Fey Incursion Chapter 2 Plot in Anacra | World Anvil

Fey Incursion Chapter 2

It's time for midterms! Trauma week is over and life is going back to normal, but strange events have befallen all of our students. Can they keep their grades intact while navigating the Otherworldy powers attempting to ensnare them in their eternal wars?  

Fey Incursion: Chapter 2

  Time to hit the books. The skills tested by this midterm will depend on what elective class you've taken. And whether you got any fey distractions during the first phase of this adventure...  

Fey Consequences

  Before proceeding to this section, take a look back at what happened to you in Fey Incursion Chapter 1. You may have bonuses or penalties to skill checks, studying, testing, saving throws, and more. Make note of those, and then begin your adventure.  


  Tests are divided into two phases: Studying and Testing.   The studying phase takes place the week before the exam itself, and you can choose whatever methods you'd like to prepare. Asking others for help? Try Charisma (Persuasion). Spending hours in the library? Intelligence (Investigation). Doing extra chores for a classmate in exchange for help? Strength (Athletics). Burning the candle at both ends and shunning sleep to get by? Constitution saving throw.   The DC for the studying phase is 15. If you succeed, you get one reroll during the testing phase.   For the testing phase, you cannot choose the rolls--they are determined by the class. Succeed on both rolls and you aced the exam! Succeed on one and you passed. Fail both and you failed. If you fail two exams in a term, you'll lose your ability to participate in extracurricular activities (the Academy decides you need extra tutoring so they pull you into a study group).   You may use student dice gained from extracurricular activities for the studying or exam phase. You cannot cast spells during the exam, and the exam starts 10 minutes after this restriction goes into effect.    
Course Otherworld Studies Underworld Studies Overworld Studies Battle & Warfare
DC 14 Arcana Arcana History History
DC 15 Nature Religion Nature Insight
  • Succeed on both rolls: You aced it!
  • Succeed on one roll: You passed
  • Fail both rolls: You didn't pass. You're barred from participation in extracurricular activities until you pass your next exam.

Magic and Mischief

  An enchanted tree deep within the Undercroft has become a gateway for the fey, and thin crossing points between the Mortal World and The Otherworld are popping up left and right. Fey encounters are more common and strange enchantments abound.   During this phase, roll once on the table below. You may roll individually for your student or as part of a group.   NOTE: If your character has a Seelie Omen, -1 from your roll. If you have an Unseelie Omen, +1 to your roll. If a group of students rolling together has both a Seelie and Unseelie omen in their party, they must roll twice, -1 to the first and +1 to the second, and deal with BOTH encounters.    
d8+d12 Encounter
2 The Blossoming Bower
3 Land of Enchantment
4 Primal Fruit
5 Feycrossed
6 Strange Birds
7 Wild Weave
8 Sickening Spectrum
9 Joyous Revelry
10 Star-Crossed Enchantment
11 Slip
12 Slide
13 Ironsbane
14 Haunting Melody
15 Magic Mushroom
16 Terror of the Forsaken
17 Grasping Shadows
18 Redcap
19 Swarm of Sluagh
20 The Caerthann Queen

  2. The Blossoming Bower

  That door should lead into a classroom, but there's joyous music, the smell of flowers, and a radiant golden light shining underneath it...  
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A door leads you into a beautiful meadow with a small group of flowering trees at its heart. Flickering faerie lights float about the meadow. The light of a gentle morning shines over everything. There are beautiful people here, all dancing with wreathes of flowers in their hair, singing, or chasing each other through the fields. At the center of it all is a woman with long curly golden hair, her eyes blue and cloudless, her cheeks rose red, her garments flowing and beautiful. She invites you to stay, curious to hear about your studies.

Should you refuse her invitation, she becomes extremely angry, and banishes you with a huff. You go flying back through the door. Gain the Curse of Niamh for Fey Incursion, Chapter 3.

If you decide to stay, she wants to hear your most interesting stories. You may make a Charisma (Persuasion), Charisma (Performance), Charisma (Musical Instrument), Dexterity (Acrobatics), Dexterity (Musical Instrument), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), or Strength (Athletics) check to impress, entertain, or delight her.

If you 12 or lower on this check, she becomes angry and banishes you as above (Leave immediately, gain the Curse of Niamh for Fey Incursion Chapter 3). If you roll a 13-15, she is entertained for a while, but then becomes bored and turns her attention to someone else, dismissing you. If you roll a 16-19, she is amused and gives you a Seelie Charm for Chapter 3. If you roll a 20 or higher, or a natural 20, she is delighted, gives you a kiss on the forehead (if you'll accept it) and asks you to visit her again and stay "just until the sun rises." If you refuse, she is angry, banishing you and giving you The Curse of Niamh in Chapter 3. If you accept, you gain The Seelie Queen's Favor in Chapter 3.

Regardless of the outcome, upon leaving, if you are not a Fey/don't have the Fey Ancestry trait, roll a DC 10 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, you forget everything that happened while in the bower. On success, your memory is fuzzy but intact.
I'm sure there won't be any other consequences!

3. Land of Enchantment

  While crossing a body of water, the terrain shifts around you. Toto, I'm not sure we're in Tarslemoor any more...  
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You stumble upon a Fey Crossing and emerge into a pocket of The Otherworld. Instead of the school, you find yourself in a wondrous forest of trees with leaves in a thousand colors. Fallen leaves drift down on beams of autumnal sunlight. It's lovely!
You may opt to explore the Otherworld, or try to find the way back. Finding the way back is challenging and requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check with disadvantage. If you have one of the following in your group-- a fey character, someone who's taking Otherworld Studies, or someone who succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Nature) check, negate the disadvantage. If you have both, make the roll with advantage. If you succeed on this table, you may leave the Otherworld after 1 hour. If you fail, add 1d2 hours and roll again, until you succeed. If you fail twice, roll again on the Fey Incursion Chapter 2 table, rerolling rolls that don't make sense
If you decide to explore the Otherworld, roll again on the Fey Incursion 2 table, ignoring results that don't make sense. If you have a fey in the party or someone who's taking Otherworld Studies, you can instead opt to automatically find Primal Fruit (item 4 on the table) or Magic Mushrooms (item 15).

Keep track of how long you spend in the Otherworld. When you leave (by succeeding on a Wisdom (Survival) check as described above), each member of the party who isn't a fey (and doesn't have the Fey Ancestry trait) must make a DC 10 Wisdom save. On a failure, you forget everything that happened while in the Otherworld. On a success, your memory is hazy but intact.   In addition, roll 1d20 on this table to see how much time has passed. If too much time goes by, your character could miss classes, your friends might worry about you, and more...
d20 Result d20 Result
1-2 One hour = 1 round 14-17 One hour = 4 hours
3-6 One hour = 1 minute 18-19 One hour = 8 hours
7-13 No change 20 One hour = 3 days

4. Primal Fruit

  Odd, you never noticed that tree before, nor do you recognize the fruits hanging from its boughs. They look delicious--like fuzzy pears, in a brilliant fuchsia shade, glowing slightly and emitting a crystalline hum. Fancy a bite?  
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This encounter is very simple--you come across an unfamiliar tree. A Intelligence (Nature) DC 14 check identifies it as Otherworldly. You do not know what will happen if you eat it. If you DO eat one, roll on the table below. Each fruits' effects are randomly generated, but the tree only bears 1d6 pieces of fruit, and they lose their powers after 1 week if plucked. You can eat a Primal Fruit as an action. If juiced or cooked into a meal, they retain their properties. If you use Identify on a primal fruit, you learn its benefits, but not any of its curses or side effects.  
d8 Effects
1 Regain 3d8+4 hit points, and your skin sheds bright light in a 5ft radius and dim light for another 5ft. This lasts 1 hour.
2 The creature feels a surge of might. For 1 hour, the creature has advantage on Attack rolls using Strength, Strength checks, and Strength Saving Throws. When the Effect ends, the creature gains 1 level of Exhaustion.
3 Waves of vitality crash over the creature. The creature’s hit point maximum increases by 2d10, and it gains the same number of Hit Points. The increase lasts until the creature finishes a Long Rest, at which time the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be Cursed with a random form of lycanthropy (see “Lycanthropes” in the Monster Manual).
4 The creature’s skin prickles faintly. For 1 hour, it gains Resistance to one damage type (Determined randomly).
5 Euphoric visions of bright light swim through the creature’s mind. The creature gains the benefits of the Death Ward spell for 8 hours and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for the Duration.
6 A faint humming drones in the Background of everything the creature hears for 1 hour, during which the creature has advantage on Saving Throws against Spells.
7 The creature doesn’t require food, drink, or sleep for 1d4 days. For the Duration, the creature can’t be put to sleep by magic, and its dreams intrude upon its waking thoughts, imposing disadvantage on its Wisdom (Perception) checks.
8 Whispers intrude on the creature’s mind for 24 hours. For the Duration, the creature can telepathically communicate with any creature it can see within 120 feet of it. If the other creature understands at least one language, it can respond telepathically.

5. Feycrossed

  The lines between The Otherworld and The Mortal World   blur, and that has potentially dangerous consequences for everyone within.
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All characters in the area must save DC 15 Intelligence. On failure, they are suddenly teleported, per Misty Step, into a precarious position. If you're crossing a body of water, you teleport above the water. If you're in class, you teleport just outside the windows of the classroom, or into the nearest closet, or directly on top of the teacher's desk. Depending on the outcome you may need to Persuade your way out of getting into trouble, use Athletics or Acrobatics to extract yourself, or have a friend pick the lock on a locker you got tele-stuffed into.  

6. Strange Birds

  A tiny bird swoops through the air and alights on a nearby branch. It has the body of a tiny hawk, the colorful wings of a butterfly, and the head of an elf with large, luminous eyes.  
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You are being followed by strange fey birds. They observe you over the next week. If at any point you do something to harm a child, beast, or fey, they SWARM you and and anyone helping you. Conversely, if you are attacked or bullied, they swarm your attacker or bully, as long as they haven't already swarmed you. The swarm of strange birds can cast Sleep (affecting 9d8 hit points), Hypnotic Pattern, and physically carry people away, usually dumping them into a garbage chute or pool of water. If they swarm in your space, you must save DC 15 Wisdom or be distracted and captivated by their beauty.

7. Wild Weave

  Fey magic is notoriously unpredictable, and the last thing a school full of students needs is wild magic on the loose.  
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In the middle of a class, magical experiment, or other situation that calls for the use of magic, make a DC 18 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, you notice a dull ache at the back of your head. 

 Magic works differently, and in strange, unpredictable ways for 7 hours after you enter the Wild Weave. Whenever you cast a spell, there is a 30% chance you case a different, random spell of the same school. Roll 1d4-2 and change the level of the spell by the same amount. If this reduces the spell below level 0, the spell has no effect. Hope you don't blow anything up!  

8. Sickening Spectrum

  The windows and waters in this area reflect shattered wavelengths of light. The colors are everywhere and it's dazzling.
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At some point during the week you enter an area filled with reflective surfaces. Rainbows leap between the mirrors that line the hall before the strands of light begin to interact in a nauseating, alien fashion for one minute. All creatures that see the display must save DC 15 Wisdom or lose your actions for 1d4 rounds, and then suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for as long as you can see this veil and for 1d4 rounds after.

9. Joyous Revelry

  Wasn't this room supposed to be empty? Why do I hear music and laughter?  
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Roll DC 15 Wisdom (perception). On a success, you notice the sound of distant music and laughter. 
All creatures in the room suddenly find themselves in the midst of a dance, with couples whirling around them while delightful music plays. Creatures that watch the dance for at least 1 round must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence (investigation) check to recognize the effect as illusory, and resist the accompanying Enthrall spell. Creatures failing the check are also compelled to dance or celebrate, and can move no farther than half their speed. Without someone to snap you out of this, it's up to you how long it takes for you to awaken. The dance goes on until all participants are freed, which could lead to exhaustion or even passing out!

10. Star-Crossed Enchantment

  The smell of distant perfume, the beating of young hearts--love is in the air, one way or another.  
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In a garden, glade, or secluded and beautiful location, roll DC 12 Wisdom (Perception). On success, you can notice the sound of bird song and the buzzing of bees.

All creatures within the glade hear fey creatures singing, laughing, and snogging. Creatures who are not asexual or aromantic must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by a single creature within sight to whom they might be attracted. If there are no creatures in sight to whom they might be attracted, the effect ignores them. This replicates Charm Person and lasts for one round. If charmed, you are utterly captivated by this individual, as if beset by a teenaged crush of enormous power, and act accordingly for one round. Affected creatures must repeat the save each round until they succeed, at which point the effect fades from them.

11. Slip

  What kind of Fey Incursion would this be without Boggles?  
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You run afoul of a slippery puddle of Boggle Grease. Roll a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you slip and fall, embarrassing yourself in front of your peers and possibly injuring yourself. Take disadvantage on any Charisma checks made to influence students during the rest of Fey Incursion. If you roll a natural 1, go to the apothecary's office immediately.

12. Slide

  Of Athalor An'Andarud's two "pet" boggles, Slide is the more malicious.  
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You step into a puddle of sticky boggle grease. Roll a DC 11 Strength saving throw. On a failure, you are stuck, and can only escape by waiting for the grease to fade, losing your boots, or wielding magic. If anybody sees you, they may mock you for this, costing you some of your precious student clout.

13. Ironsbane

  As pockets of The Otherworld intrude upon Ioth Academy, the fey exact their displeasure with those who wield cold iron.  
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Roll a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. On success, you notice a shimmering in the air.

The area becomes warded against objects made of steel or iron that isn't silvered. Attempting to cross running water in this area while carrying unsilvered steel or iron causes an eruptive wave, pushing you back 5ft and knocking you prone (DC 12 Strength to negate). If there are plants nearby, the reach out and snag creatures carrying unsilvered steel or iron, functioning as an Entangle spell (DC 12 Strength save). Unsilvered steel or iron objects in the area burst into showers of oddly colored sparks every 1d6x10 minutes. These objects sizzle and burn the flesh of creatures touching them for 3 rounds, inflicting 2d8 lightning damage each round unless the object is dropped.

14. Haunting Melody

  For three minutes, a beautiful voice sings an eerily familiar tune (with lyrics in Sylvan) that listeners cannot place. Following the voice leads you in circles, drawing nearer and then further away at random.

If you sit and listen to the song, read the Spoiler. If you leave the area, continue with fey incursion chapter 2.

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Those who sit and listen to the song for its duration gain a +1 bonus on ability checks and on Constitution Saves for the next day. Whenever you attempt a Wisdom saving throw during that day, you must roll 1d4 and subtract it from the result.

15. Magic Mushrooms

  Is it normal for wooden frames, doorways, and lawns to spontaneously sprout technicolored polka-dotted mushrooms? Probably not.

Read the SPOILER below if you decide to eat the mushrooms. If you succeed on an Herbalism Kit, Nature or Arcana check (DC 16) you may reroll any result on this table ONCE.  
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  Mushrooms have various effects. They do not last long once picked, but can be used for potions and other purposes. There are 2d4 mushrooms in any given patch. 
d10 Effects
1 The creature’s skin turns an unusual color. Roll a d4: 1, purple with yellow splotches; 2, bright orange with tiger stripes; 3, tree-frog green with red squiggles; 4, hot pink with yellow spots. This change is permanent unless removed by a Greater Restoration spell or similar magic.
2 The creature gains the enlarge or reduce Effect (50 percent chance of either) of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1 hour.
3 The creature regains 5d8 + 20 Hit Points.
4 Vocally, the creature can only cluck and croon like a chicken. The creature can also understand and speak to chickens. This curse lasts for 1 hour unless ended by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic.
5 The creature can understand and speak all Languages for 1d4 days.
6 The creature gains the benefits of the Telepathy spell for the next 24 hours.
7 The creature gains the benefits of the speak with Plants spell for 8 hours
8 The creature immediately casts the Time Stop spell, requiring no Components. Constitution is the Spellcasting ability for this spell.
9 The creature immediately casts the Detect Thoughts spell, requiring no Components. Constitution is the Spellcasting ability for this spell.
10 Magical mists pour out of the creature’s eyes and ears, Acting as a Fog Cloud spell for 1 hour that is centered on the creature and moves with it.

16. A Terror of the Forsaken

  This place is cursed...  
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This place seems strangely chill and supernaturally cold. Upon entering, save DC 14 Wisdom or become Frightened per the Fear spell cast at Level 4. You see the moldering, butchered corpses of Huldra wearing the autumn colors of the Fomhor woods. You watch in reverse as they are slaughtered by their kindred of the Winter, Spring and Summer courts. Enjoy your trauma!    

17. Grasping Shadows

    Roll a DC 18 Wisdom (perception) check. On success, you notice shadows moving independently.
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Each round for four rounds, you suddenly see your own shadows reach out and grab for you. Roll a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure you are snared by your own shadow and snared to your place for 4 rounds. Each round you may use your action to roll Strength (Athletics) DC 12 to free yourself. Each round you fail, your strength is drained by 1d2 points. If your strength reaches 0, you are reduced to 0 hit points and are dying. If you die while your strength is 0, you become a shadow. Otherwise, strength returns after a long rest.

18. Redcap

  The only fey to deliberately wear iron trod boots--all the better to stomp on your face, my dear!  
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  Decide where you are when this encounter takes place--just note that it will only strike when there are no other students, teachers, or people aside from you/your immediate group. Roll a DC 10 Perception check to hear the Redcaps coming. There is at least one redcap present; for every student above 2 in your group, add another redcap. They attempt to run you down and stomp you to death. If you are on the verge of death, you may cry out to help and ask other students going on this adventure to intervene.  

19. Swarm of Sluagh

  Some say the sluagh are fey turned by vampires, while others say they are the evil souls of violent men, who cannot rest and return to kill. Still others claim they are the souls of devilbound Gnomes who committed suicide. All agree that they are loathsome by Nature.
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  When you or your group are alone, in the dark, a swarm of tiny, malevolent fey descend on you. They shout angrily and gleefully as they strike, but their hoarse voices are little more than chilling whispers to the ears of your prey. If you get this encounter, ask TBG for the statblock. If you end up in mortal danger, ask another student/group to run in and help.  

20. The Caerthann Queen

  The world around you melts into glowing green mists. Wolves howl and unseen fey cackle. Teeth gleam in the gnarled briars. Things flit from tree to tree, gnawing the marrow from bones that look eerily humanoid. You have been drawn into The Otherworld, and if the looks of this place are to be believed, not into any nice part of it...  
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A shadow-fey woman who moves with alluring grace, her voice rings like a bell, and in her hearing worldly cares and sorrows melt away. She is a powerful enchantress in service to The Lady Rowan. When first you meet her, she speaks sweet words to one member of your group, who must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be Charmed for one minute. While charmed, that creature has disadvantage on Wisdom or Charisma saving throws made to resist spells cast by the Enchantress.

The Shadow-Fey Enchantress wants you and your group to promise to kill one or more Seelie fey for her. If you already have, you earn her Favor. If you refuse, she places a Curse on you and sends you away. If you promise, she binds you with a Geas to kill a Seelie fey within the month.

In any case, upon leaving, all non-fey students who lack the Fey Ancestry trait must save DC 10 Wisdom or forget everything that happened while in the Otherworld.

What's Next?

  As the Seelie and Unseelie fey continue to infiltrate the academy and their conflict intensifies, other parties intervene. Somewhere beneath the school, the enchanted tree that's become a gateway between the worlds grants passage to an enormous hairy figure. The Bear King, Morco, has arrived to get in on the fun, and his challenge may decide the outcome of the Fey Incursion...
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