The Lady Rowan Character in Anacra | World Anvil

The Lady Rowan

The Lady Rowan

Intelligent, cunning, and wise in the magic of the Fey, The Lady Rowan wields the power and majesty due a queen of the Unseelie court. A pale crown floats in the air above her head, and she never touches the ground as she walks upon the air.   Her wand, Caerthaan, liquefies mortals who defy her will. Other, even more powerful magic is at her beck and call. She can banish enemies on screaming winds and plant ideas and thoughts like seeds in dreaming minds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is said that Fuamnach and Niamh of the Golden Hair have been feuding since before the fall of Luminias, though some tales claim that their father survived that disaster and the sisters were born after the Firmament was raised and the Four Kingdoms were divided. Fuamnach immediately took up with the Unseelie court, and so Niamh chose the Seelie out of spite.   Tales from early humanity say that whenever Niamh chose a mortal to join her in the Otherworld, Fuamnach sought to thwart her. Fuamnach warned Niamh's conquests of the perils of faeryland, summoned great winds to separate them from Niamh, or used her terrible magic wand to liquefy them simply to keep them from Niamh's grasp.   Their feud culminated in a terrible civil war that divided the Huldra of Caonach. Niamh abducted the new Huldra King, Ri Gheimhridh, to use the Power of Winter against her sister. Fuamnach warned the Autumn Queen of this treachery, but Niamh used this to convince the queens of Winter, Spring and Summer that the Autumn court had sided with the powers of darkness.   Ultimately, the mighty paladin Gisirgis uncovered the truth, and refused to listen to either sister. When Fuamnach failed to persuade him to take her side and vanquish Niamh, she assailed him with her magic. Gisirgis' heart was wild and his will was strong, and he sundered Fuamnach's enchantments. The wounded Fuamnach fled to the Unseelie woods to heal her wounds and plot her revenge.   Many years later, the Lady Rowan plotted to ruin her sister's wedding to Nuinn , the Man with Roots for Boots, in the Fomhor city of Lunasa.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Rowan, Daughter of Etarlam, Unseelie Queen, "Winter's Friend," Wielder of the Rowan-Branch Caerthan
Presents as Female
Bright burning green
long, flowing, glowing gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly pale
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