Ferrouk Character in Anacra | World Anvil

Ferrouk (Fair-awk)

Elder Smith Ferrouk

Toll! Strike! Steel and sight! Beauty forged by craft and might! AURUM FERRUMQUE!
    Ferrouk is the Elder Smith, Master of Iron and Ingenuity. Twin sibling of Auruk, Ferrouk teaches patience, endurance, flexibility and temperance. The Elder Smith takes joy in creativity and solving problems using the natural world, shaping tools that are both beautiful and functional, and changing yourself and your own life. Ferrouk teaches that one should never stop learning and never stop changing. Too much fire chars the metal, but strike it when it's cold and it will fracture.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

An anvil, a plowshare, a burning hearth


Forgen, the 9th month of the year and the last month of fall, is named in honor of Ferrouk, and the Forging Fest is celebrated midmonth, between Forgen 14 and Forgen 15.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When the Dawn World was divided into the Four Kingdoms, the Elemental Sovereigns set forth the Elemental Titans, their offspring and creations, to aid them in shaping the less pliable, more challenging new reality.   Sin and Erecura combined to create the twins, Auruk and Ferrouk, Gold and Iron, earth that would react and respond and embrace flame to transform into something greater. Each of the two twins embodies a different mix of form and function. They are incomplete without each other, and both took key roles in fashioning the Mortal World to make it habitable.   Ferrouk was eager to share knowledge with the Dwarves and Elves, who emerged from the Dawn, but was also fascinated by the un-looked-for Humans and other mortals. Determined to give them the tools they needed, Ferrouk traveled from settlement to settlement, often following Sin in his travels to help uplift the tribes of the Mortal World. In doing so, Ferrouk learned new arts, delighted in the creativity and ingenuity of the newfound peoples.   When Uzhul plunged a sword forged from the iron of the earth's own blood into Erecura, part of Ferrouk also shattered. It was an act of terrible desecration--holy iron used in violence against creation. Ferrouk took this death bitterly, and ever since then Uzhul and Anachronous seek to claim the mantle of Iron Gods from the true Titan of Iron.   Nevertheless, tempered steel bends, but does not break. Ferrouk is a god of liberation, not of chains, a teacher of the skills and tools needed to feed and defend oneself, not to forge manacles and shackles. Ferrouk serves as a patron to those praying for the strength to endure and overcome. Warriors who oppose the Infernals chant before entering battle, reminding themselves that their hearts are gold and their bones are iron-- AURUM FERRUMQUE!

Gender Identity

Any. Gender, like anything else, can be crafted and forged and changed, until what you imagine and what you experience are one and the same.

Morality & Philosophy

Diligence, patience, temperance, creativity and excellence are the values of Ferrouk. The Elder Smith encourages mortals to change both their surroundings and themselves, to test their limits, to be firm but flexible, and to seek beauty in utility.


Using metal to oppress others. Ferrouk teaches that iron and steel are tools to feed and defend, not slaughter conquer or oppress.   Imperfection and learning by making mistakes is fine, being sloppy or negligent are not.
Divine Classification
Elemental Titan
Current Location
Pools of molten iron
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Solid iron, burnished and polished, traces of rust


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