Erecura Character in Anacra | World Anvil


Created by TBG

Sovereign of Stone Erecura

Mighty, somber, keeper of the sun at night, Erecura shaped the mountains, dug out the valleys, scattered iron, silver, gold and precious jewels across the world. Her words were seldom and her judgement final. Though few knew the full measure of her designs, they knew that of all the Sovereigns, she had a plan for the Mortal World and its denizens, laid with care from the beginning of the Four Kingdoms and extending far into the future.   But all the plans of the Sovereign of Stone were laid asunder when Uzhul the Destroyer plunged a blade forged from her own blood into her heart. The Four Kingdoms shuddered to their roots and the fiends of the Hungry Dark spilled across the world. The Fire Giants, who helped Uzhul forge the weapon, were cast from the Sky Kingdom and into eternal conflict with Erecura's favored children, the Dwarves.     All that remains of Erecura's physical form is Londokkar, the Crown, a vast stone formation inhabited by the dwarves. But the spirit of the Sculptor endures throughout the world, resisting the power of the Infernals, cultivating life, and enacting a new plan for all creation.

Divine Domains

Earth, Life, Winter, Death, Night, North, Wealth, Planning

Tenets of Faith

Life flourishes best with a strong foundation. Endurance in the face of adversity is a key virtue.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Cultivate life in the Four Kingdoms, thwart the designs of the Infernals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Dawn

  When the Long Night gave way to Dawn, the first four minds were the Elemental Sovereigns. Earth, solidity, substance & matter awakened as Erecura. The Earth Sovereign perceived her siblings, the other Sovereigns, and set about understanding the new world. When younger minds emerged into the Dawn, Erecura left them alone, tracking the changes they wrought about the world.   In time, the Infernals crossed the Hungry Dark to seize Anacra's light for themselves. As suffering spread throughout the Dawn, Erecura pondered. She wanted to stop the incursion, but things changed too rapidly, and every time she laid a new plan, Uzhul moved and shifted. Like the other sovereigns, she failed to stop the fiends from destroying Luminias, the City of Life, and all Anacra fell into their power.   Then the Nameless God opened the Seven Gates of the Silent City, and the dragons of the World Before poured forth, laying waste to the fiends. Erecura saw that the limitless light of Dawn was too susceptible to fiendish corruption. Together with her siblings, they wove the strands of Dawn into four separate layers, wrapping them around each other. So came to pass the Four Kingdoms, the Firmament, and the end of Dawn.  

The Four Kingdoms

  Though all four sovereigns shaped the Four Kingdoms, it was Erecura who formulated the grand design. She placed the Underworld as root and wellspring, from which the elements would flow to give form and substance to the Mortal World. She oversaw the shaping of the continents and dredging of the seas, directed the work of the giants who sculpted mountains and carved valleys, and doted on the Dwarves as they added fine detail to the Four Kingdoms. All in accordance with a plan that stretched from the formation of the Firmament into the unknown future.   Erecura spoke little of her plan, but she walked the Mortal World infusing the earth with life, taking care to leave fertile lands for the new species of mortals to flourish. Above all else, the south-western continent received the bulk of her attention, laid out as a garden. When mortals wandered outside the careful orchards and fields she planned for them, they found steep mountains and unforgiving rock.      

The Earthblood Blade

  Moreso than her siblings, the Infernals dreaded and hated Erecura. She was most steadfast and vigilant--now that the world was operating according to form and substance, it was she who stayed five steps ahead of them. As long as she walked the land the Firmament was unyielding and every attempt by Fiends to plague the newborn mortals was thwarted. So Uzhul hatched a plan, to undo what the Sovereigns did, and return the world to the chaos of Dawn.   He met with the eldest Fire Giants in secret, the keepers of forge and flame, and through pride and whispers cajoled them into tapping the Wells of Blood in the Underworld. These raw reserves of potent life were the charge of Ramius, Cupbearer to the Gods, who dipped his silver ladle into the wells each time a new creature was born and poured blood out into their veins.   From this life blood the fire giants distilled iron that coursed with primal life, and beat it into a black iron sword. When the forging was complete, and spells of power and deadly potency were laid upon it, Uzhul took the blade and plunged from the sky, driving it into Erecura's heart. The Sovereign shattered into pieces, the Firmament trembled and cracked, and as one the Fiendish legions roared in triumph.  

The Fallen Sovereign

  Ever since that terrible day, Erecura has fallen silent. Her physical form is destroyed; no longer does she walk the earth, laying the groundwork for her far-reaching plans. But her power still infuses the earth itself, giving rise to life, resisting the power of the fiends, and whispering in dreams and emotions to her faithful children.
Divine Classification
Elemental Sovereign
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Earth Sovereign, Sovereign of the Stones, Keeper of the Sun At Night, Earth Mother, The Architect, Great Sculptor
1 6412 6411 years old
Circumstances of Death
Discorporated by Uzhul wielding a blade of earthblood iron


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