Grateor Lightbringer Character in An Old World | World Anvil
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Grateor Lightbringer

King Grateor

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grateor was born to a slave woman in Gaenel. He was taken away from her at a young age and sold to various buyers. He eventually ended up in the north west of Gaenel at the age of fifteen where he spent the rest of his time as a slave. While there, he became friends with numerous other slaves as well as the son of the slave owner, Ótham.   Ótham had spent most of his childhood surrounded by slaves and could see that they should be entitled to the same rights as any Gaenan. Ótham, Grateor and others who could be trusted would meet and discuss plans for their escape. Their meetings became easier when Ótham's father died, leaving his land and his slaves to his only son. Ótham immediately set the slaves free but told them they would still be safest with him. All but a few remained and those who left were either killed or recaputred to be sold again.   As the years went by, other like-minded slave owners came to Ótham and joined their secret meetings. They came up with a plan that would start a revolution with the hope of freeing the Kíans. They amassed weapons and supplies, all Kíans were moved to Ótham's land and Grateor was appointed their leader as he was the closest with Ótham.   The revolution began when Grateor led a group of his people with Ótham to the nearest town of Hinton, warning them that unless their people were set free, there would be war. Angered by the former slave's audacity to come to their town and threaten them, the locals attacked. Grateor and his men fought them off, declaring war between Gaenel and the Kíans, using the old name for their people.   From there, Grateor targeted slave owners, setting his people free and ridding Gaenel of the slavers. Many battles were fought and many lives were lost including Ótham in a particularly bloody fight between the soldiers of Gaenel and the Kíans. What the former slaves lacked in training, they more than made up for with the ferocity with which they fought.   Grateor led his people south east towards Dagdír where more of there people were kept as serfs, not slaves. His plan was to unite all Kíans to free their people from oppression. Word travelled south to Dagdír of a revolution in Gaenel which started unrest amoung the Kíans. The Kíans in Dagdír were less violent than the ones in Gaenel but this was mostly due to the fact that they weren't physically oppressed in anyway.   Grateor eventually made it to Gaenel's capital city of Insnikóak. His people camped outside the city walls and demanded an audience with the king. Not wanting to make matters worse, the king didn't send his soldiers to attack as he knew that many of his people supported the Kíans as well as the Dagdarí also supporting their cause.   The king of Dagdír arrived and a meeting was held with the three leaders to discuss a peace treaty. Grateor demanded that all Kían people be set free in both Dagdír and Gaenel and that they would be allowed to leave Órlekanú to build their own kingdom. After much deliberation over many days, the three leaders came to an agreement and all Kíans were set free.   Grateor led his people to the north coast of Dagdír where the Dagdarí king has given his people a fleet of ships do they could sail for new lands. It was rumoured that a large island lay east of the mainland, though none had ever found it.   The Kíans made it to the new land which they called Kíathandí. They built small towns and villages in the north, spreading south over the years. Their largest town, Hefra, grew into a city. The people named Grateor as the first King of Kíathandí.   He ruled for many years until his death. He married and had two children, the eldest he named Ótham after his dear friend.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He united and set free the Kían people from slavery. He founded the kingdom of Kíathandí.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First King of Kíathandí, Lightbringer and Freer of Souls
448 OE 501 OE 53 years old
Dark maroon
Shoulder length, black with streaks of grey
Aligned Organization

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