Opening Scene Plot in An Old World | World Anvil
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Opening Scene

"How can I trust you? You're nothing but a wild beast," Ka spat. He knew he was being unreasonable but he didn't care. His whole world was crumbling around him and he was stranded, not being able to see a clear way out of this mess.   The dragon did nothing, continuing to stare at him with his huge red eyes. When Ka was convinced he was going to remain silent, he turned on his heel and stormed off. He'd gone no further than five paces before he felt that enormous presence in his mind again. Then the dragon spoke.   "Surely you can feel our bond? You can read my mind as I can read yours. You know I speak only the truth. You just need to accept it. This is your destiny Kassaran. And I am here to help you realise it."   The opening events which lead to Kassaran learning his fate as a dragon rider, bonded to the fire dragon Grateor. His home is attacked twice and people he's known all his life are killed.


Rising Action

Batrar is invaded by a group of Tasa's soldiers who wish to enslave the so called "Dragon of Ardenka" which has been known to protect the village when under threat. The dragon comes and the invaders are defeated. However, it is revealed that the dragon is bonded to someone who lives in the village. Ka's mother tells him that he is the one. At first he refuses to believe it. Ka's mother explains how she knows, revealing that Sestau, his father, was a dragon wider and that Ka bears the same mark.   Ka is angry and confused. He doesn't want this to be his fate, knowing that it will take him from his home, possibly forever. He goes to the dragon which is waiting just beyond the village at night. They make a connection and the dragon, Grateor, tries to calmly explain the reasons for his actions. Ka remains angry but calms down a little.   The following day, more of Tasa's soldiers arrive. They aim to trap the dragon and catch the rider hiding in the village. Grateor fights as many of them as he can but many get into the village where he cannot follow because of his size. The soldiers attack the villagers as some try to fight back. The villagers are eventually captured and their wrists are checked for the mark of Tahla.


Just before the soldiers get to Ka, Grateor breaks free and fights off the remaining soldiers, destroying a few houses in the process. Realising the danger his village would be in if he stayed behind, Ka agrees to go with Grateor. He bids farewell to his mother and paccks his few possesions. The pair fly to Maedrim where they will make a short stop before making it to Ynrae.

Falling Action

Ka and Grateor talk a little while in the air. Grateor answers all of Ka's questions which helps put his mind at ease.



  • Grateor aims to get Ka to cooperate and flee to Ynrae with him.
  • Ka wants to remain in Batrar with his mother and friends. he tries to resist his fate


Ka sees Tasa's soldiers killing the villagers and destroying their homes. He talks with Grateor who tries his best to convince him.


The village will be attacked again if Ka doesn't go now. The next time, survivour aren't likely. Ka and Grateor will be captured and probably enslaved.

Cruel Tricks

Ka finds out later that, despite escaping the village, they were attacked again and more lives were lost.




Grateor, Iwena, Lagmund


Tasa and his soldiers
Plot type
Parent Plot
Related Locations

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