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Irigan Drako

Drakú Purvór | Member Since 22 Feb, 2018
0 Followers 21812 Page views 2 Likes
Mainly just using worl ancil to dump ideas that i'll probably never do anything with. New content comes along every few months in bursts.   Ólekanú needs a lot of updating since my ideas have evolved a lot since I first started so there's probably a lot of contradictions or seemingly missing information. I don't know if I'll ever get around to it.   Everything else is mainly just smaller ideas that have come and gone.

Interests & Hobbies

Pencil drawing, digital art, writing, astronomy, archery

Favorite Movies

Interstellar, MCU, Avatar

Favorite TV Series

Merlin, Snowpiercer, His Dark Materials

Favorite Books

The Inheritance Cycle, Chaos Walking series, The Last Dragon Chronicles, The Belgarion and The Malloreon

Favorite Games

Assassin's Creed