Containment Vaults Building / Landmark in Anacra | World Anvil

Containment Vaults

It's no secret that Ioth Academy has more magical treasures than almost anywhere else in the Four Kingdoms. It's no surprise that many of them are too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. What does remain secret, however, is the location and defenses of the mysterious Containment Vaults.   Said to house the most dangerous magical artifacts and imprisoned creatures in the academy, the Containment Vaults are warded by the strongest spells Ioth and the faculty can muster. While the exact location, layout, and details of the vaults are a closely guarded secret to a select few members of the faculty, it's widely believed that they are somewhere inside the spire. Not like the faculty offices, which emerge from the spire's top--no, inside the spire, somewhere in its core, with no accessible windows or doors.

Purpose / Function

Secure and conceal the most dangerous or valuable magical objects and creatures in the academy.


There are no known physical entrances to the Containment Vaults.


A few satyrs, at the very least.

Special Properties

Immune to divination and teleportation magic.




  • Hidden: Aside from "in the Spire," exact location is unknown to anyone but a few select faculty and wardens.
  • Sealed: There are no known doors or windows. The Vaults are entirely contained within the Spire.
  • Private Sanctum: No scrying, sound cannot pass through, appears dark and foggy inside (blocks darkvision), blocks divination, blocks teleportation, blocks planar travel.
Other defenses are unknown as the combination of these three defenses means there are no known records of the vaults' inner defenses. But there must be a way in and out, and someone must know what it is...
Room, Security, Vault
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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