Gryphonheart Blade Item in Amanor | World Anvil

Gryphonheart Blade

The Gryphonheart Blade is a legendary bastard sword and the heirloom of House Griffin.   The sword is mystically linked to the bloodline of House Griffin -- specifically the phenomenon known as the Gryphonblood. The Gryphonblood is a fantastical heritage passed down through the ages that grants its bearers seemingly divine gifts of might and magic. This power is channelled through the Gryphonheart Blade.   It is said that the Gryphonblood leap-frogs through the family tree of the house and that only the fabled Gryphonheart Blade can announce its bearers. The blade is known to flare with potent magic at the touch of a worthy bearer, with whom it then forms a profound bond; no other soul may harness the power of the sword for as long as the rightful bearer is alive. Thus the blade only passes on after the death of its previous holder, and it follows that there is ever only one known heir of the Gryphonblood alive at any one time. Such persons are granted the quasi-official title Blood of the Gryphon.  

Gryphonheart Blade

Weapon (Longsword). Heavy, Versatile (1d10). Legendary

Enchanted. You gain a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Material bonuses. This weapon is forged from meteorite eternium. You gain an additional +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
Greater Keen. The critical range of this weapon is 1 wider than normal, e.g. a critical range of 20 becomes 19-20 while a critical range of 19-20 becomes 18-20.
Withering Flames. This weapon deals an extra 1d6+1 necrotic damage.
Eradicating Flames. This weapon deals an extra 1d6+1 force damage.
Destroy Evil. This weapon deals double damage to evil creatures and evil items.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 1d8+10 / 1d10+10 Slashing Melee (Longsword). Heavy, Versatile (1d10).

Cost: Priceless Weight: 3 lb

Legendary artifact, weapon (longsword)  
Other names
Current Holder
Owning Organization
3 lb / 1,5 kg
Click to reveal a well-kept secret!
The Gryphonheart Blade is a vessel that holds within it the very souls of each of its former wielders. This makes the sword an unholy abomination, for it denies the entry of these souls into the Afterlife as ordained by the Empyreal Gods.   The purpose of this secret is made known to the heirs of the Gryphonblood by the sword itself -- or rather, by the collective consciousness of the dozens of souls contained within. Across the years all wielders of the sword have accepted this eternal price they must pay and managed to keep their dark secret.   The wielder of the Gryphonheart Blade is able to communicate with individuals souls within the blade -- their ancestors -- to a very limited extent.
  Click to reveal a godly secret!
The Gryphonheart Blade was created by the goddess Alar in order to permanently destroy the unholy artifact known as the Necronomicon. The Necronomicon is a book of unholy lore that can only be destroyed by a creature with a good soul -- a soul which then vanishes to an unknown fate. Worse still, the book always returns to the world after 98 years -- but with one less page.   In times long past Alar was able to ascertain that the Necronomicon could be permanently destroyed by sacrificing multiple good-aligned souls to destroy the book at the same time. The purpose of the Gryphonheart Blade is to collect one of such souls for every page remaining in the book (circa 107 pages) and then to guide the blade's final user to seek out the Necronomicon so that the blade can be used to pierce the artifact and remove it from the world once and for all.


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