatti Forms the Resistance
    Military action

    The war brakes out in earnest as Karenwatti raises his military, confronting Erebos. Hoping to cull the tide of destruction.

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    The Ethiean War
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  • 11e10.142
    Valdious Becomes Cyht
    Political event

    Valdious' father passes away after battling a sickness for years. Having confirmed his first born as heir on his death bed the title of Cyht passes on to Valdious and he takes over as ruler of Veila.

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  • 11e12.649
    Vic is Born
    Life, Birth

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  • 11e34.542
    The War Ends
    Military action

    Vic cuts down Erebos, killing him, ending the war as Erebos' army is fractured into pieces.

    More reading
    The Ethiean War
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