The Glasglow Rivers

A region that takes up the southern half of the western peninsula, and located below Toki'Kaam and Dark Water Grove, the Glasglow Rivers are a picturesque area visited by vacationers and tourists. It's rich flora and friendly inhabitants welcome travels from all over, as well as scientists looking to study the effects of the copious amounts of aranite found in the ground and rivers.
  Containing the highest concentration of the toxic material makes living in the region difficult for species not native to Ethiea, those that move here rarely journey beyond the safety of the air purifiers found in all the settlements. Smaller purification systems can be purchased by those willing to travel on foot in to the wilderness, a network of larger systems set up between cities act as way stations and rest stops so the travelers can recharge their devices and change the filter.   The river beds and the water itself has so much aranite diffused in them that it has effected the entire region. The surface tension of the water increasing enough that it can be scooped out to create hand sized spheres of liquid and set down on flat surfaces if handled gently enough, or it can break apart into small beads. The surface tension gives it an elasticity that can cause it to bounce off hard surfaces, this side effect is mostly used to help transport it and move it into containers.
The most eye catching and awe-inspiring aspect of the material is the bioluminescence it gives off causing the water to glow a bright blue, the rivers visible from space, and at night the plant life joins in causing the whole region to light up with a multitude of colors. The fungi and mosses glowing the brightest, while the leaves of the trees give off a faint light the majority of their glow being concentrated in veins that criss cross along the trunks and branches.


A web of meandering rivers, creeks, streams, and lakes stretches from coast to coast creating a patch work of green and blue. Steep cut offs, and wide rocky banks that reach for meters past the water, border the rivers before tapering off into grass and sheltered woods, the small copses of trees and open fields filling in the rest of the area. Small rolling hills, basins, and the eroded banks of dried up rivers break up the flat stretches of land, the ground falling away in some places to form gullies that can stretch for miles.   One of the most temperate regions on Ethiea, the Glas-ri area gets an average of five to ten inches of rain a month during the spring and summer, and four to six in the fall. Once winter sets in the rain turns to snow covering everything in about six to eight inches of white per month for the season, temperatures dropping from seventy to eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit to twenty to thirty-five degrees.

Fauna & Flora

Bearded willows, also known as father trees, are scattered throughout the small wooded areas of Glasglow. Their low hanging curtain-like branches trap in the moisture rich air cultivating the perfect environment for fungi, mosses, and lichen. Giant clumps hang off the main branches and encase parts of the trunks, giving them their name and providing nutrient dense food for the locals. Large black oaks, scarlet and orange maples, and even some aspens make up the rest of the woods. The wide variety of colors blending together to create a unique rippling landscape that seems to catch on fire during the sunrise and sunsets.   Since Glasglow has very little underbrush there's plenty of room for the flowering plants, herbs, ferns, and mosses to take over. The most prolific of these is the ferns, varying from one inch tall stems with small rounded leaves that grow in massive clumps to soft and supple grass-like stalks that sprout half submerged at the waters edge.   Suavis is a creeping fern that is easily identified due to it's shadowy orange stems and rounded spade shaped leaves the color of dried blood. Found twinning its way up trees, over falling logs, and engulfing large stones, it's highly sought after for its sweet flavor and soothing aroma. The locals use it as a home remedy for headaches and sore throats.
The dha (da-he), or tree fern, grows in patches of evenly spaced individuals, with long thin stems that fork to create branches. Each of these branches is lined with two rows of short oval shaped leaves about one inch at the base and gradually shortening towards the tip. They can get anywhere from half a foot to two feet tall.
And growing out of the waters edge is the nyhmtail fern with its thick reedy stem and needle shaped leaves that stick upwards. Named after the Nyhmi (nim-ah), a mystical creature that wanders through the early morning fog, whose long tail has a clump of thick fur at the end. It's used to treat bacterial infections and increase water retention to help with liver, kidney, and urinary track problems.   Among the herbs growing in Glasglow is vidran kev, Glas-ri for Father's gift, a plant with a thick spiny stem and a cluster of thin purple petals that sprout from a barbed bulb and can reach heights of up to ten feet. Wide, wavy, heart shaped leaves that are dark green on top and white-ish on bottom grow from the base, with widths of twenty inches across. Heralded as the plant that can do anything, the roots are used as a medicine for stomach aches, fever, inflammation, bacterial infections, and even hair loss. It's also used in food, the roots outer layer is scrubbed off before being boiled, the stems are peeled to be used in salads, and the young leaves are steamed before they become tough and fibrous.
Most of the herbs collected are dried and ground for tea, numerous different mixtures for relaxing, falling asleep, relieving pain, energy boosting, and brain function are crafted every fall during the harvest season.   The large woodland fields are filled with wild flowers and grasses, tall clumps growing at the edges of the trees and spreading out to create a patch work of colors. Occasionally a tree or two will be found growing in the middle of the clearings, along with rocks, creeks, and fallen logs.       The ethiean's are one of the native inhabitants of Glasglow, the founders of the majority of the coastal cities in the north including Taymanous. Spread across the border with Toki'Kaam, the Glas-ri were once apart of the nomadic tribes before splitting off and settling among the rich river-land and becoming farmers. The Tokish and Glas-ri ethieans did not part on good terms, the border becoming rife with conflict between the towns and local tribesmen.   The high kadiinshi are one of the main sources of whispers about the Glasglow Rivers these days, the massive cousins of the Redlands kadiinshi they've been known to reach heights of ten feet tall with antlers that span six to eight feet from tip to tip. While they tend to be a bit standoffish at first due to their superstitious natures and beliefs, they're quick to warm up to newcomers and welcome them into their circle. Very few of this species remain, a small collection that still live in Glas-ri and a few that are scattered about the planets. The Peacekeeper of the high kadiinshi is one of the The Noble Whites, and said to be the first of his kind, making it likely he will outlive his entire species.   Harrith are long sleek creatures with water repellent brown fur and tan underbellies that stand around four to five feet tall, they have webbed toes and strong thick tails to help them maneuver through the water. As semi-aquatic beings, they founded the cities and villages along the river and even building settlements that float on the waters surface. Extremely friendly and playful they're often seen roaming in groups and romping around, however they're also rather curious and will wander off on their own to go exploring. Their settlements these days are populated by a diverse array of species and professions, the calm atmosphere and weather drawing many to the harrith's sprawling domains.   Around five feet tall the ginsik, a Glas-ri term that means strength and will, are a hardheaded stubborn species known for their gruff and aloof personality. Broad bodies and short squat legs lowers their speed and mobility, but they make up for it with their dense muscles, strength, sharp claws, and unrelenting perseverance. Easily identified by their short gray to black fur and three white stripes that run from their muzzle to the back of their heads.

Natural Resources

The large open fields of Glas-ri are often used for farming, large quantities of grains like wild rice and oats, orchards full of sweet plump fruits and berries, and a variety of nuts being produced every year. The cereal grains are rather popular with offworld species and sold in small packages to vendors that ship them to all the major planets.   As a treasure trove of herbs many have entered the business of cultivating and producing emporiums of them, crafting poultices, creams, teas, gels, and other types of herbal remedies. Often going out on missions to look for new or rare plants, experimenting with alternative treatments, and researching illnesses to find cures.
On the flip side, some do research behind hidden doors, crafting poisons, new illnesses, and looking for herbs that can cause all sorts of pain and misery. These herbalists sell their wares to the black markets in the larger cities, and smuggle what they can off planet to be used in nefarious plots by all manners of criminals.   The numerous rivers and lakes provide water to Taymanous and the surrounding villages and cities, while also being used for transportation by merchants to move goods and travelers.
Alternative Name(s)
Glas-ri, Glasgo/Glasco
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