Allikas Character in Anacra | World Anvil


Water is life, but it is also a mystery. From the highest pinnacle of the sky to the inaccessible deep, water flows across creation like the blood of a great beating heart.   Leveran has dominion over the rising and falling of water, Sillit guides the water that flows across the land, Realta holds court over the waters of the heavens, but the deeps fall to two enigmatic titans: Drych-La and Allikas.   Drych-La is the trueborn scion of Li-Ban, who presides over the deep places of the ocean and lakes untroubled by wind or stone. Allikas is the titan of wells and springs, the waters deep beneath the earth, and the drawing of water from the Underworld to the Mortal World.

Divine Domains

Water, Home, Earth, Wisdom, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A geyser, a well, a silver bucket, a grey circle with mixed grey and water at its center.

Tenets of Faith

From inner depths, draw forth resolve to care for one's community   Introspection is key to understanding life   Life and water are the center of community   Community and solitude are both necessary for wisdom.


The first month of Winter is Allikas' month of Wellspring, and the mid-month holiday is also know as Wellmas in many cultures. Religious celebrations usually gather around the community's water source, which is blessed, and prayers for wisdom, community, and prosperity.

Physical Description

Body Features

Allikas' dual nature is evident whenever and wherever the titan manifests. Any part of their body that is outside a body of water, is made of water. Any part of their body that is inside a body of water, is made of stone and soil. This transformation occurs instantaneously and smoothly. As such, Allikas often appears as a figure with legs and feet of earth and soil submerged beneath water, and a torso, arms and head of water. There are never any clearly defined facial features. Allikas' voice is deep and echoes like water dropping into an underground lake.

Personality Characteristics


Similarly to Drych-La, Allikas is enigmatic--a favorite of mystics and hermits. Those who leave society behind and take up residence by a sacred or magical well often pray to Allikas for wisdom. But unlike Drych-La, Allikas is a direct patron of mortals. Drych-La's deep stillness may never be experienced by those who walk the surface of the earth; meanwhile, farmers and villagers depend on wells and spring water for their survival. Therefore, Allikas shares wisdom and ingenuity with those who drink of the waters of the deep, gently guiding civilization much like Sin.
Divine Classification


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